The King of the Northern Kai cursed in his heart, this guy pretended to be like a grandson when he asked for help.

This time I finally used him, but he actually turned away from me.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and now they have to ask him to do themselves a favor, so they can only talk to him in a good voice!

"Goku, it’s like this. The Great Kaio-sama wants to hold a world’s best martial arts tournament similar to your earth’s. The Kaiou from the four galaxies in the southeast, northwest and northwest will participate!"

The King of the North had no choice but to give in and tell Sun Wukong his plan.

Basically, whenever the King of the North is interested, he will hold such a boring thing.

And he has participated in so many competitions, and he has always been at the bottom..

Because none of his subordinates can fight! So in the past few martial arts meetings, he would be treated as a laughing stock by the guys from South Kaiou and East Kaiou!

If you ask Sun Wukong to help join the First Budokai, you can definitely defeat those guys in other galaxies!

When the time comes, you will definitely be able to avenge your shame!

Just imagine the expressions of the other three realm kings, which will make people feel satisfied.

Hearing the words of the North Kaio King, Sun Wukong was startled at first, and then said:"Lord Kaio, are you still awake or have a fever? I am a living person! You ask me to fight with a bunch of dead people and it's not a foul?"

In the original work, Sun Wukong did participate in the martial arts meeting held by the King of the Realm, but at that time Sun Wukong was already a dead person!

So he was able to participate, but he is now a living person. If he goes to participate in that thing, even if he agrees, other people will not be able to participate. The few realm kings and the great realm kings won’t agree!

"Wukong, as long as you nod, you don't have to worry about the rest, I will take care of it naturally!"

North Kaiwang's tone was very relaxed, and it seemed that there was a way.

However, Sun Wukong began to think deeply. Now that Cell has been dealt with, there should still be six or seven years before Majin Buu appears.

This period Time himself cannot stay on Earth forever, otherwise his strength will not be improved!

On the Kaio planet, there are some strong opponents with whom he can spar to improve his strength!

"Okay, Lord Kaio, I promise you!"

Sun Wukong suddenly said bluntly.

If he stayed on the earth blindly, it would be difficult for his strength to improve greatly.

And as long as he was there, it would be difficult for Gohan and the others to break through to a higher level, because in everything, they felt that they could not be able to help them bear the burden

"Great Goku!"

Sun Wukong could obviously hear that the King of the North was as excited as a 200-pound child.

"Wukong, who were you talking to just now?"

Looking at Sun Wukong talking to himself, Qiqi asked

"King of the North Kaikai, he asked me to go and help him with a little favor!"

Sun Wukong answered truthfully. It may take some time for him to go there, so he must let them know his whereabouts.

"Oh...ah, go, go!"

Qiqi thought about it for a while, and then agreed easily. It seems that the 500 million Sun Wukong mentioned just now can indeed make her happy for a while.

"Dad, you are going to the North Kaio King, can you take me with you? I want to go take a look!"

Sun Wuhan on the side heard that Sun Wukong was going to the Northern Kaioh planet, and asked with eagerness on his face.

"Well...I don't have any objection, mainly Qiqi……"

As soon as Sun Wukong moved his gaze towards Qiqi, he saw Qiqi’s eyes breathing fire.

"That…………Well, I’d better not go there!"

Sun Wuhan looked at Qiqi's eyes, shrank his neck, and went back to do his homework obediently!

"Dad... Dad!"

Sunbula flew into Sun Wukong's arms and rubbed Sun Wukong's face affectionately.

It seemed that he was a little reluctant to leave Sun Wukong.

"Okay Bra, daddy will be back soon!"

Then, after saying goodbye to Chi Chi and Bulma, Sun Wukong teleported to the North Kaio planet.


As the saying goes, begging others to be soft-spoken, when Sun Wukong arrived on the North Kaio planet, the North Kaio King had already prepared a sumptuous meal.

Use it to entertain Sun Wukong!

"Wukong, you are still as fast as ever!"

The King of the Northern Realm rubbed his hands together excitedly and said.

"Oops, King Kai has already spoken, how dare I complain!"

Sun Wukong said as he walked to the table, picked up his chopsticks and started eating without any politeness...........

I was in a hurry just now, so I haven’t had lunch yet, so I just made it up.

I have to say that Northern Kaio's cooking skills are quite good.

I remember it was explained in Dragon Ball Super that the reason why North Kaio's planet is so small is because one time the food he cooked did not suit Beerus's appetite, so Beerus turned it into such a tiny bit!

It seems that in the past few decades, in order to prepare for the next arrival of Beerus, he has been practicing his cooking skills hard!

"Wukong! Let me tell you something about the Budokai……"

The King of the North Realm originally wanted to explain something to Sun Wukong.

But Sun Wukong interrupted him directly:"It's okay, they are all small characters anyway."

Indeed, in the underworld, the most powerful one is the one under the Southern Kaio King who looks a bit like Piccolo.

However, his strength is, at best, that of a Super Saiyan II, which is not something to be afraid of.

As for the others, they are even less worth mentioning, so there is nothing to pay attention to.

"Well...when will the martial arts meet start?"

Looking at how anxious the Northern Kai King is, it should be within the next few days.

"Ten days later, ten days later."

The King of the North didn't seem to be angry at being interrupted by Sun Wukong, and explained harmoniously.

"Ten days? Then why did you call me here so early?"1.3

Sun Wukong put down the bowl and chopsticks and said with some displeasure.

In ten days, he can spend time with Qiqi, Bulma and No. 18.

"Isn’t this a weight-bearing exercise method that I recently studied and want you to try?"

North Kaiwang said with a sly smile.

Although he believed in Sun Wukong's strength very much, the guys under the other Kaiohs were not fuel-efficient lamps. Taking advantage of these ten days to let Sun Wukong consolidate, it can be considered as prepared! After losing so many times, he was very eager to win.

Looking at the sly smile of the North King, he naturally knew his intentions.

Here, you can practice with peace of mind.

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