"I have to say, these guys do have some ability."

BoJack raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Sun Wuhan and Vegeta who had been knocked away, and said with a cold smile.

"But this most beautiful planet in the Northern Galaxy can only belong to you, Lord BoJack. This annoying ant must die today."

Zanjia said to the side with a seductive look on her face.

"Indeed, these annoying guys will definitely not survive! This planet belongs to me, hahaha……"

BoJack laughed loudly.

In his opinion, although people like Sun Wuhan have some fighting ability, they are just grasshoppers who can jump very high.

It is absolutely impossible that just because they jump higher than other grasshoppers, their ending will change!

"Uncle Bick, those guys are hard to deal with!"

Sun Wukong frowned and said.

If it was a head-on fight, he might still be able to fight them.

At least he wouldn't lose too quickly, but that little man and that woman, their super powers made him... He was very restricted. He had to deal with them when fighting. If he did, he would not be able to use all his strength to fight with them. But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air.

Tianjin Fan and Yamcha appeared next to Sun Wufan and Piccolo.

"Uncle Tianjin Rice, Uncle Yamucha, you guys……"

Sun Wuhan was just about to ask what you were doing here, but thinking that this might make them both unhappy, he stopped!

However, this kind of situation is simply not something they can participate in.

If they really take action soon, the two of them won't be able to help at all, and they might even have to separate themselves to protect them!

Although Sun Wufan didn't say it explicitly, Tianjin Fan and Yamucha also understood this.

"Gohan, our strength is indeed far behind theirs, but we also want to make more contributions to protecting the earth."

The two of them said with sincere eyes.

The two of them may not be able to defeat the others, but they just saw the actions of those people in the surveillance video.

The two burly men are responsible for the main output, and the little man and the woman mainly relied on their superpowers to influence Gohan and the others

, so they guessed that the two guys at the back were not very strong. Of course, this lack of strength was only relative to the four of them! Not strong!

After hearing what the two said, Sun Wuhan had nothing to say and nodded seriously!

"Gohan, leave that little guy to me! Piccolo pointed at Peter, the smallest among the four, and said.

He knew that his strength was still far behind that of Vegeta and Gohan, so he did not want to fight with the leader over his success..

Piccolo naturally realized that as long as he held the little man back, Gohan and Vegeta would not be disturbed, and they might be able to defeat those guys with all their strength!

"Gohan, leave that... to us!"

Tianjin Fan pointed at Zangjia and said in a solemn tone.

In the video, they saw the scene of the young girl defeating Krillin instantly, so naturally they didn't dare to be careless!

Maybe neither of them would be able to deal with that guy.


Suddenly, the ground shook violently, the circles of ruins collapsed, and streaks of golden light shot out from the ruins.

"Damn you bitch, I, Vegeta, will never forgive you!"

With streaks of golden light, Vegeta's body shot out directly from the ruins.

The anger in his heart had turned Vegeta's face livid.

He rushed towards Buchin almost without reason. It seemed that Buchin had just been killed. Chin's attack was a great shame for Vegeta.

At this time, Peter and Zangjia were about to trap Vegeta at the same time. Piccolo, Yamcha and Tianjin Fan took action at the same time!

The three of them condensed an energy ball in their hands and threw it directly towards Peter and Zanjia... The energy ball hit the ground and a huge explosion occurred. At the same time, Peter and Zangjia also pushed back.

At this time, Vegeta was already entangled with Buchin.

Now that Vegeta has taken action, Piccolo and others will naturally not slack off. With a flash of his body, he came directly to Peter and Zangya, and Son Gohan shook his arms and transformed into a full-power Super Saiyan form.

Then he flashed his body and appeared in front of Bojack.

"oh? It turns out you are the hidden boss!"

Bojack looked at Sun Wuhan and said with a smile.

He could clearly feel that the aura of the brat in front of him was much stronger than the others!

And even he might not be able to do it for a while. Find a way to capture him

"Hey kid, I think you have good talent. If you are interested in becoming my subordinate, I can give you the highest treatment!"

Suddenly, BoJack actually offered an olive branch to Sun Wuhan.

He wanted to win over Sun Wuhan. After all, Sun Wuhan has terrifying fighting power at such a young age. If he grows up, he will definitely become a great existence.!

If you can take him under your wing, he will definitely be a very powerful force in the future.……

"I'm sorry I'm not interested in being your subordinate!"

Sun Wuhan shook his head lightly, and then completely ignored BoJack's reaction. His body flashed towards BoJack.

His purpose now is very clear, to defeat these foreign invaders.

Protect the earth and protect all Man!

This is what dad promised him before he left.

"Ah! You little thing who doesn't know how to live or die, if you don't want to face me, then go to hell!"

BoJack also seemed to be angered by Sun Wuhan's actions, and then directly faced Sun Wuhan.

He has been in the universe for thousands of years, and few people have dared to reject him.

But not all those who rejected him He was in hell, and he believed that the kid in front of him would be no exception!


After the two fist-bumped, the two of them separated instantly. There were bursts of numbness, and then dense energy balls flew all over the sky, instantly becoming a sea of Wangyang fire...

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