The moment Sun Wukong's voice fell, the entire earth instantly turned into a vast expanse of white.

The dazzling white light caused Vegeta, who was a hundred feet away, to subconsciously cover his eyes.

Broly, who was even closer, was temporarily blinded in an instant.

Naturally, Sun Wukong would not let go of such an excellent opportunity?

Raised both palms high

"Qi Yuanzhan……"

A low voice came out from Sun Wukong's mouth again, and then two golden sharp air blades appeared in Sun Wukong's palm.

At the moment when the Qi Circle Slash was condensed, Sun Wukong slashed directly towards Broly without any hesitation!

The two Qi Circle Slashes turned into four the moment they came out, but their power was not reduced at all.

Sun Wukong firmly believes that no matter how powerful Broly is, as long as he is hit by his own Qi Circle Slash, he will definitely end up with his body in a different place!

Broly seemed to have subconsciously sensed the dangerous feeling. Before he could open his eyes, his body collapsed.

He instantly pinched two grass-green energy balls in his palms and threw them out based on his feeling.



The two energy balls hit the two Qi Circle Slashes accurately and exploded at the same time.

At this time, Broly's eyes had been opened and his vision had recovered, but the other two Qi Circle Slashes were already in front of Broly's eyes!

Broly seemed to know the horror of what was in front of him. He hid in panic and managed to dodge the two Qi Circle Slashes!

However... that sharp Qi Circle Slash still left a long gash on Broly's face!

The bright red blood followed the wound to the edge of his mouth. Broly licked the tip of his tongue and sipped the blood into his mouth.

This made Sun Wukong feel sick to his stomach!

"Kakarot, absolutely... absolutely unforgivable!"

Then, Broly's arms shook, and the grass-green aura surged again, becoming dozens of feet tall.……

"That guy's power has grown again!"

Sun Wukong frowned. He could clearly feel that Broly's power had not increased again.

As a result, his situation would be very unfavorable.

There was also Vegeta, who was watching eagerly. I don’t know what that guy is thinking!

At this time, Broly’s mouth has condensed a huge energy ball, and Sun Wukong can feel the crazy energy fluctuations very clearly...

Broly roared with thunder, and the terrifying energy ball went directly towards Sun Wukong.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong instantly closed his hands and placed them on his right waist, and a blue energy ball emerged from his palm. Come out.

And it’s getting bigger!

"Turtle style Qigong wave...ha!

Sun Wukong also roared, and the turtle Qigong wave was pushed out instantly.


At the moment when Broly's energy ball and Sun Wukong's turtle style Qigong came together, the dazzling blue and green energy exploded instantly.

A terrifying round-edged air wave was formed, cutting in all directions.

Vegeta frowned and evaded hastily. He could feel the terror of the mixed energy wave.

If you are hit, you will definitely die!

Sun Wukong and Broly were both thrown upside down by the shock.

After spitting out the same mouthful of blood, Sun Wukong felt as if his internal organs had been displaced.

He quickly took out a fairy bean and put it in his mouth.

In an instant, Sun Wukong felt a vast force coming from his body!

Physical fitness and energy have also completely returned to their peak state!

As for Broly, his body was also blown away, and the look on his face was even more ferocious.


Just as the two of them flew backwards, the terrifying energy wave directly split the planet into two halves.

If you look from the universe, you can see that this planet is already covered with cracks, and red cracks are born from the two halves of the planet.

Sun Wukong pointed two fingers at the center of his eyebrows, and his body disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Broly.

"Kakarot, go to hell……"

Broly's arms shook, and vast energy burst out again, and the grass-green energy flames around him were burning.

It seemed that he was not affected by the previous impact and rushed towards Sun Wukong again.

At this time, Sun Wukong's eyes were also red, and he was not used to Broly at all. He also burst out with his body and faced Broly!

Vegeta on the side gradually became serious from his original state of watching the show.

The attack of these two guys is really too terrifying. The planet is already crumbling. Maybe if they collide again, the planet will completely explode!

By then, with my own strength, I won’t be able to survive the explosion. It seems I have to find a way to escape from here.


At this time on Earth, after No. 17 and No. 18 were defeated by Sun Wukong and others, they began to travel. Apart from robbing and racing every day, they did not do anything harmful to the earth!

"These days are so boring!"

In a deserted valley, No. 17 was driving a stolen car, racing recklessly.

No. 18 was sitting in the passenger seat, holding the back of his head with both hands, leaning on the seat, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, bored. Sighed

"I find it quite interesting!"

No. 17 seems to be very interested and having a great time.

"On the 18th, you won’t be thinking about that fake Monkey King, right?"

Looking at the bored look on No. 18's face, No. 17 joked in a playful tone.

"Tsk, who would think about that hateful bastard, if you keep talking nonsense on the 17th, be careful, I will tear your mouth apart."

There was a trace of anger on No. 18's face, and he said bitterly.

But speaking of that annoying guy, so much time has passed, but he has not come to see the two of them. Does he need her to do something? There was some big movement!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. No. 17 and No. 18 could clearly see that the guy was all green, and the green was full of black spots.

There was a toad that had become sperm!

A long tail was swinging back and forth behind him, and his hands were clasped in front of him, as if he was just waiting for the two of them.

"Hey, the guy in front, get out of my way quickly……"

Seeing that the ugly guy was blocking the way of the two of them in the middle of the road, No. 17 opened his mouth and reminded him coldly.

It's just that the guy didn't seem to pay attention to No. 17's words at all. Instead, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly with a sinister arc, and a faint voice came out of his mouth.

"On the 17th, I am finally waiting for you!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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