A look of shock flashed in Vegeta's eyes, and then he gritted his teeth. This guy made such a big fuss as soon as he appeared on the scene.

The guy who looked a bit similar to Frieza just now was not weaker than Frieza at all, but he was defeated by Kakarot and lost his fighting power!

This guy, has he become so much stronger in this year?


Frieza and Gula also screamed at the same time and looked at Sun Wukong.

Gula dodged his body and attacked Sun Wukong directly. He couldn't wait to kill this guy now!

Obviously, he prefers to kill Sun Wukong, the guy who has made him suffer so much humiliation, than to kill Sun Wuhan!

Frieza was not so lucky.

The moment he turned around, Vegeta jumped up and hit Frieza hard on the cheek with a leg sweep.

Frieza's body flew backwards.

Then, without holding back at all, Vegeta moved his palms forward, aiming in the direction in which Frieza flew out. The terrifying energy ball followed closely and hit Frieza.


In an instant, the entire ground trembled violently, and a huge sinkhole was blasted out not far away by Vegeta's energy ball.

On Sun Wukong's side, the moment Gula rushed towards Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong clenched his fists tightly and instantly transformed into the full power form of Super Saiyan.

He stepped out with extremely fast speed and flew directly towards Gula.

Obviously, the speed displayed by Sun Wukong at this time has completely surpassed Gula.

Gula only saw Sun Wukong rushing towards him, and almost didn't have time to see Sun Wukong's movement trajectory clearly.

Severe pain appeared from the chest, and then the body also flew backwards.

A look of horror on his face!

His strength is obviously much stronger than before, how could he be surpassed by that Saiyan monkey again?

What's even more annoying is that he didn't even have a chance to resist before being knocked away by the Saiyan monkey.

After easily defeating Gula with one punch, Sun Wuhan no longer paid attention to Gula, but pointed his finger at the center of his eyebrows, and his body instantly appeared next to Kurd out of thin air.

"Kurdish, you're done……"

Seeing the sinister smile on Sun Wukong's lips, Kurd was completely panicked!

He understands very well. The Saiyan in front of him would kill him without hesitation, and he would show no mercy at all!

"Don't... don't kill me, I can give you all my planets, the best planets, please, don't kill me!"

At this time, Kurd seemed to have forgotten the pain.

His face was full of fear and regret!

Why didn't he follow the wishes of his ancestors and provoke these terrible Saiyans?

Why did he follow Gula and Frieza? Two idiots come to such a place where nothing happens.

They regret it, regret it very much! What if they didn't come here...

But in this world, they can buy everything except... regret medicine.

"All your planets? It sounds a bit tempting!"

Sun Wuhan leaned down and teased Kurd, his tone even more playful.

"Yes, yes, all of them are given to you, all of them are given to you……"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Kurd seemed to have grasped the last straw of despair, and his speech was already a bit incoherent!

His only thought now is to survive and get out of this hellish place as soon as possible

"However, after I kill you, doesn’t your planet still belong to me? Why should I keep you trash!"

With a cold smile on his lips, Sun Wukong straightened up, looked down at Kurd, and said lightly.


Kurd was stunned. For nearly three seconds, he didn't even think of why.……

"You can’t tell because...you can go die!"

The original faint smile on Sun Wukong's face disappeared without a trace in an instant.

His palm was directly aimed at Kurd, and without any hesitation, he directly bombarded Kurd.


The ground was instantly turtled. It cracked, collapsed, and finally turned into bits of rubble, and Kurd's body had completely disappeared from this world without even letting out a last scream!


Gula and Frieza looked at Sun Wukong again.

But they were not so sad about Kurd's death, but Sun Wukong's strength made them feel the breath of death!

"No...impossible, there is absolutely no way I would lose to this wild monkey twice!"

Gula had a crazy look on his face and jumped up

·········Asking for flowers···

He stopped a hundred feet above the ground, looked down, and roared angrily.

"Damn wild monkey, disappear with the earth!"

At the same time as Gu La's roar fell, a huge energy ball appeared in the palm of his hand raised high.

It was orange-yellow and was as big as three or four hills. The terrifying energy was transmitted from that huge energy ball. out

"That...that's...ah ah……"

Seeing the energy ball condensed by Gula, Sun Wuhan's expression suddenly changed.

The energy contained in that measuring ball is enough to destroy ten earths, and it is impossible for him to catch it!

"But... damn, that bastard Kakarot is so careless!"

Vegita's expression also changed suddenly when he saw the ability ball in Gula's hand.


From the battle between Gula and Sun Wuhan, he could see that that guy's strength far exceeded his own.

Even after becoming a Super Saiyan, he was very reluctant to believe this!

If Gula really smashed the energy ball down, it would be impossible for him to catch it. If the earth exploded, he would definitely die!

"Wukong... Wukong, how could he be so careless and give that guy time to condense the energy ball!"

Klin and the Tianjin fans also clenched their fists tightly and said angrily.

If he hadn't been so careless, Gula would never have had such a chance.

"Don't worry, he will come next."

On the other hand, Piccolo's face was not panicked. Instead, the corner of his mouth raised a faint arc.

The reason why he was so calm was because he saw the expression on Sun Wukong's face and the ability ball in Gula's hand. , even calmer than himself!

From the moment Sun Wukong appeared, he knew that the three guys in front of him could not be Sun Wukong's opponents! And the speed at which he appeared next to the guy named Kurd was almost faster than that of Sun Wukong! There is no solution.

So if he wanted to prevent Gula from condensing the energy ball, it should be very easy.

He didn't do that, which only shows that he was very confident, so confident that he didn't put that guy's energy ball at all. eyes

"Damn idiots, go to hell!"

Gula yelled in a crazy voice, and with a bow of his body, the energy ball was instantly thrown towards Sun Wukong._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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