Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 119 Destroy Zamasu! Return

As Luya destroyed the arm, Zamasu's face suddenly turned pale: Stop!!

The destruction of the ring means that he can no longer travel through time and space, so he will not be able to realize his wish.

He cannot travel through time and space. Even if he is immortal, it will be difficult for him to change his desired future!

However, Zamasu's immortal body is still very powerful. The next second after Luya destroyed his arm, Zamasu's arm grew again, but the space-time ring was no longer there!

It's time to end! Luya whispered.

Zamasu struggled to stand up, and then he said fiercely: Impossible! I have an immortal body, and it is absolutely impossible for you to kill me!

Luya smiled lightly: Really? What if it is the power of the God of Destruction?

What?! Zamasu was shocked.

The next second his face suddenly became horrified, because Luya slowly raised his hand, and suddenly, a terrifying energy ball condensed. That energy ball was not an ordinary energy ball, but destructive energy!

Seeing the destruction bomb, Zamasu's face turned green: How is that possible?! How do you have the power of the God of Destruction?! Could it be that Beerus gave it to you?

Lu Ya said calmly: You don't need to know who gave it to me. You just need to know that you will be gone soon!

Zamasu's face was ugly, and he roared: Impossible! I will never let you succeed! Don't even think about killing me!

After saying that, he suddenly burst out with a powerful force. Suddenly, the entire crater began to expand. At the same time, affected by Zamasu's power, the entire earth began to fall apart, exacerbating the earth's demise.

You madman! Luya snorted coldly, and then prepared to throw the destruction bomb at Zamasu.

Hahaha! It's too late! Even if you can kill me, you can't escape! The whole earth, including you, will be buried with me!! Zamasu's face suddenly became crazy, and the next moment, his body suddenly changed, Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force burst out from his body, and suddenly Zamasu's entire body turned into blood, rising into the sky like a waterfall!

What?! Luya was shocked. He didn't expect that the other party could resist like this, which made him a little unbelievable.

With the explosion of that force, in an instant, the entire earth cracked open and countless magma erupted! It seems that it is enough to destroy the entire earth at any time!

Luya snorted coldly, and the next second, the entire time and space suddenly froze. Then, Luya directly fired out the destructive bomb in his hand!

Although Zamasu wants to die together, it is inevitable that he will get lucky because of his immortality, so now he can only destroy it directly!


The destructive bullet was directly integrated into the blood column. The next second, the blood column began to tremble, turning into light spots and dissipating from bottom to top!

Ahhhh!!! I won't give in!! I won't lose!! Zamasu's roaring voice came out, and the blood pillar suddenly turned into a human face, which was Zamasu's face, but it was very Quick, he turns into a point of light and disappears!

Under the destruction, nothing remains!

Luya breathed a sigh of relief, finally solving the problem of Zamasu.


At this moment, a powerful force suddenly hit, causing Luya's face to change, and then he jumped and dodged directly. The next second, bursts of explosions sounded, and the entire ground was broken open, and a Magma emerged from the ground, ruthlessly destroying everything!

At the same time, the entire earth's mountains and rivers are collapsing, tsunamis are rising into the sky, volcanoes are erupting, and the end is coming!

It's going to explode!

And as soon as this thought came out, half of the entire earth exploded! Suddenly, it spread like a fuse!

Luya's expression changed, and then he exploded violently and rushed into the atmosphere.

System! Use Frieza cells! Luya said quickly.

Suddenly, Luya's body was wrapped in a thin layer of red light.

System! Use the power of angels to teleport me back to the real world!

【drop! Use a one-time consumption skill, Angel Power! Travel through time and space! 】


Just as Luya's voice fell, his body suddenly became illusive, and then he turned into a stream of light and shot out, disappearing into the universe at the speed of light.

Shortly after the Luya disappeared, the earth exploded directly. The terrifying explosion was inconspicuous in the vast universe, but it was the true destruction of the planet!

The earth in the future world has disappeared!

After an unknown amount of time, a figure suddenly appeared in the field. He glanced at the original direction of the earth, and then revealed a strange and mysterious arc.

It's too late! What a pity...


On the other side, the real world.

In the space capsule, Wukong and others were in a mess, but their condition had recovered. They ate fairy beans immediately after they came back, so they all returned to their peak condition.

Why isn't Bulma okay? Wukong was a little worried.

Trunks said: Even if you collect a barrel of fuel, it will take a few days at the earliest. It has not been a few days yet. It is unrealistic to get fuel!

But Luya is still in the future. If we don't help, he may die! Wukong said solemnly.

Oh, now Kaioshin and the others have gone to meet Lord Quanwang, so they won't be able to come back in a short time. Weiss said quietly.

