In the air, Luya was still being beaten violently. Zamasu's power was not something he could match, and although the opponent had lost his perfect immortality, it would be difficult to recover if he was crippled! So Luya can't resist him.



Luya screamed and fell suddenly. Then, Zamasu suddenly raised his hand to condense a super-powerful energy bomb and threw it out instantly!


A huge explosion sounded, and Luya was completely submerged!

Zamasu looked into the smoke expressionlessly, and then he must gather his strength to give the opponent a fatal blow!

Suddenly, at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly rose into the sky! Immediately afterwards, the light beam dissipated, and suddenly a figure was suspended in the air.

What?! Who are you?! Zamasu looked shocked and stared at the other party.


The man smiled, raised his hand and flicked the earring on his earlobe, and then said: I am not Kakarot, nor Vegeta, but the fusion of Kakarot and Vegeta! Vegeta! special!

Vegit?! Zamasu looked at Vegito's earrings, and then his face suddenly darkened: Damn it! Human! How dare you use God's things! You don't deserve it!

As he said that, he suddenly looked at Gervas and others: Damn it! As a god, he actually helps mortals fight against gods!

As he said that, he suddenly stretched out his hand and fired a cannonball!


But Vegito appeared in front of Kaioshin and the others in an instant, stopped the cannonball with one hand, and then shouted, shattering it into pieces!

Don't be too arrogant Zamasu! We are here to defeat you! Be mentally prepared! Vegito slowly lifted into the air and smiled calmly!

Huh! Just you? Under the power of the great god, as a mortal, no matter how much you struggle, you will be wonderfully judged by our god! Zamasu sneered, and then he suddenly shouted loudly, colorful The radiance enveloped itself, and an astonishing power surged!

As expected of you! Enemies like you are really rare, so I will defeat you with all my strength!! Vegito grinned, then clenched his hands and exploded fiercely. In an instant, an astonishing burst of energy A blue beam of light shot directly into the sky. At the same time, Vegetto's hair turned blue, and his power surged instantly!

This is... Vegetto's Super Saiyan Blue!! Vegito roared, and his power suddenly shot into the sky!

Tch! Zamasu felt the opponent's power, suddenly became ferocious, and then rushed directly towards the opponent!

Not to be outdone, Vegetto rushed out with explosive energy. As soon as the two collided, they fought directly together. The power was so strong that no thing nearby could withstand their collision!

On the other side, Luya struggled out of the ruins. He stood up, looked into the air, and then narrowed his eyes slightly. Vegito, finally appeared!

Zamasu is more powerful than him, but compared to Vegeta, it is still very difficult to defeat him!

On the other hand, Trunks also got enough rest, so he was watching the battle solemnly now.

Oh my, I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful warrior in the seventh universe. It's really rare to see him! Gervas said with some sigh.

The Kaiojin of the seventh universe showed a hint of pride: Goku and the others have been instructed by the God of Destruction!

However, a race like the Saiyans can actually reach this level. The Saiyans in the sixth universe are no more than this! Gervas said complicatedly.

They shouldn't be able to defeat Zamasu, so they have to be prepared! Luya said worriedly as he watched the battle in the air.

No way, they should have the upper hand now! Trunks said with a strange expression.

Luya said seriously: Even so, if we don't kill Zamasu within a short time, we will be in trouble!

In fact, he could have used the destruction bomb to kill Black Wukong at the beginning, but Luya was reluctant to use it!

After all, the power of destructive bombs is very terrifying. Even with Luya's current strength, he dare not say that he can withstand the destructive bombs, but he is still useless because he is reluctant, so he thinks he can rely on the fusion of Goku and Vegeta. When fighting monsters, you don’t need to use all your cards.

But there is one more trick, and that is the vitality bomb! But it’s no longer necessary! Why? No matter what the world is like now, there is not much vitality in the opportunity, and the condensed vitality bombs are as loud as farts, and it is impossible to defeat Zamasu.

Of course, there is also the power of an angel, which is not offensive and can only be used to escape. If he encounters a certain death situation, he will directly tear apart time and space and run away.

Let's look at the situation first. The two of them are fighting at an equal level. As long as Zamasu is exhausted, there will be a chance! Gervas said lightly.

Swish, swish, swish!

Vegito and Zamasu fought in the air, going back and forth, and the fight was inextricable.

However, Vegito is always testing Zamasu's power, so he gets beaten often!

Zamasu's huge fist struck down with one punch, attacking Vegetto as if it could shatter a mountain! It’s very oppressive!

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Vegito directly hugged the opponent's arm with both hands, then threw him over his shoulder and threw Zamasu away! At the same time, he instantly condensed his energy and continuously fired energy bombs at Zamasu!

“Da da da da!!”

Attacks poured out like raindrops, Zamasu's face became ferocious, and he immediately fired a heavy cannon, destroying and detonating countless energy bombs, and then raised his hands above his head to condense a huge energy ball again!

Super Turtle Style Qigong!!!

Vegito immediately became angry when he saw this! Prepare for a big move!

Go to hell!! Zamasu's face turned fierce as he threw the energy ball down!

Boom boom boom!

Ha!! Vegito also used a turtle style Qigong, which directly hit the energy ball. The two collided and reached a stalemate.


Vegito and Zamasu both tried their best to deal damage, and the two forces accumulated and became stronger and stronger!

No! Stay away! Luya's expression changed, and he immediately grabbed a few people and used teleportation to disappear!

And the next second!


Two huge explosions exploded directly. For a moment, an energy ball appeared within a radius of several miles, covering the surface of the earth. It was enough to be seen even from the surface of the earth. It was so spectacular!

After the huge explosion fell, the field was covered in thick smoke for several miles, and a huge crater with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared, as if there was no end in sight.

Ah...this...this... Such a terrifying scene immediately stunned Kaioshin and Trunks.

The lure is nothing, but the scene is really shocking. Compared to destroying the planet, this scene is more real.

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