Dragon Ball Master Wu Tian

One hundred and fifty, picking flowers and flying leaves is like killing someone

Neither Gaya, who launched the attack, nor Love, who thought Gaya was too serious, expected that Gaya's punch would have such a result.

Gaya punched Wu Tian fiercely.

As an outstanding Saiyan warrior, Gaia has extremely rich and sophisticated fighting skills. His punch was just to make the boastful guy in front of him suffer a little without seriously injuring him. In this regard, he is measured.

However, before his fist even touched the corner of Wu Tian's clothes, it was blocked by an invisible barrier.


Gaya's right fist was only a punch away from Wu Tian's chest, but it seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, struggling to maintain a stalemate.

Damn it...

No matter how hard he tried with his red face, or even yelled Drink!, he no longer held back his hands, bursting out with his own momentum, and his fisting arm suddenly became thicker in a circle, and became as big as granite. The muscles piled up, and at the same time blue-white flames erupted from the arms. Strength and energy were entangled, condensing a terrifying explosive power.

Bang bang bang!

The hard mud beneath Gaya's feet flew away, and as Gaya's aura erupted, the ground cracked and spread like a spider web.

Opposite his fist, Wu Tian's expression remained calm.

There seemed to be an invisible airflow barrier between him and Gaya. Gaya's fist was tightly wrapped by the tide of force from all directions, and was locked in the air in front of Wu Tian's punch. .

Stop looking down on others!

Gaya roared, his neck became thick, and his momentum erupted, especially on his back. The fierce momentum blew into the air in the cone-shaped area behind him, creating an amazing momentum, scaring the onlookers with horrified expressions on their faces. Color, the natives looked at each other, but no one was frightened away.

Because, although Gaya's aura was astonishing and had a kind of raging destructive power, it could not affect Wu Tian who was directly opposite him at all. Gaia's aura and Wu Tian's were completely separated by an invisible barrier. No matter how much force Jia Ya exerted or what kind of explosion he had, the wall of energy in front of Wu Tian still blocked it out.

Soon, Gaya, who was desperately trying to explode the energy in her body, was sweating profusely.

The strength of the fists has been continuous, even layer by layer. You are good, very good.

Wu Tian was a little surprised.

He really didn't expect this big Saiyan man to have such delicate fighting skills.

Being restrained by Wu Tian's energy wall, he continued his punch attack with just a breath in his heart. During this period, there were several signs of exhaustion, unsustainability, and interruption of the punch. However, Gaya held on.

Love was watching from behind, Gaya didn't seem to be embarrassed.

Little did he know that at this time, Raph had already been stunned.

Because she was a bystander, Raph saw Wutian's performance more intuitively than Gaia.

Compared with Gaya, who was sweating profusely, exerting most of his strength, and even looking vaguely embarrassed, Wu Tian faced Gaya's attack. Not only did he not move or raise his hand at all, he even showed no expression. The slightest change, that is to say, Gaya's attack is useless is so natural to him.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Raph felt Wu Tian glance at her over there.

The hairs all over her body immediately stood up, and she felt as if she was being stared at by a terrifying monster. She suddenly recalled the shocking sound of thunderous breathing that she and Gaya heard a few minutes ago... Could that really be the sound of this human being breathing? !

She was thinking about how to cook the monster that made a loud breathing sound so that it would be more delicious!

However, the use of Qi is still too rough.

Wu Tian shook his head, but he understood it very well.

Based on his many years of experience in the Cavishil universe, he has long known that the level of martial arts, or Qigong practice, of people on Earth is definitely beyond that of most life forms in the universe. What Wu Tian has seen is that the practice of the Namekians can be compared with the martial arts of Earth.

The original earth was like this, and the earth transformed by the Martial Immortals is even more unique in the universe.

What the people on Earth lack has always been the gap between the total amount of pure energy and the powerful life forms in the universe. Wu Tian is not arrogant, but is conscious of being a half-step true god of vitality. He can clearly know what level of martial arts realm he is beyond vital energy on a mortal level.

He waved his hand, and the Qi Jin swaying in front of him was like an arm, like an extension of his limbs. He moved Gaya's fist that was imprisoned by Qi Jin along the way. In the latter's extremely surprised expression, Wu Tian used an extremely powerful force. The clever force sent Gaya's fist and body flying away. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

At the moment of being thrown away, Wu Tian's Qi grabbed the Qi on Gaya's fist and turned into an intricate spider web. He followed the clues to grab the Qi all over the latter's body, and gave it a final swing, causing a shock!


Gaya was thrown away. At the same moment, he felt a numbness in the fist that attacked Wutian. This numb and painful feeling quickly merged into the whole body along the fist, and the energy in the body expanded violently. Shocked, almost completely shattered!

With a casual flick, Wu Tian almost destroyed all of Gaya's life energy!

In front of Wu Tian, ​​a man who has mastered the martial arts realm and has unprecedented control over vitality, he dares to come into direct contact with his Qi... and his own strength is still many times different from Wu Tian's. ! Gaya can also be said to be fearless for the ignorant.

In Wu Tian's eyes, Jia Ya, who had extremely poor control over Qigong, had the same strength as the vitality of a stone on the roadside. Wu Tian can borrow, transform and disperse the natural energy of flowers, plants and trees at will, and of course he can also control the energy of Gaia at will.

It can be said that if you are not extremely confident in your own realm, or if your energy intensity far exceeds that of Wu Tian at that time, it is best not to have direct contact with such Wu Tian. Otherwise, life or death, or being completely destroyed, Everything will be in Wu Tian's mind.

After noticing the faint look in Wu Tian's eyes who had thrown him away, Gaya suddenly realized the situation.

Although he didn't fully understand Wu Tian's realm, he vaguely understood that he had just walked through the gate of hell dangerously. You must know that a person's Qi is one's life. If a person's Qi is completely dissipated, it is equivalent to death.

Are you coming again?

Wu Tian flicked his fingers, stood by the blue river, and said lightly.

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