Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 126 Extra rewards! Regeneration ability

At the same time, a piece of powder suddenly fell from a cave-like place.

After a long time, the dough ball suddenly started to squirm, and then, the dough ball suddenly and gradually melted, and golden rays of light emitted from within.

After the dough completely melted, Luya's figure appeared in the field.

After taking a look at the scene around him, Luya smiled slightly: It seems that he got in smoothly.

That's right! The reason why he was absorbed by Buu just now was all a play directed and performed by Luya, and he was deliberately absorbed by Buu. At the critical moment, he converted the condensed energy bomb into defense, but this time he was not refined by him! And his purpose is to enter Buu's body and rescue Trunks.

Coincidentally, as soon as he came in, he saw Gotenks wrapped in a ball like a chrysalis, and Fat Buu was also beside him.

Buu's body is a world of its own. It seems that it needs to be destroyed with more powerful force. Luya looked around, then looked in the direction of Gotenks, and then stretched out his hand to fire several energy bombs.

call out! call out! call out!

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, several rays of red light shot out and collided directly with the Luya's power, instantly neutralizing the Luya's attack.

Huh? Luya was stunned for a moment, then looked aside.

I saw a place of flesh and blood suddenly squirming, and then Buu's figure appeared.

As expected, you are so cunning! Buu looked at Luya with a bloodthirsty smile.

Luya smiled slightly: The reaction is not slow, but it is already too late!

Really? Then give it a try! This is my body. Anyone who comes in will have only one result! Buu laughed crazily.

Really? Luya smiled, and then exploded, transforming into a Super Saiyan, and his aura surged!

Buu grinned, and then suddenly, the pink flesh around the Lua suddenly started to squirm, and then they squirmed like snakes, biting towards the Lua!

Luya kept dodging, and then rushed towards Buu!

Hey! Buu was not afraid at all, but showed a joking expression.

He allowed Luya to punch him, but even though Luya's power was strong, it was relieved by Buu's body that stretched and contracted at will. At the same time, the flesh on Buu's belly healed directly, and at the same time it wrapped Luya's body. fist.

What? Luya was surprised, and realized that attacks from all directions were already coming towards him!

With nowhere to escape, Luya was directly bombarded and flew out immediately.

Standing up again, Luya narrowed his eyes slightly: It's interesting.

This guy is much stronger here than outside.

Hehe! No need to struggle, just accompany them and become part of me! Buu said mockingly.

This is impossible! Lu Ya smiled faintly: It's just to test you, don't take it seriously!

After saying that, his figure disappeared directly.

Buu snorted coldly, and then he suddenly summoned the power in his body to directly block the surrounding space, defending and attacking without blind spots, preventing Luya from succeeding!

But all this was in vain in front of Shenshi. Luya appeared directly in front of Gotenks. He didn't care about Buu, because it was difficult to kill Buu here. He had to save people first, and then Weaken the opponent's strength so that he can deliver a fatal blow!

call out! call out!

Two air bombs were fired, directly cutting off the pink flesh hanging on Gotenks and Fat Buu. The two fell down, but at this time they had lost consciousness.


Suddenly, Buu suddenly roared, and Luya's behavior undoubtedly made him angry! Without the power of Gotenks and Fat Buu, his power would be greatly weakened!

As Luya rescued the two men, Buu's power suddenly weakened, and the condensed clone could no longer be maintained and melted directly.

Go out now and see who is more powerful! Luya smiled slightly, then opened his stance and suddenly exploded!

Super Saiyan Level 2!

After reaching Super Saiyan 2, his power continues to skyrocket!


Suddenly, Luya started to drink violently, and his power began to expand infinitely! A powerful force directly destroys everything around it! In other words, it is destroying Buu's body!

Under this power, Buu's face outside suddenly changed drastically, and his body was gradually bulging, as if he was about to explode in the next moment!

Impossible! Buu roared with eyes splitting.

Seeing this abnormality, Piccolo was also stunned. He originally wanted to leave, but he immediately observed Buu's situation.

Buu's body was still swelling, as if something terrifying had happened inside.

Luya is still exploding in Buu's body, and his hair is gradually growing out, heading towards Super Saiyan III!

Finally, Luya's power directly surpassed the second stage of Super Saiyan, and the majestic power poured out, directly breaking through the defenses built by Buu!

Super Saiyan Level 3!


Luya shouted loudly, and his strength directly increased to a new level!

Outside, Buu's eyes suddenly widened, and even his head began to swell, and his entire body was filled with the power of Luya!

Finally, Buu couldn't bear it anymore, and a stream of white air came out from his head, and then he spat out!

call out!

Suddenly several objects came out of Buu's mouth and fell to the ground.

Piccolo was overjoyed when he saw this scene, because it was Gotenks and Fat Buu who vomited out!

Of course, Luya also came out. He was suspended in the air and looked at Buu. Then he grinned and fired an energy bomb, instantly knocking down the degraded Buu!

That's...Super Saiyan Level 3! He can also change?! Piccolo finally knew why Buu suddenly felt uncomfortable. It turned out that this guy further increased his strength and pushed Buu beyond his endurance.

At this time, Luya's body strength surged, surrounded by lightning arcs, and his long golden hair reached his waist. He looked similar to Sun Wukong's Super Three.

It's funny how you pushed me to this point, but it's all over! Luya grinned, and then he landed on the ground, suddenly began to gather energy, and then, his hands gathered at his waist!



The terrifying power is directly condensed!

Eat my full Turtle Style Qigong!! Luya shouted angrily, roared immediately, and directly fired the super powerful Turtle Style Qigong!


The terrifying power shot out directly, like a meteor impact! !

Buu's face changed drastically, showing a look of fear, and he quickly gathered a huge energy ball and pushed it out!

However, his power has weakened and returned to its most primitive state. Although the power is still very terrifying, it is no match for the lure in the Super Three state!

Gradually, Buu's energy ball was melted directly, and the power of Luya was so powerful that he could not resist it!

Ahhhh!! Buu struggled desperately, his face full of unwillingness.

If he was still in the same state as before, there would be no way he would be in such a mess!

However, Lua rescued both Gotenks and Fat Buu, causing his power to suddenly drop several levels!

You, this guy, can be considered immortal. You are a bit similar to my previous opponent, but you are much worse than him! You have killed so many people on the earth, go and make amends to them! Lu Ya shouted in a deep voice. The next moment, he shouted angrily and then strengthened his Qigong burst.

Ahhhh!! Buu's power was directly resolved by Luya's attack, like the last straw that broke the opponent's back! The turtle style Qigong with full power output fell directly on Buu's body.

No matter what your regeneration power is, in the face of absolute power, everything is just a cloud!

The body was washed by light, and destructive power was constantly being impacted. Buu could not resist it, and screamed, and his whole body melted at this moment!

But the difference is that under the output of Luya, Buu can't escape with even a little bit of flesh and blood, and his entire body directly turns into a puff of smoke and disappears!

It has to be said that the Turtle Style Qigong performed by Luya was indeed terrifying. When Buu was eliminated, the force was directly blasted out of the earth, destroying countless meteorites before gradually dissipating.

Luya took a slight breath, and then breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that Buu's breath was really gone.

Turtle style qigong, yyds!

【drop! Congratulations to the host for defeating Majin Buu, mission completed 3/5】

【drop! Additional bonus is the regeneration ability of the host Majin Buu! 】

【drop! Reward the host to be exempted from the disadvantages of the third form! When the host transforms into a super three, don't worry about the physical consumption of this form! 】


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