"I feel the energy of the 18th!"

Next to Sun Wuhan, the tall No. 16 suddenly spoke, his face still calm.

Because Dr. Gero installed a power device in his body when he created him, so he can clearly feel

He is particularly familiar with the power of Androids No. 17 and No. 18! After being repaired by Breeves and Bulma, No. 16 has been following Sun Wuhan. Besides, the two of them really like each other!

"The 18th?"

Sun Wuhan was stunned. The power he felt just now could never belong to No. 18, because No. 18 is an android, and he couldn't feel the aura of the android at all!

Moreover, Android No. 17 It is simply impossible for the power of No. 18 to reach that level!

"On the 16th, there is still a very powerful aura. Is it Shalu?"

Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at No. 16 and asked

"I don’t know, that energy is indeed very strong. I am no match for him, but he is not in my information!"083

No. 16 shook his head gently. That powerful aura was very strange, but it did not exist in his own information in the past.

"Forget it, let’s go see what’s going on first!"

Sun Wuhan didn't hesitate at that moment. He pushed open the window and flew over.

Sun Wukong told him before leaving that he must pay attention to the movement of Cell and the artificial man, and never let Cell absorb the artificial man. People No. 17 and No. 18.

Especially before he comes back! The moment he flew out, Son Gohan directly turned into a Super Saiyan, and he had to rush over as quickly as possible. , to prevent Cell from absorbing No. 17 and No. 18 to become the so-called complete body! Of course, it was not just Son Gohan , Tianjin Fan, Krillin, and Piccolo who felt the sudden powerful aura!

People also felt the powerful aura.

Because they had received news from Sun Wuhan before, the powerful aura that appeared at this moment should be the artificial man named Cell in Gohan's mouth!


(cibd) At this time in the Temple of Heaven, the God of Heaven stood on the edge of the Temple of Heaven, looking at the situation below, his body trembling violently.

Beside him, Piccolo closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. The terrifying aura also made him feel powerless.

It's really too strong!

That energy should have surpassed that of Vegeta and Gohan.

But...damn it, at this time, that guy Sun Wukong happens to not be on earth.

"During the past four years, I have always had a sense of safety. I thought it was caused by an artificial man, but to my surprise, it turned out to be that guy!"

The god's slightly rickety body stepped back. A man seemed to be talking to himself, or to Piccolo and Bobo.

"Hey, what on earth did you see? Piccolo looked at the dull expression of the god and said


The god took a deep breath, and then said to Piccolo:"Let's merge! Piccolo, we must stop him, at least until Sun Wukong comes back!"


Bikko was startled. He had thought about this before, but was rejected by this guy!

Now he actually took the initiative to find himself to merge with. It seems that this enemy is indeed a very difficult character to deal with.

"Humph, after merging, you won’t occupy my consciousness! Piccolo glanced at the God with some doubts and said hesitantly.

Although he knew that after merging with the God, he would have unparalleled terrifying power.

But if his personality was assimilated after the fusion, then he would rather not merge.!

"Do not worry! After merging, you will only get all my knowledge and power, but my personality will completely disappear."

The God smiled warmly and said.

If it were the former Piccolo, even if he committed suicide, he would never merge with Piccolo!

But the current Piccolo is no longer the big devil Piccolo who wants to dominate the world. So

, now he can merge with Piccolo without any worries.

"Tsk, you'd better not lie to me! Piccolo glanced at the god coldly and said.

But his body moved towards the god very honestly.

The two stood upright, facing each other!

"Piccolo, protect this earth for me."

After the God finished saying this, he put one hand on Piccolo's shoulder.

Then, a white light instantly enveloped Piccolo and the God.

Under the light, the whole The Temple of Heaven turned pale.

After about a minute, the dazzling white light slowly dissipated.

Piccolo's figure appeared in Bobo's sight, but the presence of the God was gone.

At this time, Piccolo looked taller and burlier than before!

There was something else indescribable in his eyes.


Looking at Piccolo in front of him, tears welled up in Bobo's eyes. In the following days, he seemed to have to face the loneliness alone again!

"I am neither a god nor Piccolo, I am just a Namekian who has forgotten his name! Piccolo walked step by step to the edge of the Temple of Heaven, then turned his head, waved to Bobo, smiled, and then flew down to the lower world wrapped in white flames.


At this time, after Shalu knocked No. 18 away with just his breath, he flashed his body and flew directly towards No. 17.

Because No. 17 is his target!

"Ugly monster, I really am afraid of you!"

Seeing Shalu pointing directly at him, the arrogance in No. 17's heart was also aroused. He roared and his body exploded.

Bang... ah...

As soon as the two came into contact, No. 17 was knocked away instantly. And went out.

But Cellu's speed did not slow down at all, and he shot out again, grabbed No. 17's anklet, and slammed No. 17 to the ground during his second transformation. In Shahru's hands, No. 17 actually had no ability to fight back at all.

"No. 17……?"

No. 18 looked at No. 17 who was instantly subdued by Cellul. He screamed in shock, stretched out his palms forward, and aimed at Cellul.

The terrifying energy ball was condensed from the palm of his hand. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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