Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 132 Wukong returns! Discuss! Super Four VS Super League Red

Idiot! Do you have no brains? You actually consumed so much power for me to absorb! Super No. 17 said sarcastically to him while absorbing the energy bombs fired by Luya.

Luya turned a deaf ear, and after firing several energy bombs, he suddenly exploded: Kaiou Fist!!


At this moment, the power of Luya increased directly!

What?! How could... Super No. 17 had a bad premonition, but the power in his body was extremely abundant now, and it was impossible to digest it in a short time!

Your strongest point is that you can absorb the power of others! But the same is your weakness! When you absorb powerful power, you will not be able to digest it too quickly! And when you digest energy, you can't move! And this , is also a fatal weakness! Because for a master, even just a few seconds can turn the tide of the battle! Lu Ya said lightly, and while speaking, he had already condensed the super powerful Turtle School Qigong!

Sun Wukong can almost explode the opponent with ten times the turtle Qigong, so the power of his lure can also be better than Wukong's ten times turtle Qigong!


The Kaio Fist combined with the Kame style Qigong displayed by Super Saiyan Red, even Zamasu's immortal body cannot stop him! How could Super No. 17 be blocked?


Lu Ya pushed forward fiercely, and in an instant, a terrifying force spurted out! Directly bombard Super No. 17!

Impossible!! Damn it!! Super No. 17 roared, and in an instant, his body was directly washed away by Turtle Style Qigong!

Super 17 can only forcibly absorb the power of Turtle School Qigong, because if it is not absorbed, this energy will be enough to destroy him!

But I regretted it as soon as I absorbed Super No. 17, because the Turtle Style Qigong played by my opponent was so powerful that people were afraid of it!


Super No. 17's body expanded more and more, and the next moment, his body was like a ball! The clothes were torn apart!

Finally, with a roaring scream, Super No. 17's body exploded! In an instant, an area of ​​several miles around was directly affected! Several islands were completely destroyed! Even Vegeta and others in the city felt a powerful force coming, and they used their energy to form a huge protective shield!

How could it be! How could such a thing happen? Vegeta looked shocked, unable to believe what was happening over there?

I don't know how long it took for the battlefield to gradually return to calm, but a cloud of white mist filled the battlefield, making it difficult for the outside world to see what was going on inside.

Luya was suspended in the sky, removed the Kaio Fist, and looked at the empty sea below.

The explosion of Super 17 directly destroyed the surrounding areas!

【drop! Congratulations to the host for defeating Super No. 17! Mission completion 4/5! Please keep up the good work, host! 】

Luya breathed a sigh of relief and left immediately.

Wait! Suddenly, a voice called him.

When Luya heard this voice, he was stunned for a moment, and then turned around to look.

He saw Wukong, who looked like a child, floating opposite him, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

What's the matter? Luya asked pretending to be calm.

Um...Super No. 17 was defeated by you, right? Goku asked with a grin.

Luya nodded: It was indeed me.

It's really amazing! How did you do it? And you are also a Saiyan, right? You have a tail like me! Goku showed a hint of doubt.

Yes, I am indeed a Saiyan! Luya smiled.

Great! Well, you have a tail and defeated Super Saiyan 17. Could it be that you can also transform into Super Saiyan Four? Goku suddenly said excitedly.

The corner of Luya's mouth twitched slightly: Sorry, I can't change.

He wants to change too! But the strength does not allow it!

Is that so? Then how did you defeat Super No. 17? Wukong was confused.

He just arrived and saw the place in a mess, and this young man was the only one here, which surprised him very much.

How did you defeat...

Luya pondered for a moment, then suddenly exploded and transformed directly into Super Saiyan Red!

That's how you defeat it!

Eh? What is this? A new form? Wukong was surprised when he saw Super Saiyan red, and he approached Lu Ya and touched here and there.

Luya said proudly: Of course, this is very powerful, no worse than your Super Saiyan Four!

Really? Then can you have a fight with me? Wukong suddenly asked.

Lu Ya was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was the character of the other party.

Just as he was about to speak, Goku suddenly shouted loudly and instantly increased his power to the extreme. Then, he transformed directly into Super Saiyan IV! The whole body exudes an aura of terror!

Luya's eyes narrowed, and he was very shocked by Wukong's sudden transformation, because the opponent's power was actually very powerful!

Super Saiyan 4, is it so powerful?

This is Dad's anger! He's back! On the other side, Gohan and others looked in that direction with surprise on their faces.

This is the power of Super Saiyan Four. Is it possible that Super Saiyan 17 is still alive? Vegeta frowned and asked in confusion.

In the air, Goku looked at Luya with a smile: How about it? This is the power of Super Saiyan Four!

Yes, it's really awesome! Luya couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Speaking of which, I can't feel your energy. Your form is a bit special! Wukong asked curiously.

Luya said: I realized this by accident, and others cannot feel its energy.

I see, forget about that, come and have a fight with me! Wukong invited: I also want to give it a try, how powerful it is to be able to defeat such a strong Super No. 17!

Luya also aroused a hint of fighting spirit, and then nodded: It just so happens that I also want to see the power of Super Saiyan Four!

Hehe! Wukong smiled, then stepped back a little and took a pose.

Luya's explosion was in vain, and the next moment, he disappeared.

Wukong's pupils shrank, and then he raised his hand to block.



Luya flashed directly in front of Wukong and knocked him down with one punch. At the same time, Luya fired countless air bombs and threw them down immediately, exploding at Wukong!

Boom boom boom!

Under a series of explosions, Wukong's howl came from inside.

Luya stopped and looked calmly at the smoke that gradually dissipated.

The smoke dissipated and Wukong's figure was revealed, but nothing happened to him. He lowered his hands protecting his face and looked at Luya: Okay, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!

Luya looked at Wukong: Are you testing?

He knew that Wukong must be testing, because this was his opponent's habitual problem, and he would never be able to exert any force once he made a move.

Goku chuckled and then said: I just want to see your power before I decide whether to use my full strength, because Super Saiyan IV is too powerful and I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand it!

Luya smiled: You are very confident!

Wukong took a stance: It's my turn next!

After saying that, he rushed forward directly!

Luya didn't underestimate the opponent at all, and rushed directly towards the opponent.

Immediately, the two of them were fighting fiercely together. The two were at the same speed, and the high-intensity collision continued from bottom to top!


The two of them punched each other, then looked at each other, separated, and started to take stances at the same time!

Turtle style Qigong!

The two faced each other directly, and a huge explosion swept away, filling the air with smoke!

Do you also know Turtle Style Qigong? Wukong looked at Lu Ya in shock.

Luya smiled and said: Yes!

It's interesting! Wukong laughed, and then he exploded with energy. In an instant, a powerful energy burst out, and Wukong's power increased to a new level again!

Not all efforts have been made yet!

Luya was slightly silent. He knew that the other party was not using his full strength. After all, it was just a discussion. Of course, his Luya was not using his full strength either! Because there is no need!

Come again! Wukong directly burst out with a terrifying force, once again condensing the Turtle School's Qigong.

Not to be outdone, Luya also gathered strength.


The two of them attacked at the same time, and two huge waves of light collided, causing a terrifying explosion!

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