"Oh no, there's an enemy outside, general, look!" One of the guys turned on the surveillance and found a search ship staying not far from them.

After the general saw the spaceship clearly, he frowned: "This is the brand of the Saiyan Rasse Defense Team, could it be that the Saiyans are coming!!!


"That's right, hahahaha. A loud laugh appeared, and then there was a rumble all around!


Immediately a few Saiyans came in!

"Well, why are there so many people? What about your leader Bach?" Lian Suo immediately asked, seeing that the number was wrong.

They came to destroy Bach, and if he wasn't there, what else would he do?

"I, our leader... He... Ahh

The people of the pirates present were so frightened that they almost fainted!!

Reg looked at the other man, the one who had summoned their leader.

"Tell me, where has your leader gone?"

"Don't kill me, I say, I'll say it all. "This guy was decisively instigated when he saw Reg condense energy and flick it on his fingers.

"Let's talk about it. "

"Our leader has gone to the planet Herder!!!!" As soon as he finished speaking, he was killed by Regg with a blow: "Thank you!".

"Reg doesn't need to kill innocents, right?" Seeing that Reg didn't plan to let go of the creature, he couldn't help but speak.

If you talk about the seventh universe, this is normal, but the Saiyans of the sixth universe are righteous warriors.

So seeing Regg's method of killing people without blinking, I naturally have an unacceptable feeling.

"You know what? They can only say that they are enemies, not innocent, but they know how many lives they have on their hands, and this is a light punishment. Reg said lightly.

He really scared these people out of the way!!

It's so stressful!

Reg didn't deliberately release his fighting spirit, so he changed the subject: "Let's go, go to Herder, I'm quite looking forward to how powerful Bach, the leader of the cosmic pirates, is!"

"Oh yes, arrange it, take away all the useful stuff here, Bach won't have a chance to come back anyway. "

"Okay, everyone, hurry up. After Lian Suo came back to his senses, he immediately commanded.

Reg gave them a medium-sized all-purpose capsule and put things in, which also surprised them, which could also be !!

After packing up, most of the day had passed, and at about the same time, the ship was up and heading towards Herder.

Here's the Held.

Almost a day had passed, and the area was full of war, with the men brought by Bach fighting bloody battles with the local planetary rebels.

And he ate and drank on the spaceship!

But he didn't notice that there were two people looking at the planet not far away.

The two men were obese and a tall, lanky woman.

"I said, Lord Xiangpa, you can't come here to see this as simple, right?" the woman couldn't help it.

The fat man snorted and said, "Hahaha, it was originally yes, but now it doesn't seem to be interesting." "

They are none other than the destruction gods of the Sixth Universe, Pa and the Angel Bardos.

Like Pa and Beerus, he is an upright cat with purple skin, but he is obese and has a short tail.

The upper body is naked, with a black background and white border cloth belt around his neck, gold bracelets on his hands, gold armbands on his arms, and black armor with three patterns painted on 2 white and 1 orange, and long, loose cloth pants.

Unlike Beerus, Beerus's light blue clothing includes cloth rings, a long belt, and trousers.

But in this way, all of his elephant pals were changed to crimson, the pattern was changed from a diamond to a circle, and the gold studs were changed from the left ear to the right ear.

Xiangpa's character is very arrogant, unreasonable, obedient and tyrannical, arrogant and willful, and if it doesn't go well, he will destroy all the stars and life in front of him, but he is not a very vicious person.

Although he will go berserk when provoked, he will often show his cute side.

He has a wide range of interests, and he especially likes to taste food, and wants to taste the food of the whole universe and even other universes, which is the same as Beerus.

After all, the two are twin brothers' gods of destruction.

The image of Bardos is very close to that of Weiss. In addition to the chest and hairstyle, the difference between the two is mainly reflected in the clothing and color scheme.

Both siblings are extremely tall, with blue-green skin and long white hair, and both have a long staff in their right hand, which allows them to observe the entire universe.

Bardos' neck is a large light blue halo.

A red sash with three circles of 2 white and 1 orange is painted on black armor, corresponding to the elephant handkerchief, the robe and stockings are green, and he wears white high heels with black soles.

Bardos, like his brother Vess, always acts in concert with the God of Destruction, although he appears to be respectful to his master.

But she also teased and embarrassed her master, and her temper was greater than that of Vess, and she was sometimes frightened when she was angry.

And the elephant is dead, for her words, the elephant never dares...

And his life can't be compared to Beerus, who still doesn't feel good about the delicious food every day.

And he is like a pa, every day coarse tea and light rice, but also to reduce it, get a bird egg to eat it and think it is the most delicious thing!

Ahem, it's too far! Back to business!

"Lord Xiangpa, since there is nothing to see, then let's go, there are tasteless people here. Bardos became disgusted with Xiangpa, and it was also obvious that she didn't want to stay here, and that they had a mission to come out.

"Talkative, got it, let's go. Like Patton's face, he put his hand behind Bardos, and then Bardos took him into a ray of light and flew away.

No sooner had they left than Lienso's ship and Frost's ship arrived.

But Frost didn't notice them, and they did.

When Reg saw Frost, a plan popped up in his mind.

Frost flew out of the spaceship and sprinted down at high speed towards the Heard star.

Reg also immediately stood up: "Let's go, let's go down, after you fight, I'll go first." "


Reg grabbed Frost's qi and teleported away.

"Let's go, speed up and land. "Lian Suo can't help it, they have one thing in the same way, that is, they can't survive in the cosmic vacuum anymore.

Heard Star

Frost had just arrived here when Bach, the leader of the Allianz Pirates, spotted him and immediately flew towards the ship, intending to leave the place.

If you don't leave, you'll be affected and you'll be finished!

"Where are you going?" Reg suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"What are you... Ahh

"If Frost hadn't shown up, I might have played with you, but when he did, I lost interest in you. "

Reg also found that this Bach's strength is above a million combat power, so it's no wonder that the mission here will be a high-level A-level.

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