Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 146 The sniper in the dark! Mutation

The appearance of the Super Saiyan God also attracted the attention of the gods.

That Saiyan actually transformed into a god. Although he can only be regarded as a demi-god, this kind of power is still very impressive! the Kaioshin of the first universe said calmly.

I didn't expect that a mortal could cultivate into a god. It's really a wonder! The God of Destruction also said in a somewhat complicated way.

No matter what, in Universe 7, although the human level is ranked last, their strength cannot be underestimated! Every player has something extraordinary, especially these Saiyans! Therefore, we must solve it Universe 7, let’s get rid of these Saiyans for the first time!” There was a hint of hidden sparkle in the eyes of the Kaioshin of Universe 11.

Leave this matter to Jiren. No matter how strong they are, no one can be Jiren's opponent! The Clown God of Destruction said calmly. He has great confidence in this!

At this time, other space players also had fierce confrontations!

Da da da!

On the other side, Goku was having a high-speed collision with Caulifla. Both of them were in the Super Saiyan 2 stage at this time. Before that, Goku taught Caulifla to successfully perform the Super Saiyan 2 stage. transformation, so after the other party successfully transformed, he began to spar with Wukong. Of course, Wukong was naturally very happy to spar with such a powerful opponent!

The two are inseparable from each other. They cherish each other's opponents, and they don't let go at all during the fight. The characteristic of Saiyans is that they are warlike, and their power will become stronger and stronger as they fight!

However, if you take a closer look, it is obvious that Wukong is suppressing Caulifla. The latter is not proficient in his own power. Of course, this is not a problem. Due to Wukong's character, fortunately he did not attack Caulifla. Do something evil!

On the other side, Kaier looked at the two people who were fighting so fiercely that they almost forgot about themselves, with a hint of envy and complexity in his eyes.

Sister, she must be very excited. She can meet such a powerful opponent. If she can also transform, she can help. She is so useless!

Thinking of this, Kaier's eyes suddenly showed a hint of disappointment and guilt.

She only drags her sister down...


With a scream, a player was thrown off the ring!

The person who took action was No. 17.

No. 17 had an expressionless face, but he was calm and calm when facing his opponents. In his opinion, most of the players here were a little too wet and could not keep him entertained at all.

As an android, he has unlimited physical strength and energy, so in battle, he can use his hands and feet without any scruples. As long as he does not reach his limit, his power will continue to flow!

call out!

Suddenly, a ray of light shot out and shot directly behind No. 17!

When the latter notices it, they have to react.

Uh-huh! bump!

At this moment, another powerful force shot out, directly neutralizing the attack!

No. 17 was stunned for a moment, then looked at the person who made the move: Sister?

The person who came was No. 18. He looked at No. 17 and said with an arc: What? Are you in a trance?

No. 17 smiled lightly: If it weren't for you, I would have successfully avoided it!

Who knows? No. 18 smiled faintly.

How dare you not take me seriously! came an angry voice.

The siblings followed the sound and saw a wild boar in a suit staring angrily at them.

A talking pig? No. 18 raised an eyebrow.

Idiot! How dare you insult this doctor! The wild boar shouted coldly, his voice filled with anger.

Really, although I like animals, when I see you, I feel a little sick! No. 17 said lightly, but the words were very insulting.

Asshole! You... The wild boar was about to speak, but suddenly No. 17 and No. 18 rushed up at the same time!

the other side.

Luya and Hit were still confronting each other. They looked at each other with calm eyes, but they were extremely wise!

But at this moment, Luya moved. He stepped on his feet and rushed out the next moment. In an instant, his figure suddenly disappeared!

Hit snorted coldly, and then punched in one direction! The same punch in the air is powerful!


In the direction of the punch, Luya's figure flashed, but he perfectly dodged Hit's attack. At the same time, Luya's figure rushed directly towards Hit!

Not to be outdone, Hitt also disappeared with a movement of his body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were bursts of collisions, and the speed of the two reached the extreme, and their trajectory could not be seen clearly!

Da da da!

call out! call out! call out!

The figures of Luya and Hit kept flashing, and at the same time their eyes touched each other, with a hint of excitement in their eyes!

Luya condensed the energy bomb in his hand and fired it directly!

Hit directly activated the flash, and in an instant his figure flashed past, avoiding the attack of the lure, and at the same time he attacked towards the lure!

Luya grinned, not afraid at all, his power was constantly stimulated, and he also used flash time to the extreme! At the same time, he started the battle with the strongest talent, and for a while, the slightest difference disappeared at this moment.

Luya not only became stronger and stronger during the battle, but he also learned from the opponent's flash time when using flash time. Although the cost of such distraction was that he suffered several attacks from Hit, he did not suffer at all. If you retreat, you will become braver as you fight!

At the same time, Hit also discovered that the opponent's aura was getting stronger and stronger, and there was a faint tendency to break through the limit. This made him a little complicated, but he did not dare to be careless, and his strength was gradually increasing!

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, a powerful collision sounded, and the next second, Hit and Luya both retreated!

At this time, Luya had some scratches on his body, but his divine aura was getting stronger and stronger!

Your progress is very obvious! Hit looked at Luya and said calmly.

Luya smiled slightly: This is normal operation, just get used to it!

Then come again! Hit said lightly. Then, he suddenly stepped out. Suddenly, his figure turned into afterimages. At the same time, his body had appeared on the road. In front of Ya, he punched him hard!

Luya subconsciously crossed his hands in front of himself.


The next second, he was knocked back!

As Luya retreated, an alarm bell suddenly sounded in his heart. The next moment, he twisted his body violently and threw himself to the side.

call out!

I saw a thin hole appearing where he originally was!

Luya's face darkened: Someone is attacking! Who is it?!

call out! call out! call out!

At the same time, several more beams of light were fired, and the target was Luya!

Luya's expression changed, and he quickly avoided it, looking around cautiously.

Hit also frowned and looked around, with a cold look in his eyes.

Is it Frieza or Frost? Luya was confused. In his impression, only Frieza and Frost had the ability to shoot light.

This is a battle between us. I'm warning you, don't take action! Hit suddenly shouted.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and the next second, a laser shot directly towards Hit!

The latter's face suddenly darkened, and then his eyes narrowed, and the laser froze immediately! Then dissipated.

Not from our universe! Luya glanced around, a little confused: Sniper?

What? Hit's face turned cold.

We can't feel the opponent's energy. They should be far away from us! Luya said helplessly. If the opponent was around him, he would kill him in minutes, but the opponent was also cunning and attacked from a distance!

Hit was also a little wary, and neither of them took action again.

The strange thing is that as the two of them stopped taking action, the person hiding in the dark did not attack again!

Cunning guy!

Luya thought for a while, then looked at Hit: Hey, let's leave the battle between us later!

Hit glanced at Luya and then nodded: I have no objection.

Luya nodded and immediately returned to normal.

And at this moment, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly filled the entire arena! Accompanied by a roar like a beast!

The expressions of Luya and Hit both changed!

Saiyan power!

It's the power of Kel!

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