
Several crisp cutting sounds sounded almost at the same time.

Where Cell flew out just now, there were eight smooth cuts.

And Shalu's body was cut into several pieces!

The legs and tail have been completely separated from the body, and there is a clear wound on the waist, with only a little flesh attached.


The heartbreaking pain made Cell roar out, and the eyes he looked at Sun Wukong were filled with endless anger.

At this time, he was really injured too seriously, even if he inherited Piccolo's regeneration Ability, but it is very difficult to recover after being directly cut by Qi Yuanzhan, and even if he recovers, his strength is probably not that of Lian Trunks. I can't even deal with the kid.

"What...what should I do?"

After a brief roar, Cell's mind began to spin rapidly, thinking about how to escape from this situation!

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a way at all. If that guy Sun Wukong and Vegeta If I were still arrogant, I could still use provoking methods to provoke him, and maybe there would be a chance of survival.

But this guy was not fooled at all! But... Damn it

, am I really going to die here today?

, Deeply unwilling! I thought that he was already the strongest in the world.

In the near future, he would definitely be able to rule the universe!

But... the appearance of this bastard made all his illusions shattered..

Sharu began to regret, why didn't he absorb No. 17 and No. 18 earlier and become a complete body?

Why was he so arrogant and arrogant?

But there is no use regretting it now.

Because Sun Wukong's body had appeared in front of Shahru again.


He stepped on Shahru's mouth. The corner of Sun Wukong's mouth curled up, looking down at Shahru, and said lightly:"Shalu, Now I will send you to hell and repent for the innocent people on earth you killed!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Wukong exerted a little more force on his feet.

"Wait...wait a moment Sun Wukong!"

Looking at Sun Wukong's cold eyes without any emotion at all, Sharu hurriedly spoke.

He really didn't want to be killed like this.

He felt that he could still save a wave now!

"Sun... Sun Wukong, please, I... will never destroy the earth again. I will protect this planet with you!"

Shalu's face was very ugly, even a bit ferocious, and it was not easy for him to say such words of begging for mercy. It was not an easy thing for him to say.

"Sorry, this earth does not need to be protected by a monster like you with your hands stained with the blood of innocents!"

When Sun Wukong's cold voice fell, it was already aimed at Shalu's head.

As long as his head is destroyed, no matter how powerful he is, he will definitely die!

Facing Sun Wukong's Gujing Wubo From his expression, Shalu also completely understood that he had no intention of letting him go, no matter how low he kept his voice, he would compromise!

"Damn it... you bastard, then you will die with me!"

Saru suddenly roared. At that moment, half of Saru's body swelled crazily.

It was obvious that he wanted to self-destruct. Although he had suffered a lot of injuries, his energy was still very powerful..

As long as he explodes, even if he cannot destroy the earth, it will be enough to seriously injure it!

"As frustrated as you are now and wanting to blow yourself up, you are thinking too much!"

Looking at Cell's swollen body, Sun Wukong said disdainfully.

How could he give him such a chance to self-destruct!

With his fingertips, a golden light (cibd) directly wrapped Cell in it. Sun

Wukong squeezed his palm and saw that Shalu's rapidly expanding body stopped expanding and started to shrink a little.


Sharu was shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face. His body seemed to be tightly wrapped by an invisible force and could not continue to expand.

In front of Sun Wukong, he had even done it by self-destructing. Isn’t it time?

After a few breaths, Shalu’s swollen body returned to normal again.

"Since you want to blow yourself up so much, then go to hell!"

The cold voice fell, and Sun Wukong suddenly squeezed his palm.


There was a dull sound, and Shalu almost didn't even scream. He was crushed directly.

A bunch of green fragments and purple blood fell. On the ground.

Sun Wukong looked around, and when he touched it with his fingertips, the green fragments were burned into nothingness.

This time, Saru was finished.

But he just didn't know that he had solved Saru today! , will Cell appear to cause trouble in his own time and space?

Seeing that Sun Wukong completely eliminated Cell, Sun Wuhan and Bulla jumped up and appeared next to Sun Wukong.

"Sha...Shalu has finally been eliminated, great!"

Sun Wuhan and Trunks said excitedly as they looked at the dark scorched objects on the ground.

There were tears in their eyes!

After more than ten years, this guy was completely eliminated at noon. , the earth can finally restore peace!

"Dad, that’s awesome!"

Sunbula directly took Sun Wukong's arm, with a look of admiration on his face.

I didn't expect that her father was so strong!

"What about numbers 17 and 18?"

Suddenly, Sun Wukong turned his head, and there was no trace of the two of them!

Because the two of them are artificial people, their Qi is very weak, similar to ordinary people, and he didn't pay much attention to them just now, so he didn't expect to be hit by them. They took advantage of the chaos and slipped away!

"But...damn it, the two of them were allowed to escape!"

Hearing Sun Wukong's voice, Sun Wufan immediately looked around, but the two of them were already gone!

Sun Wufan clenched his fists tightly and wanted to pursue him.

"Forget about Gohan, you wouldn't be able to find the two of them if they were androids trying to hide."

Sun Wukong put his hand on Sun Wuhan's shoulder and continued:"After this experience, they should not dare to come out and destroy it in a short time!" ps: I want to ask if I accidentally blocked comments because I'm stupid! Why haven't there been any comments for two days! Haha..._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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