Chapter 97 Ice Emperor Sea Dongpo!

Ningluo came to the Tagore Desert.

Ning Luo remembered that this was the territory of the snake man.

Snake people, that is to say, Queen Medusa is here, according to the own system, most Queen Medusa is also one of her own goddesses.

Ning Luo possesses the Heavenly Drive Royal Beast Battle, and the snake man should be regarded as half man and half beast.

Ning Luo should be able to control them.

Slightly startled, Ning Luo stretched out his hand and grabbed a few in the space in front of him. He pursed his lips. After a while, he said softly, “No wonder, almost 80% of the air here belongs to Earth attribute and fire attribute energy…”

Due to the terrain, the Tagore Desert is most suitable for people who cultivate the fire attribute Cultivation Technique and the soil attribute method, so Ningluo practice here, which is great for the own fire attribute Ascension.

Gradually approach the city. There are more and more passers-by in the surrounding area, and most of these passers-by, men are bare-armed, and their skin is dark and lean.

At first glance, it seems quite bold, and occasionally a woman passing by. Although the skin is also dark, but it is a bit sexy bronze.

The women here are not as subtle and shy as the women in the empire. A tight-fitting leather jacket just just covers the chest and a little underneath, while those slender waists are boldly exposed.

The slender and tight thighs are also just wrapped in some short skirts or shorts. During walking, the waist is twisted like a water snake, which has a charming charm and style.

Along the way, Ning Luo feasted his eyes, and slapped his lips. Looking up at the yellow city that can already see the specific scale, he sighed: “It’s a yellow city as expected.”

“If it weren’t for my concentration, I might have had a nosebleed!”

Ning Luo arrived in front of the city gate, and saw that above the city gate, two huge red fonts were carved on the city wall. From a distance, it turned out to have a faint bloody feeling.

“Mocheng…” Ning Luo smiled softly and walked slowly towards the gate of the city.

At the gate of the city, more than a dozen soldiers in armors were holding spears and shouting to passers-by to pay the entrance tax. Looking at these soldiers in spite of the heat.

Perhaps because of the hot weather, these soldiers guarding here were also a little irritated by the irritable weather, and they shouted unceremoniously, constantly urging passers-by at the city gate.

Walking towards the gate of the city, listening to the curses ran out of the mouths of those soldiers, Ning Luo frowned slightly, shook his head, and walked straight into the city.

“Hey, kid, I didn’t see the payment written here…” A soldier stared at Ningluo who walked straight into the city while looking at Ruo no one.

Ning Luo didn’t want to cause trouble, so he directly used the pupil of control to control him.Immediately, he swallowed the curse, and his anger changed into a flattering smile: “My lord, please!”

Ning Luo’s footsteps didn’t stop. Ning Luo slowly walked towards the soldier, glanced at him faintly, and then put his shoulders across the latter, who was trembling with his heels, and walked towards the city.

Slowly walking out of the dim city wall passage, his sight was slightly bright, and the urban buildings with unique desert characteristics appeared in the field of vision. The buildings with strange appearances made Deningluo a little eye-opener.

To come to this strange place, Ningluo must have a map.

After he walked for a while, the map shop named “Gutu”. It appeared in Ning Luo’s sight. Sweeping his eyes outside the shop, Ning Luo was a little surprised. This shop is not as luxurious and public as other houses, it seems that it still has a little quaint atmosphere faintly.

With a bit of surprise in his heart, Ning Luo slowly walked into the shop. The interior of the shop was not too spacious. The faint light of the two moonstones illuminated the shop quite brightly. His eyes swept across the interior of the shop. There are not many people buying maps, and she looks coldly clear, making Deningluo a little wondering if she is in the wrong place.

Slowly walked into the shop, Ning Luo glanced around, and finally stopped behind the counter with an old man who was carefully making a map with his head down. This old man was obviously quite old, but even though he was completely white. Hair, but the dry palm holding the black drawing pen is still strong and strong.

Without disturbing the old man aloud, Ning Luo glanced across the large number of maps on the counter, and looked at it with interest. The clear route on the map made him nod with satisfaction.

After watching the map for a while, Ning Luo watched the old man’s intention not to end, pursed his lips, and walked slowly again to the quaint wooden frame in the corner of the shop.

This wooden frame is obviously old and full of rotten wood holes. On it, some yellowed maps are randomly stacked. Looking at the broken traces on the surface of these maps, it seems that they are failures when making maps.

Randomly flipping through these yellowed maps with his palms, a faint musty smell came over his face, frowning slightly, Ning Luo picked up a stack of failed works, his palms shook slightly, and a sheet was only the size of a palm. The broken pictures suddenly fell from the stack of failed works.

Ning Luo didn’t pay much attention to the broken and fallen picture. After looking through the failed work in his hand, Ning Luo put it back boredly. When he put it back, his gaze cast a lazy look. For the small broken picture, his eyes blinked slightly…then, the moving palm suddenly solidified.

“This…” With a slight trembling palm, Ning Luo carefully picked up the broken picture. Suddenly, Ning Luo could feel the violent beating of his heart at this time. He swallowed hard and put the broken primitive picture in his hand, looking at him. With a few touches of ecstasy, I carefully scanned the slightly familiar mysterious route above the picture.

After a while, Ning Luo slowly narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tremblingly murmured, “It really is…”

The palm of his hand was a little trembling while holding this broken picture that looked like it would turn into powder at the touch of a touch. Ning Luo’s eyes were filled with unconcealed ecstasy. He didn’t expect that in this extremely accidental situation, he would actually get it. A mysterious broken picture…

Look at the mysterious routes on this yellowed picture. Although Ning Luo still can’t understand the mystery, the outline of these routes makes him faintly familiar. Because of this mysterious picture, he used to be in the Magical Beasts Mountains. I saw it in the cave where I was exploring treasures with Xiaoyixian…

That representative was able to find the mysterious map of “Jinglian Demon Fire” ranked third in the legendary “Different Fire List”.

Ning Luo smiled, with a little excitement on his face, cautiously holding the mysterious broken picture, forcibly suppressing the urge to take out another map in the ring for comparison, and took a deep breath. I want to calm down the turbulence in my heart caused by this extremely unexpected gain.

If this is the map of Jinglian Demon Fire, is this old gentleman the Ice Emperor Haibodong?

The ice emperor, one of the top ten powerhouses of the previous generation of Gama Empire, was solitary and proud of human nature, and was extremely good at ice vindictiveness. In his anger, an entire city was frozen in ice.

Among the top ten powerhouses of the year, he was one of the few fighting emperor powerhouses. Later, he and Yunlanzong took the post of Sect Leader in a decisive battle at Yunlan Mountain. Although he was defeated in the end, the opponent still couldn’t win easily. In the previous session of the Gama Empire and Izumo Empire held the strong meeting.

A man alone fought against the opponent, a fighting king and a fighting king, but was not defeated, and Yi shocked the audience.

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