"These artificial humans actually look exactly like humans! Piccolo and Sun Wuhan also came over, looked at No. 18 in the machine slot, and said with some surprise.

Of course, Sun Wuhan's height can only be seen from the air.

But their opinions can be It’s completely different from Sun Wukong’s appreciation

"They were originally ordinary human beings, but they were captured by Dr. Gero and transformed into artificial beings!"

Sun Wukong explained to the two of them, and then moved to the machine slot No. 17. His appearance was almost the same as in Dragon Ball. He still had a handsome face, black hair, and the same eyes were closed.

"If so, then they are quite pitiful."

Sun Wuhan looked at the numbers 18 and 17 in the slot of the machine and said with some pity.

"A human being was transformed into an android, the guy named Dr. Gero, who was indeed a bit cruel. Piccolo also echoed. Although he was the Great Demon King Piccolo before, he couldn't do such cruel things.

"Huh? This one seems a little different from the two of them!"

Sun Wuhan walked to the machine slot lying on the ground and looked at the guy inside. With his huge figure, red pineapple head, and angular face, looking at his appearance and dress, he was obviously different from the two people just now. Too same

"It's really different. That guy is a complete robot, not an artificial person modified based on humans!"

Sun Wukong looked at the machine slot and said calmly.

He knew without looking that it was No. 16, a pure robot, different from artificial humans like No. 17 and No. 18.

"Wukong, how strong are they? How does it compare with the two artificial humans you saw on the island just now? Piccolo asked curiously.

A guy who can easily defeat Krillin and almost kill Krillin and Yamcha must not be too weak.

I just don’t know how strong these three artificial humans are who have not yet awakened!

"Very strong!"

Sun Wukong spat out two words lightly.

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Piccolo and Sun Wukong felt a chill in their hearts. The guy who can make Sun Wukong say he is very strong must be extraordinary.

Looking at the surprised eyes of the two people, Sun Wukong continued:"The two of them should be about the same strength as Gohan; as for that guy, he should be stronger than Gohan."

Sun Wukong pointed to No. 17 and No. 18, and then pointed to No. 16.

Of course, this was Sun Wukong's guess based on the plot of Dragon Ball, but looking at the familiar appearance in front of him, it must not be too big. Deviation!


Piccolo frowned obviously and took a breath. He knew very well that Super Saiyan Gohan was so powerful that he couldn't compare with those two who looked ordinary. This guy actually has the same strength as Gohan.

And the big guy is even more powerful.

It's incredible that a scientist from Earth can create this!

It took about ten minutes...

There was a slight sound of landing

"hello! Dr. Gro……"

When they heard the slight sound, Sun Wukong and Piccolo turned around at the same time, and saw a confused Dr. Gero.

Sun Wukong waved to Dr. Gero with a playful expression on his face.

"You...how did you know this place?"

Dr. Gero was stunned for three seconds before he came back to his senses. He asked with disbelief in his heavy eyes.

You must know that no one knew about the place he chose for so many years.

And look. The appearance of that guy Sun Wukong was as if he had known about it early in the morning and had come here to wait for him.

"Find your lair and catch them all……"

Sun Wukong raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then his body suddenly flashed out like a cunning rabbit, and appeared behind Dr. Gero in an instant.

Then a (cibd) punch hit Dr. Groh in the back.


With a deep sound, Dr. Groo's body jumped out directly.

It hit the machine trough where Android No. 16 was placed heavily, causing the machine trough to collapse somewhat.

However, with the collapse of the machine tank, the starting mechanism of the machine tank No. 16 was also activated.


A crisp sound came from behind. Dr. Gero's face was instantly filled with panic, and his eyes were wide open!

It seemed that he was even more frightened than when he saw Sun Wukong and others. He rolled and climbed directly to the machine slots of No. 18 and No. 17!

"It’s over… it’s over! Ruined……"

He also murmured in fear.

Number 16 is the most powerful wireless energy-based robot that he has built, and his strength completely exceeds that of Androids 17 and 18.

It's just that his creation has not yet been completed, and he has no way to control him.

Then he was sealed again and was listed as a failure!

If he were awakened now, he would definitely kill everyone and even destroy the world!

Last time, he released Androids No. 17 and No. 18 before they could complete their transformation, and was almost killed by them. The bloody lesson was still vivid in his mind.

And No. 16 is even more terrifying than them. The remote control that controls No. 16 was not manufactured by himself.

Seeing the machine slot being opened, Sun Wuhan and Piccolo frowned slightly, and then their bodies flashed and appeared behind Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong just said that the robot No. 16 has more strength than Gohan; and judging from the horrified look on Dr. Gero's face in front of him, he has indeed created a monster that even he cannot control.

The moment the machine slot was opened, a red light suddenly flashed in the eyes of No. 16 lying inside. subsequently���Came out of the machine trough!

The eye-catching red pineapple head, black tight-fitting shirt and light green armor, his face is very calm, so calm that there is almost no wave!

"Is he really that strong?"

Bick looked at the somewhat dazed No. 16, who looked a bit docile.

Although he was a little bigger, he couldn't see anything powerful about it.

"You'll understand later!"

Sun Wukong smiled slightly. No. 16 is a robot who doesn't like fighting and loves nature.

But he will not forget the purpose of his creation, which is to kill Sun Wukong!

No. 16 glanced at everyone's faces , finally stopped on Sun Wukong

"Sun Wukong……"

A deep voice came out from his throat, and there was a killing intent in his gentle eyes!

His body flashed and he attacked Sun Wukong directly. ps: Please give me some collections, flowers, and evaluation votes!

Thank you all on my knees..._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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