Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 115 Jedi counterattack! fight for humanity

Ahhhh! ! !

Luya was not stingy with his energy and output like crazy. When he saw that Zamasu was gradually being suppressed by him, he even got angry and directly exploded with his most powerful power!

Boom boom boom!

Impossible!! Zamasu's expression changed drastically. Before he could finish his words, Luya broke through the defense, and then he was overwhelmed by the Qigong wave!

Luya gasped for air, and he did not choose to eat fairy beans because of the huge consumption. He actually ate those things. It was indeed good for him, but he didn't want to. Perhaps because of the inherent pride of Saiyans, he disdained those things. kind of behavior.

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and Luya breathed a sigh of relief. Zamasu was not unscathed like before. The opponent did look a little miserable at this time.

After the complete fusion of Zamasu and Goku Black's body, he was not able to maintain his divine body, but became half-god and half-mortal. It can be seen from his appearance now, because this made him very ugly! So at this time, the ugly half of the opponent's body was already bloody, and the body was not complete!

Zamasu opened his mouth in pain, unable to believe that he would lose so miserably!

However, his festering flesh and blood suddenly slowly recovered, which was the power of his immortal body.

Seeing this scene, Luya's expression suddenly became firm. The next moment, he exploded and rushed towards Zamasu!


Ugh! Zamasu hit Luya on the knee and was kicked away by Luya at the same time!

However, in the process of flying upside down, Zamasu's body was gradually recovering!

Luya took a deep breath. His potential at this time has been greatly improved due to his talent, and his strength is also constantly improving! But now his consumption was very huge, so he couldn't reflect it, but he didn't want to give Zamasu a chance, so he used his power, tried his best to condense an energy bomb in his hand, and the next second he threw it directly at Zamasu!


No surprise, the energy ball hit Zamasu directly!

Luya put away his Kaio Fist, fell to the ground, and began to buffer himself.

The smoke dissipated, and Zamasu's figure was revealed in the air. He saw that the opponent's body had recovered, but his aura was much weaker! It has not disappeared and can still maintain the existence of the clone.

Luya was not surprised. If the opponent was eliminated by him, it would not be Zamasu.

Thinking of this, Luya took a deep breath and barely regained his strength. He looked at Zamasu and then slowly lifted into the air.

What a great fate! Luya said mockingly.

Zamasu looked at Luya with a sinking face. Although he was himself, he also had his own consciousness. As a god, he was absolutely not allowed to lose directly to the opponent!

Luya didn't have time to talk nonsense with him. After getting rid of this guy, he still wanted to help!


In an instant, the red light on his body converged towards his hand, and a sword of air was condensed. The Luya sword pointed at Zamasu: Come on! Watch me chop you into pieces!

Bastard! Zamasu said ferociously, and then rushed towards Luya.

the other side.


A building exploded, and then, a figure was embedded tightly in a wall.

It's Trunks!

Zamasu slowly landed in front of him and looked at him mockingly: What? Why don't you give up the struggle? How ignorant you are to attack God!

Trunks stared at Zamasu with a cold face, then he exploded with energy, rushed out of the wall, and attacked Zamasu directly.

But in the next second, Zamasu directly grabbed Trunks' face with his slender strange hands. Then Zamasu went to full speed, pressing Trunks' face and rushing forward! The latter's figure directly smashed into a thick wall!

Ahhhh! Trunks couldn't help but scream in pain. He had no power to fight back and was completely tortured by Zamasu.


Zamasu threw Trunks down and then fired out an energy bomb! Blast it down instantly!

On the other side, on a rooftop somewhere, a group of ordinary people gathered. They were the survivors hiding in the basement. Now that they had eaten fairy beans, they were all in good spirits. They came out to observe the situation with a sense of luck, but they did not expect the fierceness. The battle is still going on, the demon has not been defeated yet, and everyone is worried.

Xiao Wu, who was watching the battle with a telescope, turned pale: Trunks!!

Her face became firm, and she immediately took a shotgun and prepared to go to support!

My aunt, what are you going to do?! Yaqi Luobei's expression changed and he quickly stopped him.

Xiao Wu said solemnly: If you don't help Trunks, he will be killed!

Akilobei said helplessly: Even if you go, the result will still be the same? I can kill you with one finger!

Xiao Wu said to him displeased: Then why don't you go? Your power is the strongest among everyone present! You are the only one who can make a difference!

