Chapter 92

With his fist clenched, a faint vindictive spirit covered it, and Ge Layy smiled. When he first entered the Canaan Academy, he also relied on his own talent to resist.

The senior who had the strength of the two-star fighter at that time only punched him, which made him run out for half an hour in the sun.

And with this kind of shame that he has personally experienced, every time he sees a new student, Ge La has the pleasure of tearing his spirit apart.

Ning Luo stood quietly on the spot, waiting for Rob and Thorn Ge to come up.

Standing next to Xiao Yu, Xue Ni recalled Xiao Yu’s previous evaluation of Ning Luo, blinked brightly, and stared curiously at the young man who had always maintained a calm smile. She wanted to know. This boy named Ningluodi is really as strong as Xiao Yu said.

Pursing her rosy lips, Xue Ni put her hands around her chest, a pair of deep-set grooves were compressed, and a look of anticipation flashed in her eyes.

The blush on Qiao’s face hadn’t completely faded away, and she looked extremely alluring. Xiao Yu lazily stretched his arms. The pair of chests that weren’t too majestic was a proud silhouette. Yu Shouyan opened the blue silk in front of her forehead. She glanced at the young man’s back. She felt very deep in her heart. Clearly, Thorge and Rob are in bad luck.

Looking at the two people who are about to fight in the tent, the twenty-odd freshmen outside under the scorching sun also cast their curious gazes. Before choosing to bask in the sun, they did not resist, but they resisted.

Without exception, they were suppressed by force by the seniors whose strength was far better than them. Now they saw that there were people who wanted to challenge the authority of these seniors, and they were happy to have a gloating mentality. Watch how others make a fool of yourself.

“Boy, are you ready?”

Enjoying this feeling of being watched very much, Ge La’s face’s smile became richer, his narrow eyes swept across Ning Luo’s body, and he smiled.

Rob also condensed the resentment in his heart on his fist, and walked towards Ning Luo step by step.

“Let’s start.” Ning Luo raised his chin. The sound is flat. Let everyone stunned.

“Hey. The kid has a very good mentality.” To Ning Luo’s attitude. Ge La and Rob were slightly surprised. Immediately, my heart surged with anger. Can this be regarded as discriminating against yourself?

Let out a sigh of relief. Ning Luo didn’t bother to talk nonsense again. He stared lazily at the other’s face with a little anger.

“very good!”

The other side was calm. Undoubtedly, De Ge La’s self-esteem was a little hurt. Sneered. The body leaned forward suddenly. Right fist clenched. On it, vindictive condensed. Immediately brought a surge of energy. He blasted away at Ning Luo’s head fiercely.

Everyone around. See Ge La deal with a freshman. It used such a huge force. Can’t help but frown.

Lifting his eyelids lightly, looking at the fist that was rapidly expanding in the pupil, Ning Luo shook his head slightly, and before the fist was about to reach the body, the palm of his hand was gently pushed out.


There was a loud noise, and immediately, I saw Ting Ge’s body flew out and hit the ground fiercely, a mouthful of blood rushed into his mouth!

At this moment, the audience fell silent, and a freshman was able to fly a senior of a one-star fighter directly!

And it only took one blow.

How can this be?

Therefore, the women were all dumbfounded, and stood still, and the new students were even more surprised.

Rob, who was still full of smiles, looked at this scene, his face slowly gloomy, his eyes were full of chills and stared at the smiling young boy. It seems that this time he seems to have missed his eyes, this kid unexpectedly Some strength.”Asshole! Looking for death!”

At this time, Rob rushed up.

Ci Ge was defeated, he has no face on his face, so he has to do it himself to get his face back!

At this time, Rob’s vindictiveness continued to gather, and he looked at Ning Luo fiercely and said, “Damn it, kid, let me teach you a lesson!”

With that, Rob was condensed with vindictiveness in his hand and punched Ning Luo.

His face was indifferent, Ning Luo’s idle left hand, like a mosquito, was thrown off at will, and finally he slapped Rob on the face.


With a loud noise, Rob was slapped fiercely by Ning Luo.

Suddenly, Rob was slapped and flew out by Ning Luo, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and two teeth flew out.

The sharp pain in his face made Derrob feel ashamed.

He stood up slowly, the anger on his face became more frantic, his right foot bounced on the ground, his figure rushed into the air with force, and a violent spin. On his right leg, a faint cyan vindictive spirit emerged. An illusory light resembling a wind blade covered his legs, and finally cut down against the top of Ning Luo’s head fiercely.

“Shameless, I used all the “Scenery Blade”. This is a yellow-level advanced fighting skill. This guy is too shameless!” Looking at the fuzzy light blade on Rob’s leg, a group of girls suddenly shouted with anger. road.

Seeing Rob’s actions, Xiao Yuliu’s eyebrows were slightly furrowed, but even after unwinding, Ning Luo was the man who ruined the Garlie family. She didn’t believe how much damage this guy could cause to Ning Luo.

Lifting his face, with a slight sharp wind, slowly raised his palm. Aiming at Rob who was falling down quickly.

“Get out!” His lips moved slightly, a faint voice, and he drank softly.

Following the shout, a fierce invisible energy rushed out of Ning Luo’s palm, and finally hit Rob’s chest, which was about to fall.


Rob was hit in the chest inexplicably and his face was cold. His face suddenly turned pale, and after an instant, his figure shot up sharply, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly.


After shooting for more than ten meters, Rob slammed heavily on the hot stone ground. Rob’s body twitched slightly, and his face was horrified as he looked at the young man with his palm outstretched, his chest. A dull, black eyes. Finally dizzy.

From Rob’s strong attack to the sudden inexplicable back shot, it took only a short period of more than ten seconds.

And looking at this electric light flint room. After the victory and defeat were divided, the inside and outside of the tent remained silent almost invariably.

A freshman defeated two seniors in succession, a one-star fighter and a four-star fighter.

What kind of person can do this?

Under the scorching sun, those freshmen looked stupidly at Rob who fainted not far from him. After a while, their fiery eyes shifted to the young man standing in the shadows.

This was the first time they saw a freshman who could defeat the senior, and the freshman’s age seemed to be a bit younger than them.

so horrible!

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