"Forget it, let’s say goodbye properly! Anyway, in two days, everyone on this planet will die! Raditz said with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

Then, after driving away the uneasiness in his heart, he continued to enjoy the food.

After all, he won’t be able to eat it even if he wants to in two days!

After hearing Raditz’s words, Klin Start praying in your heart

"Wukong, come back quickly! Now no one can stop this guy except you!"

Time passes slowly, and it is already sunset!"


"Gohan, stand up!"

In the Spiritual Time Room, Sun Wukong was wearing tattered training uniforms, breathing heavily, and scolded Sun Wufan who was lying ten meters in front of him.

Although he felt that in the past half a year, he had not been able to Son Gohan's training is too harsh. After all, Gohan is only a child over four years old now, and I can't bear it.

But if not, there is no way to bring out the potential in his body!

"Dad...Dad, I really...can't stand up anymore!"

Sun Wuhan, who was lying on the ground, was breathless, unable to raise his head, and his voice was very weak.

"Gohan, think about the time when your father was almost killed by that bad guy, think about the feeling at that time, that kind of anger! If you lay down like this, everyone on earth will be killed... Chi-Chi, Bulma, Krillin and the others.……"

Sun Wukong himself clenched his fists tightly and tried again. If Gohan still couldn't awaken the power and stand up, he would give up!

"No...no, I don't want dad to be killed, I don't want him to kill anyone on Earth!"

Sun Wuhan, who was lying on the ground, clenched his fists tightly, and his voice suddenly became extremely firm!

His body suddenly stood up at this moment.

Brushing... a terrifying white arrogance spread all over Sun Wuhan. Sweeping wildly.

The black hair stood up high with arrogance, and there was no trace of timidity in his eyes, and he became extremely fierce!

"Dad, our practice... just begins now!"

Sun Wuhan's eyes were as bright as fire, his cold voice fell, his body suddenly flashed, his toes touched the ground, and he attacked directly towards Sun Wukong.

"This kid is so fast!"

Sun Wukong was shocked. The speed displayed by Sun Wuhan at this moment was actually almost the same as his own.

This guy, under the rage, his combat power increased so horribly!

Then, he also stepped back with his right foot, lowered his center of gravity, and met him. Sun Wuhan's fists collided with each other, making a low sound.

Both Sun Wukong and Sun Wuhan squeezed their numb fists.

"This little guy is actually so powerful! Although he is not exerting all his strength at this time, Gohan is only over four years old now!"

If not restrained, Gohan's strength in the future will be absolutely limitless!

After being knocked back, Sun Wuhan didn't pause at all and wanted to attack again.

But at that moment, his body suddenly softened, and white arrogance surrounded him. Suddenly disappeared.

His body fell limply to the ground.

After all, Sun Wuhan was only four years old. Even though he had strong power in his body, his current body was too weak to support that power.

When the body can bear the limit, he will faint.

Sun Wukong hurried over and fed Sun Wuhan a fairy bean.

After the battle just now, he was sore all over and just wanted to lie down on the couch and sleep beautifully. Sleep


Time in the spiritual time room is slow and wears down people's patience, but on earth, two days almost fly by.

"Damn ants, how dare they join forces to lie to me and tell me where that guy Kakarot is?"

In front of the Turtle Fairy House, Raditz's face was full of anger, his forehead was full of violence, and he roared at the people in front of him.

The little bald man told himself that Kakarot went to say goodbye to his wife.

But When he looked over and didn't see Kakarot, he realized that he had been fooled by such a group of ant-like things. It was absolutely unforgivable for Klin and Bull in front of Raditz. Ma, Qiqi and Guixianren were all trembling with fear. Especially Klin, that guy clearly told him this , now he is going to trick him to death!

"How could Wukong provoke such a monster?"

To be honest, Qiqi is still in a state of confusion.

Wukong obviously took Gohan to their party, and now the monster is asking for her.

How does she know where Sun Wukong is now, and she Gohan also disappeared!

Thinking of this, Qiqi couldn't help but shed tears.

"You don’t even want to say yes! Don't worry, you will speak up……"

Raditz's cold voice fell, and his face became unusually cold.

Then he raised his palm, and an energy ball condensed from his palm.

Aimed at Qiqi, Klin and others!

"I'll give you one last chance, don't challenge my patience!"

The horns of his horns were raised evilly, and Raditz's tone became even colder.

If these people continue to be so ignorant of current affairs, then he will kill them without hesitation!

Then he will kill all the people on earth. I don't believe that Ka Can that guy in Carrot continue to be a coward?

PS: I beg you for collection, for flowers, for review votes, for all kinds of things...

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