Aqilobe's face froze, and he scratched his face in embarrassment: Well, I can't participate in that kind of battle!

Then don't stop me! Xiao Wu said angrily.

Aqilobei: ...

He didn't want to get involved. If something happened to this woman, he would definitely be in trouble too!


There was another explosion, and Trunks' body fell directly, and a huge crater appeared!

Zamasu landed slowly, looked at Trunks, and said indifferently: How can a mortal's power defeat a god?

It's not like that... Trunks struggled to stand up, his body was shaky, but he insisted on not falling down. Then, a trace of blue light suddenly ignited from Trunks' body.

Why should you let selfish gods like you control the fate of mankind?! Trunks gritted his teeth and stared at Zamasu, with unyielding eyes!

Haha, why? Because you humans are not only weak! But you are also self-righteous and cause all kinds of wars! Destroying the balance of the universe. This has always been the case from the birth of mankind to the present. Therefore, in order to create a universe that is conducive to the management of gods, you Humans must die! Zamasu grinned, his eyes full of madness.

You are the one who thinks you are a god! You want to create peace, but you have made this world so bad. How many people have lost their loved ones and how many people are crying! These, you so-called gods, don't have the slightest mercy!!! Lankes roared.

Even the two Kaioshins fell silent.

Zamasu found it ridiculous: Then what?

Trunks stabilized his body, and the blue light on his body became more and more: No matter how strong you are, I will represent everyone and protect this world!! Defeat you, the culprit!!


Not far away, Trunks's sword trembled as if summoned by its master, and then flew directly into Trunks' hand.


Trunks suddenly roared, and although his body was exhausted, a terrifying power burst out! Blue light enveloped his body, and his strength, status, and various conditions were improving rapidly!


Trunks!! Come on!!!

At the same time, the survivors seemed to hear Trunks' determination and shouted one after another, and a little white light suddenly appeared on them.

These white lights are as holy as moonlight!

This is the light of people's breath and the hope of all survivors!

These light spots continued to condense, and finally suddenly disappeared into Trunks' body.

This is... Trunks' expression changed, and the next second he felt an extremely comfortable feeling!

At the same time, he felt endless power! It is being continuously transported into his body!

This is everyone's hope! Trunks' face suddenly became serious, and he looked at Zamasu firmly: No matter what, I will represent the entire human race to fight you!

Huh huh huh! That's ridiculous! A lowly mortal dares to speak arrogantly to a god. You can't even deal with my clone, so why should you represent humans! Zamasu said disdainfully.

Just by me, I will kill you completely! Trunks roared, and then his body lit up with a bright white light. For a moment, a terrifying energy burst out, and the light wrapped around his body turned into blue!

Unlike Super Saiyan Blue, Trunks carries the will of all humans!

Ha! Trunks rushed towards Zamasu with his sword, and the holy sword Lan Hui slashed at Zamasu tearing everything apart!

Zamasu snorted coldly, condensed an air blade in his hand, and slashed it out!



Two terrifying forces collided, and the ground where they were standing cracked open!

How could it be possible to defeat a mere human being with the power!! Zamasu stared at Trunks crazily, as if he wanted to tear him into pieces!

There is no need to emphasize to me how lofty your gods are. Gods who only destroy peace are not qualified to stand above us!!! Trunks roared, and the power in his body skyrocketed again. With a fierce force, he paused. At the same time, Zamasu's air blade was directly chopped into pieces by him!

Impossible! Zamasu panicked and quickly retreated, dodging Trunks' sword.

But Trunks obviously didn't give him a chance. Suddenly, his aura surged, and his speed was extremely fast. He easily jumped in front of Zamasu and struck out with his sword again!

You devil! Disappear!

Asshole! Zamasu's expression changed drastically, and he could only hold down the opponent's lightsaber with both hands, but the next second he felt a force that he could not resist!

How can a god like you decide the life and death of humans!! Trunks made a forceful move, and in a moment, he directly broke Zamasu's imprisonment!



With a muffled sound, an arm flew out directly, it was Zamasu's strange hand!

At the same time, Trunks had quick eyes and quick hands, swung his lightsaber, and several sword lights passed by. The next second, Zamasu's whole body was directly divided into several pieces!

Zamasu's eyes widened in disbelief: How...is it possible...is this...human power?


The next moment, Zamasu's body shattered!

The clone, destroyed!

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