Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 130 Fierce battle! Lure VS Super No. 17

Upon hearing this voice, Dr. Groh and Dr. Miao were shocked and quickly turned to look above them.

At some point, Luya was suspended in the air and stretched out his palm towards them.

Impossible! When did you do it? Dr. Gero said in shock.

impossible! If someone has martial arts skills, they should not be able to escape their detection. Why can this guy stay behind them quietly for so long?

Go to hell and ask the Lord of Hell! Luya grinned, then gathered strength in his hand and blasted towards the two of them.

Ah no! Super No. 17! Save us! Dr. Groh and Dr. Miao were both shocked, with extremely frightened faces.

Upon hearing this, Super No. 17 immediately rushed towards Dr. Gro and the others!

Where to go?! Your opponent is here!! Suddenly, Vegeta suddenly appeared in front of Super No. 17, blocking his way, and drank it, gathering a powerful force in vain.

Ultimate Flash!!!

With a roar, Vegeta directly fired terrifying energy light waves!

With a terrible explosion, Super No. 17 was directly blocked!

At the same time, there was a burst of explosion, and Dr. Gero and Dr. Miao were wiped out in a burst of unwilling shouting! No scum is left!

One hit kill!

On the other side, in the smoke, Super No. 17 suddenly rushed out intact. In an instant, he appeared in front of Vegeta, so fast that even Vegeta could not react!

What?! Vegeta was shocked and wanted to resist, but he was much slower than his opponent!


In an instant, Vegeta was hit hard in the stomach, almost piercing his stomach!

Ugh...cough... Vegeta's eyes widened and he spat out a mouthful of foam. He instantly lost his ability to transform and fell to the ground.


Uncle Vegeta!

When Gohan and others saw this, they rushed over in a hurry.

But suddenly Super No. 17 fired countless energy bombs, blasting them away!

After doing all this, Super No. 17 looked at Luya: Did you kill them?

Luya grinned: I'll kill you, two flies, don't you think it's an eyesore?

Hearing this, Super No. 17 suddenly smiled: Did you know that they hold controllers that can destroy me? If you kill them, do you know the consequences?

I know! Luya nodded and said calmly.

You know? Now it was Super No. 17's turn to be surprised: Why? Without a controller, no one can stop me! Do you also know this?

Luya smiled and then said: Don't misunderstand, destroying the controller does not mean that you are invincible! There are many people who have defeated you. Sorry, I am one of them!

Really? Have you seen these guys? They think they are the strongest people in the entire universe, and now they are lying at my feet? Super No. 17 sneered.

But... Vegeta looked ugly, but at this time he couldn't stand up, he was seriously injured and uncomfortable.

Luya landed in front of Super No. 17 and smiled: How strong are you?

Super No. 17 smiled: Want to know? I'll let you know!

Change a place! Luya suddenly suggested, and then he flew up and left towards the distance, regardless of whether his opponent wanted it or not.

Super No. 17 glanced at the soldiers in the field, and then grinned. There was no harm in dealing with the group of ants when he came back!

Luya led Super 17 to a huge island and just stopped.

Bring me to such a far place, if you can't satisfy me, then I will be very unhappy! Super No. 17 said lightly.

Then come on! Luya grinned, and then suddenly exploded. A powerful force burst out in an instant, and he transformed into a Super Saiyan!

Seeing this scene, Super No. 17 was a little surprised: What? Are you a Saiyan too?

Lu Ya smiled evilly and said, Of course!

It's interesting. It's more powerful than Vegeta. Come on! Let me see. Super No. 17 raised his fingers towards Luya.

Hey! Luya smiled, then stamped his feet fiercely, and rushed out like an arrow from the string.


Luya's fist looks unpleasant, but it is flawless and full of power!

Super No. 17 frowned, then dodged.


The Luya's movements began to become faster, attacking Super No. 17 with a rhythm, but the latter dodged calmly...


Suddenly, Luya punched out quickly, and immediately punched Super No. 17 hard in the stomach! The opponent was directly punched away! Crash directly into a mountain!

Luya looked into the distance, and then continued to hit the gas bombs. After a series of bombings, the entire mountain collapsed!

But the next moment, the figure of Super No. 17 came out. He was not injured, his face was calm, and he looked at Luya: Is this the only strength you have?

Luya seemed to have guessed this ending, and there was no surprise: Your body is indeed very resistant to beatings!

As a friendly reminder, I can absorb energy. If you want to die quickly, just shoot at me! Super No. 17 said with a faint smile.

You don't need to remind me! Luya grinned, then exploded and transformed into the second level of Super Saiyan again!


This time, Luya directly activated the flash, and the space suddenly stopped!

Super No. 17's movements were also still, but his consciousness was still there: What's going on?


Luya had already arrived in front of Super No. 17 and punched hard. The power of this punch was heavier than the previous punch!

Ugh! Super No. 17 had no choice but to cry out in pain.

Then Luya exerted a burst of force, directly knocking the opponent away!

The next moment, Luya used teleportation to appear behind Super No. 17 and kicked him out! Immediately knock it away!

However, Luya did not give up the opportunity, and used teleportation again in the next moment, beating Super No. 17 back and forth!

In the end, Luya punched it hard and drove it directly into the ground!

The ground cracked open, and the body of Super No. 17 was embedded in the ground. It was very tragic!

But Super No. 17 didn't feel much about such a brutal attack. He even smiled, as if the Luya's attack just tickled him!

Luya frowned. He knew that the opponent was an artificial man and could withstand beatings better than ordinary enemies, but it was obvious that the opponent was not using any force at all!

Super No. 17 sat up and looked at Luya: Being able to manipulate time and teleport, your power should be above that of Sun Wukong!

Luya shook his head: Correction, my power surpasses everyone else!

Haha, what a shameless statement! Super No. 17 stood up and then laughed: I have seen through your moves!

I see, you were testing me just now! Luya nodded, no surprise.

Although your speed is fast, your strength is not enough. You can't hurt me at all. Compared with Vegeta and the others, you are just a slightly bigger grasshopper! Super No. 17 sneered.

Really? I want to see your face after being defeated by a grasshopper! After Luya finished speaking, he instantly used teleportation and disappeared.

But this time Super No. 17 was on guard, and immediately fired an energy bomb in one place!

The next moment, Luya's figure appeared, his face condensed, and he directly fired an energy bomb to cancel it!


Under the huge explosion, Luya disappeared again!


But Super No. 17 seemed to be able to predict the lure's movements and kicked him directly to the side!



Luya quickly blocked it with his hands, but was still knocked away!

However, Super No. 17 appeared in front of Luya in the next second, grabbed Luya's face directly, and slid out while wiping the ground!

Then Super No. 17 gave a low shout and violently threw the lure away!

The force was so strong that the lure crashed through several mountains and finally fell into the sea!

Super 17 appeared above the sea, looking down with a stern expression.

Luya obviously underestimated him. You must know that the original Sun Wukong transformed into Super Four and was defeated by him. Although it was due to Wukong's rogue nature, the strength of Super No. 17 is still undoubted!

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, there was a huge sensation, and then, a red light rose into the sky, and a water wave like a hemisphere appeared in the water. The next second, a figure broke out of the water, standing on the top of the water wave, dressed in red. Power surrounds the body, giving it a divine flavor!

Super Saiyan God! Come on stage!

PS: Please give me a reward! ! !

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