After Broly burst out with the strongest and last strength this time, he was extremely fast and appeared in front of Reg all of a sudden.

Reg was taken aback, and two words flashed through his mind, so fast!!


As soon as he finished dodging, Broly's iron fist was already attacking him, punching him in the face.

After receiving a few punches, Reg immediately came to his senses and roared frantically: "Damn, haa!!!"


Suddenly, Reg let out a huge amount of air, and at the same time, the aura on his body also exploded directly, soaring into the sky.

Not inferior to Broly's arrogance now, and then violently flew Broly out.

Then Reg banged and rushed straight over, while Broly somersaulted a few times in mid-air to stabilize his body.



At this time, a huge energy shockwave exploded here, causing a huge amount of dust and smoke.

In the dust and smoke, Reg and Broly were still fighting fiercely, and the two blurred figures made brief contact in the dense environment here, and every time they were a little away, an abnormal explosion broke out in an instant, and the battle was very fierce.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!!!!

The battle between Reg and Broly is still raging, and Wampa is about to be destroyed.

"Oh, what to do, it's over!" Paragas had cracked in the ground of the star Wampa as he looked at on a huge rock.

It was about to explode, and he couldn't escape, and he was sure to die!!!

But he didn't notice that he was safe and sound here, and not even the shaking affected him.

In fact, this place has been fixed by Reg, that is, the Wanpa Star has exploded, and if Paragas doesn't leave here, it will be fine.

Before fighting Broly, he had already calculated everything, and slapped him in the face, and it was in this place.

Because once Reg and Broly fight, it will be absolutely earth-shattering, and if Wampa wants to keep it, it will be impossible at all.

One has the blood of the primeval Saiyan, and the other has the blood of the legendary Super Saiyan, and if the power of the two collides, then there is nothing to say about this power.



In the explosion, another golden energy rushed out, followed by a green energy, which was none other than Broly.


Broly caught up with Reg and slammed him to the ground, and then rushed down on his own.


With a bang, Reg and Broly rose to the ground, grabbing each other's hands.


At the same time, they also broke out with their fighting spirit, and a big pit had been pierced under their feet.

And through the bottom of the Wampa Star, I saw the universe, and the originally broken Wampa Star finally split apart at this moment, forming several fragmented continents.

Regg and Broly shook hands for a moment, then suddenly separated, and then Regg flashed over and punched Broly in the chest.


"Whew!!" Reg yelled, but before he could react, Broly grabbed his head and lifted him up and slammed him to the ground.


After being smashed to the ground by Broly, Reg let go and slammed Reg into another hill with a kick.


A huge mass of rocks was blown up here, and Reg lay on the ground.


Broly didn't let him go, and fired energy directly at this place, like a bullet, and it exploded here, boom!


At this moment, in the aura of this explosion, a huge cloud of blazing energy suddenly came out, directly dispersing all of Broly's energy.

Then Reg burst out of it and teleported in front of Broly, punching and kicking him right.

Bang, knock, bang—

Regg's barrage of punches and kicks, combined with a brilliant wave of qigong, sent Broly thousands of miles away.


Then Reg prepared the galaxy to burst, and the vast energy gathered in the center of his hands, and the momentum rippled, and the whole planet trembled under the pressure of his energy, and the earth shattered, and the mountains and rivers were about to be shattered.

"Broly, pick up, Galaxy Burst !!"


A huge energy shock wave blasted down, bringing with it a terrifying momentum that destroyed the world and destroyed the world.

Broly stood up with a sudden burst of energy on the ground: "Ahhh!!!hh

His hands were also condensing energy, and then flung it over, it was also a huge energy shockwave, but his was grass green, and Regg's was golden.


In mid-air, the two energies collided again and exploded, exploding a huge mushroom cloud.

The entire planet suddenly shattered, and volcanoes erupted!!!

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