"What a scary monster……"

Piccolo's face turned solemn for a moment, and he could clearly feel that the guy's energy had not been reduced at all by their attacks.

On the contrary, it is still rising rapidly, as if it is endless and never-ending.

Son Wuhan and Klin could naturally feel that Cell's energy had not decreased at all, which made their faces completely heavy!

"Without Wukong, that guy is simply not something we can deal with."

Klin frowned and shook his head. A feeling of despair filled his heart.

When the white light slowly dissipated, Shalu's figure appeared in everyone's sight.

At this time, Shalu , the appearance has undergone a huge change, only a small section of the original long tail spine is left, the body is smaller than before, and even the appearance has also undergone a huge change, it is no longer as ugly as before. Extraordinarily delicate, it seems that after absorbing No. 17, Cell's appearance has also undergone a huge change.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he looked down at Sun Wuhan, Piccolo and others. At this moment, he was extremely shocked. confidence

"What...what should I do if I am 28?"That guy is simply not something we can deal with."

Klin frowned and looked at Piccolo and Sun Gohan.

Now that Wukong is away, we can only rely on Sun Wukong and Piccolo.

"I have no choice but to fight to the death. I hope that Wukong guy can hurry up. If we don’t leave, we will all die here today! Piccolo said in a deep voice.

The current Cellulite is no longer something they can defeat, and he knows this very well. The only one who can compete with Cellulite now may be Sun Wukong, but he At such an urgent moment, he is not on earth now.


Sun Wuhan did not speak, but clenched his fists, and a terrifying aura burst out of his body in an instant, and his body doubled in size. It was obvious that he had reached the limit. In the second stage of Super Saiyan, his father told him that if Cell goes beyond the range that they can resist, he will burst out with all his aura, so that if he can feel it, he will teleport to the earth.

"You annoying ants, it's time to accept my wrath!"

Saru raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and after the faint voice fell, he suddenly clenched his fists, and his face looked a bit ferocious.

Suddenly, a group of blue things fell from Saru's tail.

"Then... what is that?"

Sun Wuhan and others looked at the blue thing that Cell suddenly gave birth to in horror.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, it turned into small little things that looked like Cell's gods.

That look in his eyes turned out to be even worse than Cell's. How evil

"Chi Chi Chi……"

The little thing looked at Sun Wuhan and Piccolo with bloodthirsty eyes, and made a sharp cry.

Immediately afterwards, four more similar little things emerged from Cell's tail.

The five little Cells surrounded Cell, making piercing screams, looking at Sun Wuhan and Piccolo as if looking at prey.

"So... such disgusting stuff."

Klin, Tianjin Fan and others looked at that evil-looking thing and had a creepy feeling.

"Don't be careless, those guys."

Bick quickly reminded the other three people


The three of them nodded. How dare they be careless now!

"Let me teach them a lesson, and you can kill them, my children."

Saru raised the corner of his mouth and said to the five little Saru beside him.

Hearing Saru's words, the little Saru showed an evil smile, and with a flash of his body, he rushed towards Sun Wuhan and others. The person passed by and made a harsh cry, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

The speed of Little Cell was extremely fast, and he appeared in front of Sun Wuhan, Piccolo and others almost instantly. In front of the person, the two of them kicked Krillin and Tianjin Fan away.

Their strength and speed were not comparable to that of Krillin and Tianjin Fan. The three of them on the 18th were able to deal with it reluctantly, but obviously, it was not an easy task to deal with it.

Even though Piccolo and the others knew that he was very strong, they only felt it firsthand when they actually fought. to their terror


At this time, on the North Kaio planet, North Kaio's whole body was trembling.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Apparently he had not expected that a scientist from Earth would actually create such a terrifying monster.

His ability is so strong that even the Emperor of the Universe, Frieza, might not be able to withstand even five moves in front of him.

"Goku must be notified, otherwise the whole earth will be destroyed!"

King of the North Realm gritted his teeth. Although he also knew that Sun Wukong was in the Southern Galaxy at this time, he was also facing a very powerful enemy.

But now there is really no way!

Now except Wukong, I am afraid no one can stop the monster Cellu......

With this thought, the Northern King began to close his eyes and tried to communicate with Sun Wukong spiritually.


"Wukong, the earth is in crisis now, come back quickly!"

Suddenly, just when Sun Wukong and Broly were fighting inseparably, the voice of the King of the North appeared in Sun Wukong's mind.

Sun Wukong quickly punched out, and both Broly and Sun Wukong were pushed back several feet at the same time.

"Did Shahru show up?"

Sun Wukong frowned. That guy really knows how to choose.

It's as if he completely knows that he is not on the earth. 083

No wonder he has been feeling uneasy just now.

But now, with his Super Saiyan 2 strength, I want to It is obviously not possible to deal with Broly in a short time, but if they go back late, Gohan and the others will be in danger!

"Has Lord Kaio, Cell, absorbed No. 17 and No. 18 and completed his complete body?"

Sun Wukong asked through spiritual communication.

In fact, he just wanted to be sure. Cell has Piccolo's cells and is extremely cautious in doing things. If he is not completely sure, it should not appear.

Since he can hibernate on the earth for four years You can see it soon

"Cell has indeed become a complete body, but he only absorbed No. 17. No. 18 is still safe now!"

The King of the Northern Realm said.

"Didn't absorb No. 18?"

Sun Wukong was shocked. If Cell wanted to complete his complete body, he had to absorb No. 17 and No. 18. Now he only absorbed No. 17 and became a complete body.

What is going on?

At this time Even with Sun Wukong’s understanding, he doesn’t know what happened!

"what to do?"

Sun Wukong frowned tightly. The situation on the earth must be very bad now!

But Broly is not an easy guy to solve.

At this moment, Sun Wukong is in a dilemma.

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading- Collection, recommendation,

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