Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 107 The power of anger! Black Goku’s terrifying strength

On the other side, Vegeta and Trunks are still fighting fiercely, but Zamasu's immortality is too terrifying. No matter what killing moves they use, Zamasu can always block them easily! And the injury will recover quickly!

Dad, we have to consume each other's power! Trunks said to Vegeta.

Shut up! I don't need you to teach me how to do things! Vegeta's expression was ugly. He couldn't even deal with a Kaiojin. How could he, a dignified Saiyan prince, behave like this if the news spread?

I'll do it myself! Don't interfere! Suddenly, Vegeta said these words to Trunks and rushed towards Zamasu.

Dad! Trunks was shocked, but thinking about his father's character, Trunks calmed down.

But he was still very anxious, because both Zamasu and Black Goku were very powerful, so if they failed, the consequences would be very serious!

Let him try. If it doesn't work, go and help! At this time, Gervase and Kaioshin landed next to Trunks.

Trunks glanced at the two of them, and then asked: Kaioshin-sama, doesn't Zamasu have any weaknesses?

Gervase shook his head: Unless you have absolute strength, all other bells and whistles are useless.


Vegeta rushed in front of Zamasu and used his quick punch to the extreme, so fast that even Zamasu couldn't catch it!

Bang! Zamasu took advantage of a gap, an air sword appeared in his hand, and then slashed towards Vegeta!


However, Vegeta's arm was protected by his power and he directly grabbed Zamasu's sword!

How could... Zamasu's expression suddenly changed.

You bastard! Don't be so arrogant! How could I, a noble Saiyan prince, be defeated by an evil Kaio like you! Stop joking! Vegeta shouted angrily, then roared angrily and hit him with a knee. Hit Zamasu in the stomach!

Zamasu's face turned green after receiving this blow! The tremendous pain made his face look hideous.

Vegeta's body suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and Super Blue's power reached a higher level!

He was also angry at this time. He had no intention of letting a king of the realm ride on his head. His goal was to surpass Kakarot and surpass the God of Destruction. How could he lose to such a thing! This is a humiliating destruction to his dignity!

Grabbing Zamasu's hair, Vegeta glared hard and punched Zamasu several times in the stomach, causing Zamasu to spit out white liquid!


Finally, Vegeta condensed the light wave in his hand and blew it away from zero distance!

So strong! Dad in anger actually defeated Zamasu! Trunks said in shock.

It's not surprising. To be honest, Zamasu's advantage is his immortality. Although his strength has improved, it should be 50-50 against Super Saiyan Blue. Gervase said calmly.

In the air, Vegeta snorted coldly, then raised his energy fiercely, and instantly rushed in front of Zamasu, who was flying upside down! One punch!


Unexpectedly, Zamasu grabbed Vegeta's fist directly: Mortal! Don't go too far!!

You trash!! Vegeta roared and swept out with a whip kick!

Upon seeing this, Zamasu could only let go of his hand and step back!


Vegeta's expression changed, and the next moment his power reached its peak! Making a gesture: Finally... flash!


With a huge roar, a huge energy wave blasted out! Hit Zamasu right in the head!

In an instant, Zamasu's head turned into ashes!

But just after Vegeta released his ultimate move, a burst of white smoke floated over Zamasu's head, and his head instantly grew back!

Asshole!! Vegeta's face suddenly darkened.

I am immortal. How can a mere mortal kill me? Zamasu fell in front of Vegeta and looked level with him, his face calm.

Bang! Vegeta snorted, and then he exploded with energy and attacked Zamasu again.

Because he has adapted to Vegeta's moves, Zamasu can deal with it much easier than before!

On the other side, the battle between Luya and Black Wukong was in a stalemate. The two of them also exerted their abilities to the extreme. Black Wukong was indeed stronger than Luya, but with the use of his natural skills, Luya gradually became stronger. He kept up with Black Wukong's rhythm, and his dodge movements became more and more skillful, with a hint of the ultimate freedom of mind.

Sure enough, I have practiced with Whis, and I actually have a bit of Whis' flavor! Below, Wukong stood up. Thanks to Lua, Black Wukong was held back, allowing him to get enough rest.


The next moment, Wukong directly activates Super Blue's full power! The next moment, he disappeared in an instant!

Black Wukong, who was fighting, suddenly felt something. While grabbing Luya's fist, his other hand instantly raised and grabbed the fist of Wukong who suddenly appeared!

Hmph! Teleport? Black Wukong said jokingly.

Take the move! Wukong shouted, condensing energy bombs with his other hand!

Luya was not to be outdone, and the energy bullets had been condensed when Goku Black caught him!

The two of them blasted energy bombs at Black Wukong in the middle at the same time!

The latter suddenly smiled strangely, and the next second, he suddenly flashed and disappeared!

How can it be?!

Luya and Wukong were both shocked, and the next moment, Black Wukong suddenly appeared above them and dropped a black energy ball! Extremely fast!

Luya and Wukong didn't react. They were immediately hit by the energy ball and a mushroom cloud exploded in the air!

Haha, who can't teleport? Black Wukong said jokingly.

When the smoke dissipated, wounds appeared on both Wukong and Luya, which showed how powerful the other party was!

Wukong gasped for air, and his state suddenly dropped.

Luya looked at Black Wukong, then took a deep breath, and with a thought, red divine power rose up on his body again!

Black Wukong looked at Luya with disgust and said: I hate you very much. A mere mortal dares to use the power of gods!

Luya's posture can be said to be the evolved version of the Super Saiyan God. Unlike Goku and others' blue self-control, he mainly relies on divine power to maintain his own power.

Is the power of God so high in your eyes? Luya said mockingly.

What? Are you doubting the power of God? Black Wukong frowned and looked at Luya.

Luya said disdainfully: Then I dare to ask you, you are the Kaiowen God Zamasu, why do you need to rely on the power of Sun Wukong, a mortal?

What? Black Wukong asked this, and then he reacted. He looked at Luya coldly: Don't mess with my mind. You, like those hateful Saiyans, deserve to die!


As soon as he finished speaking, Black Wukong suddenly exploded with energy, and then, his power directly condensed into his hand to form an air sword! The next moment, he suddenly inserted the air sword into the palm of his other hand!

This is... Luya's eyelids twitched, feeling something bad.

Humph! Black Wukong smiled evilly: Let you have a taste of what real power is!

After saying that, he suddenly waved his hand! Suddenly, the original air sword turned into a scythe!


Black Wukong made a casual slash, and a burst of sword light struck out. Luya quickly dodged.

But the next moment, the space where Luya was originally located was directly split into a huge space-time rift! !

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