Reg has already set off for Wampa to look for Broly, but he still doesn't know, which one does Broly prefer now?

The old version of Broly's normal Broly seems to be very polite, such as the first time I met Vegeta, Broly said hello, my name is Broly.

However, after he became a Super Saiyan, his personality began to become brutal, and he began to like destruction, between having reason and fighting instinct.

Able to barely control himself without being stimulated, he evolved into the legendary Super Saiyan and became bloodthirsty, furious, and belligerent.

And the latest version of Broly is different from the old version, he likes to communicate with people, filial piety, friendship, and doesn't like to fight like Son Gohan.

Since he was a child, he lived with his father in the deserted Wampa Star, so he was very lacking in common sense.

The new version of Broly starts with the planet Vegeta, where the Saiyans obey the orders of the Frieza Legion.

At that time, King Vegeta had strong expectations for the birth and potential of his son Vegeta, believing that his son was the one who ruled the universe and not Frieza.

However, at the same time, Broly, the son of Paragas, was born and judged to have more amazing potential and abnormal combat power changes than Prince Vegeta, and King Vegeta decided to exile Broly to the uninhabitable Vampa Star and leave him to fend for himself.

Paragas left King Vegeta in a fit of rage and went with his companion Biz to Vampa in search of Broly.

Due to the forced take-off of the spacecraft piloted without flight conditions, and the impact suffered during the landing of Wampa, the ship's parts could not be repaired and it was unable to return to Vegeta.

So Paragas killed him, in order to save food, and he depended on Broly, and lived on the obsession of revenge on King Vegeta's family.

As a child, Broly trained his dodge skills by dodging Baya's attacks, and later became friends with Baya.

Later, Paragas found out that he could not train because he could not train him, so he broke with Broly by injuring Baya's ear, who tied Baya's ear around his waist to commemorate his friend.

It wasn't until the Great Congress of Strength that the Infrieza Legion was much weaker than before.

Searching for a powerful warrior, Zlai and Reimer meet the wildling-like father and son in Wampa and bring them to Frieza.

Frieza knew that Paragas didn't want revenge on his Ta Star, but only wanted revenge on King Vegeta. proposed to let Broly defeat Vegeta and kill Sun Wukong himself.

They were picked up on the Earth's ice field, where Ragas recognized Vegeta.

Frieza told Vegeta about his father's exile of the Paragass, which Vegeta believed was his father's fault and was unaware of it. Paragas ordered Brogon Vegeta.

At the beginning of the battle, Broly was suppressed by Vegeta due to his lack of experience in fighting the enemy, but with his combat talent, he quickly learned how to fight, and quickly counterattacked successfully.

Frieza knew Broly's training style from Paragas. Thinks that Paragas is not strong enough to be Broly's training target.

Broly's ability to transform the Great Ape into a human form is in danger of getting out of control.

Monkey King saw a strong enemy eager to try, from the normal to Super Saiyan Blue and Broly in a close battle.

However, the cunning Frieza knew that Son Goku had transformed into a Super Saiyan out of anger, and he also wanted to see if Broly could transform.

When Broly saw his father killed, he was furious and transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Broly, who lost his mind, had the upper hand even in the face of the combination of Son Goku and Vegeta.

Son Goku and Vegeta lured Broly to Frieza and fled to Vic with teleportation, before the out-of-control Broly beat Frieza for more than an hour.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta decided to fuse due to lack of physical strength and lack of fairy beans, and finally succeeded in the third time and merged into Gogeta.

Gogeta finally overpowers Broly, who is completely rampant.

Not wanting Broly to be killed, Zlay made a wish to the dragon to teleport Broly back to the planet he lived on.

Later, Zlly and Reimer flew the spaceship to live with Broly on the planet of Wampa.

Monkey King teleported to Wampa to deliver food and other supplies, and Broly thanked Monkey King for his friendly smile.

And know his name as an earthling and a Saiyan

And the old version of Broly was born with a combat power of up to 10,000 when the king of the Western Realm Broly.

It is later discovered by Vegeta's father, King Vegeta, who fears that Broly's immense potential threatens the reputation of their royal family.

Seeing him as a great danger, King Vegeta tried to kill him. King Vegeta then killed Paragas and sent Broly to kill them, before throwing their bodies into the rubbish.

But the Broly father and son did not die.

When Frieza destroyed the planet Vegeta, Broly used his amazing energy to create a protective shield that allowed the Broly father and son to survive in the universe.

As he grew older, Broly's strength and personality became ferocious, and after becoming a Super Saiyan, he wreaked havoc, and in order to control him smoothly, Paragas asked a scientist to make a controller and put it on his head while he was asleep.

Thereafter, Paragas used Broly's power to build a small empire in the Southern Galaxy.

Later, this small empire was crotched down by Sun Wukong and others. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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