Then what should we do now? If we don't go to the future world quickly, Luya may not be able to come back! Wukong frowned and said, That bastard Zamasu! He's so difficult to deal with! You can't even die like this!

Lord Whis, you should be able to use time travel to take us to the future, right? Vegeta suddenly looked at Whis and asked.

No! Weiss smiled slightly.

Why? Weiss, you are an angel! Wukong said doubtfully.

Weiss shook his head: Angels are not omnipotent. We are also restricted by rules. Some things should not be done in the first place. If angels distort time and space at will without specific permission, they will be severely punished.

What! Don't you often use time travel? Wukong protested.

That's different! Now that the wind is so tight, Lord Quan Wang already knows about this kind of thing, so he convened a meeting of the Kaiōshin and started to rectify it. If angels and us Gods of Destruction commit crimes against the wind, the consequences will be serious! Beerus said calmly.

How could this happen? Wukong felt a little regretful.

Don't worry, according to what you said, Luya doesn't have to be afraid of Zamasu now that he's strong enough. Maybe he can destroy Zamasu! Weiss said suddenly.

That's what I said, but without us picking him up, wouldn't he have to stay there forever? Wukong said worriedly.

We can only wait until Bulma stores enough fuel! Vegeta said solemnly.

Everyone!! The fuel is ready! Suddenly, Bulma rushed over holding a bottle of fuel.

Everyone was immediately overjoyed.

So fast?! That's great Bulma! Wukong said in surprise.

If Luya hadn't reminded me to prepare fuel in advance, I would have spent two more days preparing. Bulma said with a sigh of relief.

Great! Let's set off quickly! Wukong said quickly.

But just when they were about to start the time machine, suddenly, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky, and then, a stream of light fell directly from the whirlpool, and finally hit the ground not far away from everyone.


Everyone looked over there in shock.

That's... Angel Weiss narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised.

Interesting! Beerus said lightly, but the surprise was still there.

In the huge pit, Luya stood up, and then he said helplessly: The brakes actually failed, your system is unreliable!

System: Host, if I'm to blame, it's your inability to control the power of angels. It's a blessing to be able to come back here!

Luya was speechless.

Luya! Why is it you? At this time, Wukong and others rushed over.

When I saw it was Luya, I was suddenly surprised and shocked at the same time.

How could the other party come back safely from the future world on his own? This unscientific!

Are you all here? Luya laughed, a little embarrassed.

The question is, Luya, how did you come back? Wukong asked doubtfully.

Not only him, but others are also very puzzled.

This is a long story, but I have already dealt with Zamasu. Luya smiled.

Really? Luya is awesome! Wukong praised.

But I'm still curious about how you came back? You can't travel through time and space, even Super Saiyan Red with divine power can't do it! Beerus and Whis came over, the former said calmly.

Luya raised his eyebrows, and then said: I snatched Zamasu's ring, used it to travel through time and space, and came back!

Oh, really? What about the ring? Beerus said aggressively.

Luya complained in his heart, but he said: I didn't catch it properly and lost it, otherwise I wouldn't have appeared in such a mess.

Hearing this, Beerus still looked at Luya with suspicion, while Whis said nothing.

After a while, Beerus said calmly: You'd better make sure your words are correct, otherwise you won't be able to bear the consequences if I find out that you have hidden the space-time ring.

Luya shrugged: Don't worry, I don't have a space-time ring.

They were all ruined by him, and now there is no proof.

Um...what about the future? Although Trunks was prepared, he still wanted to ask.

Luya shook his head: Unfortunately, the future earth is destroyed.

I see...As expected... Trunks looked a little sad.

Xiao Wu came over, held his hand tightly, and comforted him silently.

Okay, now that this crisis has been resolved, let's all be happy. How about I hold a party tomorrow to celebrate the arrival of Trunks and Xiao Wu? Bulma saw that the atmosphere was awkward and quickly said vocal channel.

Hearing this, Beerus and Whis suddenly changed their expressions, and no longer thought about anything else, they quickly said: Really? There must be a lot of delicious food!

Of course! Bulma said proudly.

Very good!

Compared to Beerus and Whis' excitement, Vegeta and others' mouths twitched.

Damn it, now the party is about to become a nightmare for them!

PS: There have been a lot of trolls recently. Most of them are probably underage. I am convinced. I have to get your consent before I change the article. Of course, there will be friends who can't read it. If you don't want to read it, go to your next home, or go back and read the original work. I can only say whatever you want, feel free to complain, I will ignore it. Some people want the original plot, but they blame me for changing it. I changed it and said that I have never watched Dragon Ball, so I am spoiling you (trolls) Right?

In addition, many readers and friends want to make the debut of Super 4, so don’t be impatient. It will be released in my lifetime. There will be some changes when the time comes, so please be patient.

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