Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 128 The strongest artificial human! The birth of Super No. 17

call out!


In the city, a stream of light flashed, and a powerful explosion broke out in an instant. In an instant, the entire building collapsed!


People were running for fear of being killed by a shell.

Jie Jie Jie! The feeling of destruction is good! Hahaha, I didn't expect to be resurrected, let's have a big fight!! A strange-looking alien stood on the top of a tall building and grinned, with his palms pointing downwards. Release the energy bomb and immediately trigger a series of explosions!

Ah!! Under an explosion, countless rubbles and glass fragments fell, and below, a beautiful girl happened to fall, looking helplessly and desperately at the falling things.

It’s over! She will not accept this way of death because she will be penetrated by thousands of broken stones and glass until she dies!

Just when the girl was about to be smashed to death, a light wave flew directly and instantly smashed the falling objects into pieces.

At the same time, a figure appeared in front of the girl, picked her up, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Oh? Someone dares to save people under the eyes of the uncle! Are you impatient? The alien's face turned cold, and then he straightened up and followed directly.

The one who came to the rescue was naturally Luya. He carried the girl to a safe area and put her down.

Thank...thank you! The girl looked at Luya gratefully.

Lu Ya smiled faintly and then said: Run quickly, it's too messy here.

Well! Thank you for your life-saving grace! The girl nodded quickly, then hesitated, and suddenly came up and kissed Luya on the face.

After that, the girl ran away with a shy look.

Compared to the grace of saving her life, a kiss seemed insignificant to her. If it hadn't been for this young man who suddenly appeared, she might have died.

It was obviously the first time for Luya who was kissed to have such close contact with a girl. He was completely stunned, but after reacting, he quickly regained his composure.

call out!

At this time, a powerful energy bomb attacked directly towards the girl!

Luya's face turned cold, and he appeared in front of the attack in an instant, directly crushing the power!

What? It's interesting, you're quite capable! A figure appeared in the field and looked at Luya with a sneer.

Lu Ya glanced at him, and then said calmly: Taking action against an ordinary person, you are really embarrassed!

Noticing that the girl had gone away, Lu Ya had no scruples in his heart, and then he disappeared without saying a word!

What?! The alien was immediately confused! So fast!



The next second, a fist suddenly punched out of the alien's chest, and Luya appeared behind him without knowing when.

No...impossible... The alien's eyes widened in disbelief, and then he fell softly.

Lu Ya sneered and said: The clown, you are so arrogant without any strength, you deserve a beating!

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the commotion in the city suddenly became lively, and it seemed that someone came forward to stop it.

Luya thought for a moment and realized that it was the Z warriors who had taken action to stop the enemies resurrected from hell.

Now Luya has an idea. Since he can't find Super No. 17, he will follow Vegeta and the others. Anyway, they will also face Super No. 17 by then!

Thinking of this, Luya moved, disappeared directly, and joined the lineup to deal with these soldiers.


Although these enemies are said to be enemies of Earth Z warriors in various periods, at this time, they are no match for Earth Z warriors at all, so their strength is not that strong and they are easily eliminated by Luya. A big wave.

But even though they are not very powerful, their numbers are terrifying! Especially Frieza's Legion, their numbers are like locusts passing through the border!

Boom boom boom!

After a few hours of fighting, Luya defeated countless enemies!

But this is not a solution after all. After all, there are too many resurrected enemies, and the source must be eliminated.

I don't know how long it took, but a powerful aura came from a distance. For a moment, all the martial arts masters looked in that direction.

There, it seemed as if some powerful existence was born!

This power! So powerful! Trunks and Goten both stopped and looked over.

At this time, the two of them were already young men, and their appearance had changed significantly.

Hey! Trunks! Goten, go there and have a look! Vegeta appeared at this time and greeted them.

Oh, here we come! Let's go Goten! Trunks responded quickly.

Soon, several people rushed towards the direction of the terrifying energy.

Sensing Vegeta's power, Gohan and Uub were aware of it in a corner of the city. They thought about it and followed.



With a muffled sound, one of Frieza's soldiers suddenly fell to the ground, and the person who knocked him down was a little girl!

Xiao Fang! Hide quickly! Don't hurt yourself! On the other side, a middle-aged man shouted worriedly, and the fluffy discovery was quite happy.

How can this be done, Grandpa! I want to fight the enemy! Protect this city! Xiaofang said firmly.

The girl is Xiaofang. At this time, she has grown up and become much stronger.

Suddenly, Xiaofang suddenly noticed something strange: Huh? It's dad and the others who are angry, they all went in the same direction!

What? What's going on? Satan asked in confusion.

No matter, let's go too! Xiaofang said calmly, and after saying that, she used the Wu Kong Technique and flew directly.

Hey! Wait for me, Xiaofang! Grandpa can't fly! Satan said quickly.

It's so troublesome! Xiaofang complained angrily, and could only grab her grandfather and fly out.

On a high-rise building, Lu Ya happened to see this scene, and then smiled: You have grown up!

The story line of this parallel time and space is different from Dragon Ball Super Time and Space, so the lure is a bit complicated. Dragon Ball GT should be the correct path for Saiyan evolution. Dragon Ball Super is the path of God, but I don’t know that there are four Super Saiyans in this time and space. How powerful is it?

Thinking of this, Luya glanced at the distance, then flew up and followed.


At the same time, in a corner of the city, a figure was suspended in the air, exuding a strong aura.

Not far away, on the roof of the building, stood two old men. Their structure was a bit strange. At first glance, they looked like robots.

Dr. Gro! Dr. Miao!

These two old men are the culprits of this incident!

And the figure in the sky is none other than No. 17!

wrong! It should be a fusion of two No. 17s! Super No. 17!

Hahaha! In the end, we succeeded! This world will be ruled by us! Dr. Gero laughed, his face full of pride and excitement.

After so many years of research, we finally created the ultimate artificial human, the strongest one that can be combined, Super No. 17! But it took a lot of effort! Dr. Miao grinned, also a little excited.

Then let's deal with the bugs that are getting in the way! Dr. Groh's eyes flashed, and then he looked at several figures flying not far away.

We haven't seen each other for many years! Hahahahaha!

In the air, Super No. 17 tilted his neck, a little curious about his body at this time. Although he was now fit, it was his first time after all, and his body movements were a bit unfamiliar.

At this time, Vegeta and others finally arrived.

How is that possible?! Number 17? Dr. Gero?! It's you! Vegeta and Gohan were shocked when they saw each other.

Vegeta! Son Gohan! We meet again! I didn't expect that your appearance is no longer the same! What a pity! Dr. Gero looked at Vegeta jokingly and said mockingly.

Hmph! What are you doing again? Vegeta said coldly, but his attention was more focused on Super No. 17.

This guy gives him a very dangerous feeling!

How can it be? After so many years, my strength has far exceeded what it was back then. On the 17th, I couldn't even defeat Shahru. Why do I have such a ridiculous feeling!

You guys came just in time! This is Super No. 17! Let him come and meet you! No, I should use you to try the power of my most proud work... Super No. 17! Dr. Gero laughed, and then faced Super No. 17 said: Super No. 17, deal with them!

The latter glanced at the button in Dr. Gero's hand, then smiled strangely, and then looked at Vegeta and the others: You guys, come on together!

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