Dragon Ball Master Wu Tian

Chapter 150: The Underworld Martial Arts Club (7)

Following closely the long line of Qi in front of them, Wu Tian, ​​Northern Kaio, and Hathaway walked through the twists and turns of the corridors in the Dai Kaio's bungalow, but they walked for a long time without seeing the end.

Is it possible that we have gone underground? No, judging from the feeling when I walked... the ground has always remained level, and there is no downward slope. Wu Tian held Hathaway tightly with one hand and walked calmly. At the end of the team, he thought silently in his heart, Judging from what I saw outside just now...even if these corridors go in circles, at least they are always moving forward...and the distance between the front and back of this house...is not It should be this 'thick'.

In other words, if their destination was not inside the house, they would have walked out of the house long ago.

But the fact is...their current group of 133 people plus 5 Kaiōs are still advancing in the corridor of the house.

Wu Tian and Hathaway walked side by side with the King of the North, and in front of them were those more than a hundred contestants. Glancing at his wife beside him, Wu Tian said, Give me the child.

Although Xiao Takeru's development is slow, he is still 8 years old at any rate. Even though Hathaway exercises regularly (note that it is not martial arts, but a normal person's physical exercise), she can't bear to hold him like this all the time. The concept of holding someone for a long time will make you tired simply didn't exist in Wu Tian's mind, so he noticed Hathaway's somewhat labored look and secretly felt ashamed.

The couple had nothing to be polite about, so Hathaway handed the photo of Xiao Wu sleeping soundly in her arms to her husband. But Wu Tian was not as polite as his wife. He easily took it with one hand and held it in his arms like something... This is how a biological father raises his children...

Hathaway was a little speechless, but she also knew that her husband was an expert in martial arts, so even if he held the child like this, he would not make the child uncomfortable while walking.

She was also a little tired from hugging her. She put her thumbs on her temples and the upper edges of her palms on the hairline of her forehead. She grabbed her long hair with both hands and combed it back. Finally, she brushed her seaweed-like fluffy hair twice behind her head. The long purple haired man took a breath and relaxed.

Hathaway looked at the long queue in front of her, wondering why she hadn't reached where she wanted to go yet.

Even without Wu Tianna's powerful computing power and deduction ability due to his huge mental power, Hathaway's IQ itself is already extremely high. Of course she had already discovered what Wu Tian could discover... She could even accurately simulate the size of the entire house in her mind (which she had visually measured outside), as well as the route they took all the way through the house.

Logically speaking, they should have walked out of the house by this time.

These rooms... all seem to be exactly the same...

Hathaway looked at the door of a room he passed. It had a somewhat Western appearance in the same style as this house. Wu Tian held his son in one hand and put his other hand around his wife Hathaway's soft and slender waist. At this time, like Hathaway, he glanced at the door of the room that appeared again on the side of the corridor.

Along the way, the same room door has appeared countless times.

Don't be distracted, follow closely, time and space change in the Great Kaio King's house... The North Kaio King reminded from the side at this time.

Changes in time and space? No wonder... Wu Tian suddenly realized, no wonder the length of the corridor is longer than the size of the house.

Hathaway, on the other hand, had a strange look in her eyes when she heard this. Her slender waist was held by her husband, holding her elbow with one hand and grabbing her smooth chin with the other. She looked left and right at the strange corridor they were in, revealing her... With a thoughtful expression, it seemed that...the term changes in time and space aroused some interest in her.

Space changes...space-time folding...

Wu Tian beside Hathaway also thought of something. He remembered that in the Buu chapter of the original work, Piccolo took Majin Buu to the Celestial Temple to delay for a long time.

Of course, the passages inside the Earth and Heaven Temple do not change in time and space, they are just complicated routes. Corridor and room, these two elements, it is difficult not to remind Wutian... the place where Piccolo took Majin Buu to, that place in the later stage of Dragon Ball Z, where the Dragon Ball Warriors cheated and counterattacked The only place to go...

Spiritual Time Room.

Changes in time and space...could it be that...the spiritual time room in the Earth Temple originated from here...perhaps there once was a god who came to practice at the King of the Realm and was inspired to create spiritual time when he returned. Room?

But the spiritual time house not only changes in space, but also changes in time...

Wu Tian thought divergently. He even thought of the machine in the original animation plot that allowed Sun Wukong to travel through time and meet Wu Taidou. He didn't know if there was such a thing in the temple, and he didn't ask the God Bi. gram.

That's right, if you get lost here, then... well... although you can teleport, it's best not to be careless. The King of the North Realm thought for a while and felt helpless. It seemed that even if Wu Tian got lost here, , can also leave by teleportation.

He was helpless for long. At this moment, his destination arrived.

The team in front... stopped somewhere in the corridor.

Opened a certain room? Wu Tian's eyesight is very good, and he can see the situation at the front even at the end of the team, UU reading www. uukanssnn I saw that the people over there were filing in one after another from a room door opened on the side of the corridor. There were fewer and fewer people in the corridor. Wutian, Hathaway and North Kaiwang also slowly Moving forward, soon the last person in front of them entered through the open door.

Although the door was open, only a vast expanse of white could be seen. It was a little dark in the corridor. When the door was opened, it was like opening a long vertical strip of white drawing paper on the dark wall. In other words, in the corridor, it is impossible to see clearly what is on the other side of the door.

Let's go. The King of the North didn't stop and walked in first without stopping.

At this time, Xiao Wuzhao, who was holding Wu Tian in his hand, woke up. The little guy rubbed his eyes, confused and didn't know where he was. Wu Tian and his wife looked at each other and smiled. Wu Tian put Xiao Wu Zhao down on the ground. Hathaway took her son's hand, joined hands with her husband, entered the room through the open door, and stepped into the white shimmer.


The white light gradually dissipated, and the scene in front of me became clear, followed by a very noisy sound...

There are so many people... Hathaway raised her hand to cover her eyebrows, looked ahead, and said in surprise.

This is a place similar to a stadium: in the center of the venue is a huge ring-like thing, and around it are ring-shaped stands. At this time, the stands were filled with a circle of spectators.

The King of the North who was waiting for Wu Tian and the others at the door smiled and said: To be precise...those are not people, they are ghosts.

But no, a large part of those audiences are just white flame-shaped souls. These are souls that have come from heaven. The opening of the Underworld Martial Arts Tournament is also an opportunity for these ordinary souls, who don't have many souls, to come to the Great Kaiwang Planet. The souls who are bored in heaven will come together to watch the competition, which can be regarded as a pastime.


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