"Two humans with extremely high energy values are coming here. Is there a malfunction in the detection system?"

Not far from where the big explosion just occurred, two figures looked around.

One of them, a tall and slender old man in sixties, said in an indifferent tone.

"No, on the 20th, the detection system did not malfunction, and I also felt these two super powerful energies."

The person who spoke this time was a big fat man. His clothes were almost the same as the old man next to him.

Although the two men had different body shapes, they had one thing in common, that is, they both wore hats with two letters on them. R mark!

"How can it be? This energy is completely beyond the scope of earthlings."

The sixty-year-old man said a little incredulously.

He knew very well about the energy of the people on earth, and the two sudden energies had obviously completely exceeded the limits of the people on earth.

"Humph, doesn’t that mean we found the target Sun Wukong from the beginning?"

The corner of the big fat man's mouth raised an evil arc, and he said in a faint voice.

The purpose of their creation is to kill Sun Wukong!


As for Klin 28 and Yamcha, their pressure was very low at this moment.

Quietly lurking towards the place where the sound came from just now

"The sound just now seemed to come from here."

Yamucha looked at the corner of the wall in front of him and lowered his voice.

"So...then what is that?"

The moment he turned the corner, Klin suddenly looked ahead in horror, his voice trembling.

Because in front of the two of them, there were four corpses lying on the ground, and a completely destroyed car.

"Yes... it was the androids who did it."

Almost instantly, the two of them came to the conclusion that this kind of clean killing method, as well as the damaged shape of the car, were simply not something that ordinary humans could do.

"Quick, inform everyone!"

The two looked at each other and spoke almost at the same time. Then their arms shook violently. Before they started to explode, two figures fell in front of them.

They covered Klin and Ya directly. Mu Cha's mouth caused the two of them to lose all ability to resist in an instant, and they could clearly feel that their power was passing away quickly.

"Yamcha, Klin... what two powerful energies. Thank you very much for sending such strong two energies. In this way, our power will be even stronger."

No. 20 stared at the two of them, feeling the energy flowing into his body. The corners of his mouth raised an evil arc, and he murmured with joy.

The fat man next to him also had the same expression.


Sun Wukong, on the other hand, had already set off and appeared at Kalin Tower.

I asked Immortal Carlin for some fairy beans. After all, this thing is prepared for emergencies. It is best if no one is injured. If someone is injured, it can also be used as an emergency.

"Krillin and Yamcha's energy is disappearing rapidly. Have they already encountered the artificial man?"

Sun Wukong took the fairy beans from Immortal Kalin with a heavy gaze.

He could clearly feel that Yamulin's energy was decreasing very quickly. If they were delayed for a little longer, they might die!

Then, both sides Pointing their fingers together, they shook their bodies a few times and then disappeared in front of Immortal Kalin and

Yaqi Luobei. On the other side, the energy in Klin and Yamcha's bodies had been almost completely absorbed by the two in front of them. The personal robots are almost absorbed!

If this continues, the two of them will die, and they can't even call for help now!

"Okay, No. 19, they have no energy anymore. After finishing them, let's go find Sun Wukong again!"

The sixtieth-century old man No. 20 raised a sinister look on his lips, and said to the big fat man No. 19.

At the same time, No. 19 also raised the corner of his mouth, spread his palms in a five-finger shape, and exposed his sharp nails, pointing towards Ya Mu Cha and Klin stabbed in.

Fear and despair surged wildly in their eyes!

At this moment, they felt that even if the King of Heaven came, they would not be able to save them, especially Klin. His whole body was shaking, he had already died once, and if he died again, the Earth's Dragon Ball would not be able to resurrect him!

Whoosh... just within reach of Android No. 19 and Android No. 20's hands, Klin and Ya. When Mu Cha was only three centimeters away, he suddenly stopped.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not move forward even half an inch.

"Wukong... Wukong!"

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Klin shouted excitedly in his heart, and his eyes were filled with tears of joy almost immediately.

He really thought he was going to die just now, and he was almost in despair.

Unexpectedly Wukong arrived just in time.

Sun Wukong grabbed the hands of Androids No. 19 and 20, then squeezed them hard.

There was a crisp snapping sound, and then he pulled them back hard. He threw the two people out very casually and hit the wall not far away, leaving two clear marks.

Klin and Yamcha sat on the ground with their faces covered. He was flushed, breathing heavily, and his breath was a little unsteady.

"He is Sun Wukong!"

At this time, Androids No. 19 and No. 20 had already stood up. A flash of red light flashed in No. 20's eyes, and he said in a heavy tone.

"But the data shows that he is not very strong at all. This... what is going on?"

No. 20 looked at his completely deformed arm. According to the data, his current energy should be able to kill Sun Wukong easily!

"snort! On the 20th, let me go and meet him."

Big Fatty No. 19 seemed to be very dissatisfied with Sun Wukong's sudden appearance just now. He looked at his almost deformed left hand, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then his body exploded out instantly.

"Number 19, danger……"

I opened Port 083 as a reminder on the 20th, but it was obviously too late.

No. 19 pinched a blue energy ball in his palm and blasted it directly towards Sun Wukong.

Just when the energy ball appeared in front of Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong gently raised his right hand and tapped his index finger, and the blue energy ball directly turned into dots of starlight.

Then completely disappeared!

And Sun Wukong's body suddenly disappeared the next moment, and when he appeared, he was already in front of Android No. 19.


He punched Android No. 19's lower abdomen with his right knee. No. 19's expression suddenly changed, he opened his mouth wide, and spat out a mouthful of bright red liquid.

I don't know if it was blood or engine oil...

The body was directly knocked into the air, and the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth curled up coldly.

Then a palm shot out, and under the terrifying Qigong wave, No. 19's body instantly disintegrated, not even a single part was left!


Seeing the horrifying scene in front of him, No. 20 subconsciously moved his steps back, his face full of disbelief.

According to the data he collected, Sun Wukong is obviously not that strong, and he should not be a match for him and No. 19!

How could he be so strong...

He instantly killed No. 19, who was as strong as himself!

Number 20 was decisive. Thinking of this, he turned around without hesitation and flew directly towards the distant mountain top. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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