"Saiyan, I will repay you a hundredfold today for the physical pain and damage to my dignity that you have caused me!"

Gula's face was abnormally distorted, his fingertips were deeply dug into his fists, and scarlet liquid flowed down his fists.

I don't know if it was blood or engine oil!


At this time, Son Gohan and others had appeared near where Frieza and others' spaceship landed.

In addition to Sun Wufan, Krillin and Tianjin Fan, there are also Yamcha and Piccolo

"No... I can't believe it. Were you fighting this kind of monster when you were on Namek?"

Feeling those three indescribably powerful auras, Yamcha's whole body was trembling violently.

He couldn't imagine that Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan and others could actually fight such monsters.

And... Wukong... The guy actually killed them!

"These...these three qi are indeed so strong that it makes people suffocate. In the face of these qi, I can't even bring up the desire to fight.……"

Tianjin Fan’s face was ashen and he clenched his fists tightly, also in disbelief!

Feeling these three powerful and evil auras at close range made 28 him even more desperate.

This kind of monster can be eliminated with just one finger!

"Sun...Sun Wukong actually defeated this guy, but...damn it, how strong has his strength been? Piccolo

's face turned green with anger, and he whispered in a low voice.

Originally, he thought that he had practiced very well on the Northern Kaio planet.

And in the past six months, he had practiced day and night!

But he felt this After a few bursts of anger, he still couldn't suppress the fear in his heart.

And these guys were killed by Sun Wukong half a year ago!

"Satoru... Gohan, Frieza seems to be getting stronger!"

That qi that was so powerful that it made people tremble, Krillin's body couldn't help but tremble.

Although Frieza was already extremely strong when he was on the Namek planet half a year ago.

But now, his qi seems to It has improved again, and it has improved a lot.

In this situation, it won't help if Wukong comes!

Thinking of this, Krillin's face is ashen. Is the earth really going to end?

"Well, Frieza's ki is indeed very strong, but the two kis around him are even more powerful!"

Son Gohan also spoke in a deep voice.

If it were just Frieza, he wouldn't be afraid of him, but at this moment, there are three masters who are stronger than Frieza.

As a result, he has no chance of winning at all. The fighting power of Uncle Ke and Uncle Klin cannot help at all in this battle!

"Each of them wears a combat power detector. Everyone puts away their anger first. We sneak over quietly to see what they want to do? Follow then."

Sun Gohan turned his head and said to Piccolo, Krillin and others.

It would be very bad if Frieza and others discovered their location.


Hearing Sun Wuhan's words, the few people quickly suppressed their fighting power.

Then they leaned forward and climbed up towards the top of the mountain in front of them.

After the few people climbed to the top of the mountain, they were shocked to find that Fu

There were dozens of people standing in front of the huge spaceship of Lisa and others, and in the middle of them were Frieza and his son.

"Those...those two guys...are exactly like Frieza……"

The moment he looked at the three people, Klin felt that his courage was about to be scared out of his mind!

That tall reinforcement is very similar to Frieza's second transformation.

To be exact, almost exactly the same.

The one next to Frieza is eighty-nine similar to Frieza in his ultimate form.

It's just that that guy is like a robot, with silver armor all over his body.

And the two people around Frieza seem to be much more powerful than Frieza!

"What to do, what to do now?"

Sun Wuhan gritted his teeth tightly. It would be much better if his father was here now. He can definitely contain one of them. His father's strength should be able to block the two of them.

But his father is not on the earth now.

If Free If Sa and the others were to destroy it, there would be nothing he could do about it!

But below, because Son Gohan and others suppressed their auras, Frieza and his son did not feel them!

"It seems that the Super Saiyan doesn't know that we are coming to Earth. It's time to make a big move, so let them come out to greet us!"

Kurd looked around at Kongluoluo, then raised his palm, and an energy ball came out of his hand, and a terrifying giant crater was blasted not far away.

Fire was overflowing, and layers of huge mushroom clouds rose up, and the entire ground They're all trembling like crazy

"snort! Dad, let them kill all the people on earth! Even if the wild monkey appears by then, it will definitely be very painful to see what the earth looks like. That kind of pain is so exciting just thinking about it!"

Frieza still has that gloomy expression.

"Well, you guys, go and kill all the people on earth! As for that Super Saiyan, I must let him die without a burial!"

Kurd nodded to Frieza, then clenched his fists tightly and said coldly

"Yes, the Kurdish King!"

The five guards behind Frieza and Kurd stepped out at the same time and spoke respectfully.

Then, they jumped up and were about to disperse around, when suddenly, five golden rays of light suddenly pierced through. Sky.

Directly shot down the five cosmonauts who had just taken off.

There was a big hole in the chest, as if it had been burned, and it was dark.

"who is it……?"

He saw that the people he sent out were already killed before they even left his sight!

Frieza and Kurd all had angry expressions on their faces, with anger mixed with surprise.

There shouldn't be many people on this remote planet who can kill five of them in an instant!

And just when several people were confused, suddenly, an arrogant voice came into Frieza's ears!

That voice was very familiar to Frieza!

"Frieza, it’s only been half a year, but you don’t know me, Vegeta?"_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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