"What a monster!!!, all of our attacks have been seen through by him?" Sun Wukong fell to the ground, gritting his teeth to look at Hildegang.

No matter how they attacked, Hildegang would block or dodge before they could counterattack, and they couldn't see where Hildegang's weakness was.

"Damn, no matter how powerful the power is, it won't work for him?" Sun Wukong's last sentence fell.

Seeing Sun Wukong and the others falling, He Yi was very excited: "Hahahaha, destroy it, destroy the entire universe, and turn everything here into your Hildegang's energy." "

And at this time, the butterfly effect appeared, and Hilde Gang actually evolved again, his body shrunk a little, and his qi was stronger.

But relatively speaking, Tapio's melody has really become completely useless to him.

"How could it be !!?"

Tappio was taken aback, it was really useless, so he immediately ducked.

"Hahaha, what a stupid person, do you still think this kind of thing works? hahahaha. He Yi said excitedly.

"Damn!!" Tapio was very unwilling, could his efforts have failed like this?

I'm afraid that Lord Realm King God won't have time to support him, Hilde just now he can't suppress it.

At this moment, a flash of light appeared here, and a little loli girl emerged from inside.

"Livestock. "

The little girl's right Hilde had just used a confinement, but as soon as she did it, her brows furrowed slightly.

"It's not good, this monster has different powers in his body, my ability can't trap him, what should I do?

"Lord of the Realm King God!!" When Tapio saw the little Lori Realm King God, he immediately smiled.

"Tappio, are you alright? The little Lori Realm King appeared in front of Tapio in a flash and helped him up.

"No, Hilde has just absorbed a lot of energy, and now he has evolved to the second level, and no one is his opponent here. Tapien said with tears in his eyes.

"It's all my uselessness, I can't suppress Hildegang, let him..."

"Go to Regg, and only he can defeat Hildegang. Vegeta limped over.

Star of Saiyan

At this time, Reg also felt the violent atmosphere on the earth.

"What's going on!"

Reg frowned, this qi is too powerful, what the hell will be the situation?

"Rege, is there something going on on Earth?" Supacion also came over at this time and asked, after all, such a huge amount of qi was emitted here, could they not find out?

"Yes, I'm going to rush over at once, you guys don't go out here, Buu protect this place. Regg's words vanished in an instant.

The next second, he appeared in front of Hildegang, and just happened to see Hildegang's fist rushing over, which almost scared Reg to death, but his spirit was so huge.

Immediately, a light flashed in his eyes, and time suddenly stood still, and everything around him stopped, but there was one person who didn't stop, it was the little Lori King God.

"Hmm! Time ability !!" The little Lori Realm King God was taken aback and saw that the person who suddenly appeared here recovered after about 0.6 seconds.

"0.6 seconds, it's really amazing, no one in my nest of time knows the time magic skill, this person actually comprehends the time skill by himself!!" The little Lori realm king god was surprised and thought.

But in the sky, Reg had already dodged Hildegang's fist, and looked around in an instant, everyone else had been drained of energy, no wonder they couldn't get up, even if they regained their senses.

"Uh... Regg, you're finally here!!" Sun Wukong reluctantly said this sentence, as they were all forcibly drained of their energy by Hilde, completing their second evolution.

In the original book, Hilde didn't have this ability, but the butterfly effect appeared.

Vegeta also smiled at this time, he couldn't stand up anymore, just now he was holding on with his willpower, and now as soon as his spirit is loosened, he naturally can't hold it and fall.

'My brother, I can only leave it to you. ’

Although he often threatens to surpass Regg, he himself knows very well that he may not be able to surpass it in his lifetime, and every time he is quarantined and sees him again, Reg goes one step further.

was already better than them, and he threw them away again and again, and if you count them, I don't know how many times, and this time it's the same.

It was believed that Regg's burst out of all his strength would definitely be to a level they didn't expect, so it was almost impossible to surpass him.

"You, who are you?" He Yi was taken aback, how did two people suddenly appear, he hadn't even seen how these two people appeared.

He Yi was just an ordinary person, so it was naturally impossible for him to detect the appearance of the Realm King God, as well as the appearance of Reg's teleportation, so it was reasonable to be surprised.

"Oh?" this surprised Reg a little, and there were others, so he turned his head slightly to look behind him, and sure enough, there was a little Lori looking at him with very strange eyes.

But at this time, he didn't have time to pay attention to this, and immediately focused on looking at this huge monster, he always felt that this monster was somewhat familiar.

But can't remember.

So Reg asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Does he remember that there was this stage after the Majin Buu incident?_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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