"Kaka...that bastard Kakarot……"

Vegeta clenched his fists loudly and looked at Sun Wukong with gritted teeth.

Just now, he had personally experienced how terrifying the super android was, but that guy Kakarot actually took the punch of the super android.

And it also knocked the opponent back several steps!

Could it be that despite practicing day and night in the past three years, I still can't surpass Kakarot and close the gap between them?

"Wukong seems to be at a disadvantage!"

Klin looked at the situation on the field and said worriedly.

If Wukong fails and is killed, it means that the entire earth will be completely controlled by artificial humans.

By then, these guys may kill all humans!

Thinking of this , a chill surged down Clin's back.

"Now it seems that Sun He may have a chance to win! Piccolo also looked at the two people below and said very seriously.

Judging from the first contact between the two just now, although Sun Wukong was at a disadvantage, the power of the artificial man has been completely limited.

But Sun Wukong is different. 28 His fighting power will continue to grow.

And as a Saiyan, Sun Wukong will become more courageous as he fights. Maybe it won't be long before Sun Wukong can completely catch up with the power and speed of the super artificial man!


After the Super Android punched Sun Wukong, a red energy ball emerged from the palm of his hand.

It blasted towards Sun Wukong!

Bang bang bang...

A series of energy balls densely blasted towards Sun Wukong, exploding instantly.

The position where Sun Wukong stood was instantly engulfed in flames, forming a huge orange hemisphere, and as more and more energy balls were thrown in, the orange hemisphere became bigger and bigger.

Sun Wukong's body was completely swallowed up.

"Hum hum……"

Looking at the orange ball of light in front of him, the super android grinned, and his yellow eyes shot out with cold light.

The hope of Sun Wukong surviving in such a terrifying energy ball just now was slim!

"You seem to be very confident in your attacks!"

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the ball of light.


The super android was shocked. How could he survive the attack just now?

When the smoke slowly dissipated, a huge pit appeared in front of him.

Like a meteorite falling, clouds and mist curled up in the pit.

And Sun Wukong The figure is floating in mid-air, and there are obvious traces of burns on the orange-red martial arts uniform.

"But... hateful thing, I will definitely deal with you completely this time!"

Looking at the figure of Sun Wukong floating in the air, the super-creator grinned.

Naturally, he merged into a super-creator, but he still couldn't deal with Sun Wukong, which made him a little unbearable.

But this guy is also a ruthless person. He didn't say much, and at the same time as his voice fell, he placed his palms in front of his chest, and a scarlet energy ball condensed from between his palms, and then instantly grew in size!


A low roar came from the super android's throat, and the scarlet energy ball the size of a millstone was blasted directly towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's face darkened, and he could clearly feel the terror of that energy ball.

And there is no way to avoid this kind of attack.

Because as long as he avoids it, the entire earth will be completely destroyed by it.

"Cut...come on!"

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, pulled back his right foot, and inserted it directly into the ground, pushing his hands forward.

Obviously he wanted to catch the terrifying energy ball with both hands.……

"Humph, you don’t know how to live or die!"

Super No. 13 saw that Sun Wukong wanted to take his attack with both hands, and he scolded him with disdain.


The energy ball was extremely fast, and it flew directly towards Sun Wukong.


When the energy ball came into contact with Sun Wukong's hands, The moment he hit the palm, Sun Wukong's expression changed drastically, and the terrifying power caused Sun Wukong's legs to rub against the ground and he flew back.

Boom... his body directly hit a giant peak, and the giant peak shattered in response. The energy ball also exploded in an instant.

Boom... An unfathomable pit appeared on the ground, and shocking cracks spread in all directions of the pit.

, was directly thrown away by the terrifying shock wave and hit the ground hard!

The martial arts uniform on his upper body had been shattered into powder, and there were more than ten wounds of various sizes on his body along the corners of his mouth. It flowed down slowly!

"Huh, what a scary guy!"

At this moment, Sun Wukong actually had a smile on his face.

After severely injuring Sun Wukong with one blow, the super android did not spare any effort. With the same action, he quickly condensed a more powerful scarlet ball again. color energy ball


Sun Wuhan looked at the energy ball condensed by the android, and he immediately turned into a Super Saiyan and stood in front of Sun Wukong.

The energy ball just now had already injured his father. This time, no matter what, he Everyone needs to help dad stop it!

"Go to hell! Sun Wukong……"

The super android roared, and the energy ball blasted towards Sun Wukong again.

Looking at the energy ball 083 that was rapidly enlarging in his eyes, Sun Wuhan was actually very scared, because that thing was enough to kill him.

"Get out of the way of Gohan."

Sun Wukong stepped forward, grabbed Sun Wuhan's shoulder with one hand, and threw him out. He used the same action again to catch the terrifying energy ball.

Boom... only the next moment, that energy The ball exploded with a bang, and the terrifying energy wave flew Sun Wukong away again.

His body fell back about a hundred feet, but he still stood upright, and his anger flashed when he saw that his another attack still did not kill Sun Wukong. It spread from the face.

The body flashed, and in just a second, it appeared in front of Sun Wukong, and the huge fist hit Sun Wukong's head directly... But...

With a groan, the Super Android's fist was actually blocked by Sun Wukong with one hand, and his body didn't even take a step back.


Not to mention the Super Android, even Son Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo and others were shocked to the extreme.

How could Son Wukong, who had been in a weak position just now, suddenly take over the Super Android so easily ? s attack?

"The Feast of Fear has only begun now, next... feel the power of a Super Saiyan that surpasses a Super Saiyan!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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