Paragas's eyes widened at Reg, with an expression of disbelief, he was born with 50,000 combat power!!!

He always thought that his son Broly would be the strongest Saiyan in history when he was born 10,000 and keep up with King Vegeta.

But what Cheng thought that Reg was actually born with 50,000 combat power, and in this comparison, Brolison exploded.

"Paragas, I need Broly to help me, and together we will create the world of the strongest Saiyans. Regardless of what he thought, Reg went straight to his purpose.

As for Broly's inability to control his mind, it's very simple, and Reg has a way to help Broly completely control his own mind.

"The world of the strongest Saiyans?" Paragas didn't know what he was thinking, and knelt down.

"Yes, from now on, Broly and I will use Prince Reg as our new Saiyan king. "

"Very well, Broly, you come with me. Reg ignored Paragas and walked straight to Broly.

In this way, Broly was firmly in the camp of Saiyan Star, Reg.

As for Paragas, Reg thought about killing him, but ultimately decided to leave him alive, after all, it was Broly's father.

So the two of them stayed in this Saiyan Star.

Broly is also recognized by Supa Beaver and Razri here, after all, Broly is a very silly image without transformation and madness.

"Hey, Regg, who is he?" Fat Buu came running over at this time, still holding a lot of things in his hand, snacks and delicious snacks, everything.

"He's a Saiyan like me, Buu, go play with yours, don't affect him. "Reg was planning to take Broly to training.

You must know how terrifying Broly's power is, in the previous battle, Reg had exhausted all the power of Super Saiyan IV to be able to fight against Broly's Super Transmission Mode.

Even Regg thinks that if he goes a few years late, maybe his Super Saiyan Four will not be able to beat Broly.

Because the gap between each year is very large, and Reg went a few years earlier, so Broly's strength has not yet reached the level of fighting with Gogeta Super Blue in the original book.

It was also this battle that Reg was particularly comfortable after recovering, and the Saiyans needed this kind of evenly matched strength to fight.

Unconsciously, half a year has passed here, and in the past six months, Reg has used the space-time true spirit technique to help Broli restrain his mental out-of-control.

Then, while training with him, he asked Broly to relearn his language skills.

After all, since Paragas knew that he couldn't escape from Wampa, he rarely cared about Broly's full aspects, so in terms of language, Broly was still a little behind.

About a year or so has passed, and Gray's Broly, as well as Lashri and Supa Beacion, went to Earth together, and everyone is a Saiyan, even a Super Saiyan, and they should communicate more.

A wedding banquet held by Magnum Capsule Company is here, everyone is here, the Dragon Ball fighters are here, Vegeta, Tabour, and Son Goku are also here.

Because at the same time, this day is also the wedding day of Son Gohan.

He married Bidri, the daughter of Satan.

"Dad, have you all arrived?" Sun Gohan ran out of the wedding dress he was wearing, and when he got married, he, the groom, was naturally excited.

"Well, it's just Reg. Sun Wukong looked at the next reply, and then asked Vegeta next to him: "Hey, Vegeta, have you informed him?"

"Hmph, you think I'm you? I've already informed you, but I don't know if he's coming. Vegeta is still the same, rejecting people from thousands of miles away.

Tabor was also helpless, he could see clearly during this time, and his second brother's stinky temper might not be able to change.

"Vegeta, it must be that you didn't tell your big brother properly. "Bulma can't forget to hit Vegeta once at this time, saying that Vegeta is not afraid, but his brother Reg, Vegeta has never dared to make a sound.

Sure enough, when he heard this Vegeta, he just gritted his teeth and didn't say anything, and he admired Regg's brother from the bottom of his heart.

But at the same time, they are also afraid and unwilling, and they are unwilling to ask why they are so far apart? Is it because of the problem of birth combat effectiveness?

Needless to say, as soon as he violates Regg, then he has to be ready to be beaten, and as long as he can't surpass Reg in a day, he can only be obedient for a day.

"Hmm, this breath?" Sun Wukong and the others suddenly felt a very powerful qi rushing here, and their faces changed.

They are all unfamiliar with this qi, but this qi is also very powerful, and if it is an enemy, it will be dangerous.

"Hmph, it's really interesting, I didn't expect that at this time, a new enemy will arrive. Vegeta suddenly became excited and anticipatory.

Tabour, too, rubbed his hands as if to test his strength, which he didn't dare before, but now he wasn't what it used to be.

In fact, they came here today because they wanted to learn from each other, and they didn't see the practice clothes and combat uniforms that Sun Wukong, Vegeta, and Tabor were all wearing.

The others came to Sun Gohan's wedding, either in suits or casual clothes, where were the same as the three of them.

"No!" Sun Gohan was also extremely speechless, how did he do it, how did he do it, but at this time, when he got married, there was a foreign anger.

"I hope it's not an enemy. Son Gohan prayed in his heart.

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