Almost instantly, several members of the Dalles Legion had no time to react.

All I saw was a dark shadow flashing past!

Sun Wukong's figure had already appeared in front of Almond. Under Almond's horrified gaze, he punched out, and Sun Wukong's fist sank directly into his chest.


Armond's pupils suddenly tightened. He just didn't see clearly how that guy appeared next to him or how he punched!

A heartbreaking pain spread from his chest to every cell in his body. However, life was passing away bit by bit. Almond never thought that on this kind of garbage planet, someone could kill him in an instant without him even reacting!

On his chest, Sun Wukong clenched his fist fiercely, and rays of light shot out from between his fingers. With a shake of his arm, the energy beams were shot out directly from Almond's body.

Bang... accompanied by an explosion. , Amond's body exploded directly.

A white halo surrounded Sun Wukong, blocking all the filth after the explosion. Both Dez and the Dalais Legion were shocked!

The four Kakao people, as well as Klin, Tianjin Fan and others who were still alive, were all shocked beyond measure.

Almond, who had been able to easily beat them up and even kill them just now, was actually destroyed by Sun Wukong in an instant. For the fragments.

Seeing this, the other four members of the Dales Corps felt instantly enveloped by death. Their bodies were shaking uncontrollably with fear and despair, and they were stunned, but Sun Wukong did not move at all. Pause.

After killing Amond with one punch, Sun Wukong's body disappeared from everyone's sight again, appearing behind Dai Zi with a necklace and earrings, and directly kicked Dai Zi's waist.

Dai Zi, who was in a state of unconsciousness, was directly intercepted by Sun Wukong's kick.

The fear in his eyes instantly turned into regret and despair. In a moment, the remaining three people saw Amond and Dai Zi disappear in an instant. After being killed one after another, they finally recovered from the panic, turned around, and fled in the direction of their spaceship.

At this time, they knew very well that as long as they stayed for a moment longer, their fate would definitely be the same as Ah's. Mond and Dez look exactly alike!

"You want to leave now, have you left?"

Sun Wukong raised his horns coldly, and his body rushed out again, appearing on top of Kakao's head at an extremely fast speed. He clasped his hands and hit the robot Kakao's head directly.

Kakao's The head was directly smashed into the body with terrifying force. Bang... it finally shot into the ground like a shell, making a huge pit in the ground and causing bursts of smoke.

After Song easily killed Kakao again, Sun Wukong turned his attention to the short stature of Rez and Laksai who were running away in a hurry. He raised his palms and aimed at the two of them. The terrifying Qigong wave was condensed. It blasted directly at the two of them.

Explosion... explosion... two muffled sounds were heard, and their bodies were directly blasted by the Qigong wave, and the whole process only lasted for ten seconds. It’s just a matter of time!

In an instant, the mighty Dales Legion was wiped out.

Sun Wuhan and Piccolo looked at Sun Wukong standing in the air like a god of war, and then opened their mouths. The shock on his face turned into ecstasy.

Finally...all these invaders were killed, and the earth was finally safe!

After killing the four people instantly, Sun Wukong jumped up and appeared directly in the spirit tree. At the top, after picking a few Spirit Tree fruits, the body slowly fell next to Sun Wuhan and Piccolo.


Sun Wufan looked at Sun Wukong with reverence and looked very excited.

"Come on Gohan and eat this!"

Sun Wukong placed a spirit tree fruit in front of Sun Wuhan.

With Gohan's strength and body, he can fully withstand the energy of the spirit tree fruit.


Sun Wuhan took the spirit tree fruit from Sun Wukong's hand and gnawed it without hesitation.

There was a hint of sourness in the sweetness, but it was quite delicious.

After the whole spirit tree fruit entered his stomach, Sun Wuhan He felt his power surge instantly without feeling any discomfort!

Then he turned his excited eyes to Sun Wukong again and witnessed with his own eyes the transformation of Sun Wuhan after eating the red fruit. , the energy increased tenfold in an instant.

He looked at the red fruit in Sun Wukong's hand in disbelief. What on earth was it that contained such terrifying energy?

No wonder he felt that Sun Wukong and another Saiyan were suddenly angry. The skyrocketing price turns out to be because of this fruit!

"Piccolo, take one too!"

Sun Wukong threw the spirit tree fruit to Piccolo, and then walked to Klin and Tianjin Fan who were lying motionless on the ground!

He helped them up and fed each of them a fairy bean.

After eating, After the fairy beans, all the injuries of the four people were healed instantly.

Sun Wukong gave the remaining three spirit tree fruits to Klin Tianjinfan and Yamu Cha.

Their strength should be able to control the energy of the spirit tree fruits. Dumpling probably couldn't fully digest the energy from the fruit of the spirit tree, so he didn't give it to him...

As a result, after their strength increased greatly, even when Vegeta and the others came to Earth, Gohan and Piccolo didn't give it to him! They must be able to handle it!

I can take advantage of this half year to go to other planets to experience it.

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers, and please give me evaluation votes!

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