Immediately, Gula's body seemed to be broken at the waist.

After Sun Wuhan released the hand holding the horn on Gula's head, he lifted Gula upside down in his hand.

Gula's body was dangling softly in Sun Wukong's hands.

" could that guy be so strong?……"

At this moment, Vegeta's frown deepened when he saw the scene in front of him.

Even Gu La, whose strength far exceeded him, was like a toy doll in front of Sun Wukong, at his mercy!

There was no room for resistance at all.

And the purpose of his coming to Earth this time was to kill Kakarot and his son, and wash away their previous humiliation.

But judging from the current situation, not to mention that guy Kakarot, even that brat, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with him.

And to take a step back, there is no certainty that I can leave the earth safely.

Because that guy Kakarot was too vicious, like a cold-blooded killer with no emotion at all.

In mid-air, Sun Wukong threw Gula's body directly up.

At the same time, he said lightly:"If there is a chance to be resurrected next time, be careful and never provoke me again!"

After that, he quickly pinched a calyx shape with his hands, and the terrifying blue energy was born from the palm of his hand. come out

"Turtle style Qigong wave……"

Almost at the same time as the sound fell, the energy ball came out of his hand, and in an instant, it swallowed Gula's body.


Along with bursts of frightening screams, Gula's body was bit by bit shredded into pieces by the terrifying energy.

Together with the turtle qigong waves, they disappeared into the universe.

No one expected that in less than ten minutes, all the frozen demon clan would be destroyed in the hands of Sun Wukong.

Fell into this remote garbage planet in their mouths.

After the energy wave completely disappeared from sight, Sun Wukong's body slowly fell down.

Appeared next to Vegeta and patted Vegeta on the shoulder!

His eyes were full of teasing, and he said:"Why, Prince Vegeta, do you still want to fight with me?".?"

Because of his height, Sun Wukong's gaze at this moment inadvertently felt like he was looking down.

This made Vegeta almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Frieza and his son were all wiped out by Sun Wukong with a sweeping force.

And with his strength, Frieza, the weakest among the three, can survive even to death!

If you fight Sun Wukong now, you will undoubtedly die.

"Come on... Kakarot, there is always a chance, I will definitely surpass you and let everyone know that I, Vegeta, am the strongest Saiyan warrior!"

No matter what time comes, the proud Vegeta will never bow his head.

Even if he can bow his head, he can never be the Saiyan-level warrior Kakarot!

"Beyond me? I'm afraid you have no hope in this life, maybe in the next life!"

Sun Wukong still had a light tone, extremely contemptuous, as if he didn't put Vegeta in his eyes at all.

Then, his body flashed, and he appeared next to Sun Wuhan and others.

Only anger was left in the place. For Vegeta who is suffering from fever, the most uncomfortable thing in the world is that you can't stand him, but you can't beat him.

And Vegeta is in such an embarrassing situation at the same time! He breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Kakarot, he didn't seem to want to deal with him.

"Kakarot, one day, I, Vegeta, will definitely surpass you, trample you severely under my feet, and let you know how stupid your kindness is today!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Vegeta looked sideways at Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan and the others, and whispered through gritted teeth.

However, Sun Wukong did not hear what Vegeta said, and even if he heard it, he was too lazy to pay attention to it. He.

Vegeta can't be his opponent at all. It's even more nonsense to want to surpass him, so naturally he doesn't need to pay attention to him... He just said a few words to Son Gohan, Piccolo and others. After that, Sun Wukong took Sun Wuhan home.

He hadn't gone back for half a year. Chichi and Bulma must have been worried about him!

Going back early would give them peace of mind.

In the still extremely lively valley, calmness returned and incomparable silence was left.

Vegeta was left standing there in a daze, with a ferocious expression on his face and a tense body, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart! Isi appeared in front of Vegeta

"Are you...are you okay?"

Taisi walked up to Vegeta, looked at the dazed Vegeta, and asked in a tentative voice.

She also knew that the blow to Vegeta this time should be quite big. From Vegeta's point of view, After half a year of hard training, you can tell how persistent he is to surpass Sun Wukong and his son!

At this time, reality slapped him hard on the face. She could almost experience the disappointment personally.

"Bastard... Bastard, Kakarot……"

Vegeta finally roared out, hitting the ground with his fist, and the ground suddenly cracked.

His whole body was trembling in disbelief, but Taisi on the side did not stop him. She knew that after Vegeta finished venting, he would almost accept the fact that I was here!

It took half an hour for Vegeta to stand up again. It seemed that he was not as ferocious as before!

"Vegeta, do we want to go back now?"(Qianhao)

Seeing that Vegeta finally became more rational, Taisi asked again.

"No...we stay on Earth. I must see how that guy Kakarot practices. I must surpass the father and son.……"

At this time, the anger on Vegeta's face disappeared little by little, and then a little bit of viciousness emerged.

"Stay on earth?"

Taisi seemed to hesitate for a moment, then nodded. She hasn't been back home for more than ten years. She doesn't know how she will face her parents and Bulma when she goes back this time!


As for Sun Wukong, after returning home, Qiqi was excited for a long time and busily prepared a large table of delicious meals for Sun Wukong.

Bulma also came over after hearing the sound, and she and Sun Wuhan curiously asked about Sun Wukong's experience in the past half month!

Did he go back to the future, etc..._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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