Chapter 90 Difficulty!

The sudden sonic attack caused Ning Luo’s mind, who was caught off guard, to swell up a lot. His eyes swept across the faces of these young and beautiful female students. Looking at their surprise expressions, Ning Luo found that Xiao Yu seemed to be The interpersonal relationship in the college is very good.

“Oh, please, can you be more reserved.” Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, pushing away a few bad friends who kept sticking to him, Xiao Yu said helplessly.

“Yu’er, I haven’t seen you for two months. I’m a lot plump. Tell me honestly, don’t you…huh?” A woman with a beautiful face secretly touched her palm on Xiao Yu’s chest, and then put it on Xiao Yu’s incense. On the shoulder, jokingly said.

Aside, Ning Luo sighed helplessly, looked at Xiao Yu’s gaze, somehow strange, you friends. Why are they all like female perverts?

“Get out, don’t make waves with me.” The pretty face flushed and pushed the woman in her arms away, looking at another woman who was going to jump on. Xiao Yu hurriedly stepped back, pointed at Ning Luo and the others, and hurriedly introduced them, and only then separated the thoughts of these women for molesting.

“Hehe, what a beautiful little beauty.” Looking across Xun’er and Nalan Yanran, the two women were surprised by their outstanding looks.

His gaze slowly shifted to Ning Luo on the side, as for Xiao Ning. Because of the relationship with Xiao Yu’s siblings, these women were fortunate to ignore the past.

At this time, these women all looked at Ning Luo.

Ning Luo’s face is straight ascending, very handsome, and now that Ning Luo is 15 or 16 years old, he is also very tall, and his age in his heart adds a bit of charm to Ning Luo.

So when Ning Luo came, they all caught their eyes.

“Hehe. So handsome little handsome guy. Yu’er, isn’t this the Ningluo you talk about in your dreams every day, isn’t it? She’s so handsome, no wonder Yu’er dreams of you every day!”

Listening to these women’s conversation, Ning Luo couldn’t help but twitched slightly, and looked at Xiao Yu’s gaze, which became more and more weird.

“Whoever dreams of him, don’t talk nonsense!” Xiao Yu listened to the women’s teasing, and quickly explained, her pretty face was full of shame and helplessness. Just when she was about to explain. In the corner of his eyes, he saw a figure of a man. Was hurriedly walking towards this side.

“Yu’er, get the moon first near the water tower, you don’t want it, we have to start!” At this time, a woman said.

“Who said I…” After speaking out, Xiao Yu realized that he seemed to have said something wrong.

“Hehehe…………we don’t know you yet? Come on, is it related to him when you are getting older?” A woman asked again.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense! We really don’t have anything.” The pretty face changed slightly, and Xiao Yuliu frowned slightly. Immediately unfolding, a shy blush appeared on his cheeks.

Seeing them like this, Xun’er immediately looked at Xiao Yu very vigilantly.

It seems that I must not only guard against Nalan Yanran, but also against Xiao Yu!

“Xiao Yu, you… long time no see.” Just when everyone was in a daze, a man’s voice suddenly sounded.

Listening to the voice, everyone turned their heads. A young man in a gray shirt was standing behind him with a smile on his face. The young man looked quite handsome, but the brilliant smile always made Ning Luo feel a bit false.He heard the jokes of those women, saying that Xiao Yu was calling Ning Luo’s name in his dream, so he was full of resentment towards Ning Luo.

The shyness on Xiao Yu’s cheeks slowly receded, turned around, glanced at the young man, and said faintly, “Rob, long time no see.”

“Haha.” He smiled and nodded. He was called the young man of Lobu Di, his eyes seemed to look casually into Ning Luodi’s pupils, and a hint of chill and anger flashed vaguely.

He likes Xiao Yu, so how can he not get angry when he hears others say about Xiao Yu and other men?

“Haha, did these people bring you?” Rob came up with a smile, and Rob asked with a smile.

“Yeah.” Nodded casually, Xiao Yu introduced Ning Luo and the others again and smiled: “I brought them over for the test.”

Rob smiled slightly, and looked at Ning Luo with some gloomy eyes.

Rob was very resentful in his heart, he looked at Ning Luo viciously.

With a voice that only oneself can hear, he sternly said: “Hey, a little white face, see if I don’t want to teach you a good lesson!”

Then he changed his face instantly, smiled and nodded, took out a fist-sized red crystal ball from his arms, raised it, and smiled: “Just now, Teacher Ruolin gave me a test crystal, so let them try. Well, all the other test crystals have been taken to the previous test channel. If you don’t use mine, you will have to wait for a while.”

Hearing this, Xiao Yu hesitated a little before nodded, turning his head to explain softly to Ning Luo: “This test crystal is very simple. As long as the strength reaches the eight stages of fighting energy, it will automatically light up. That way, You passed the preliminary test.”

“Xun’er you try first.” Ning Luo smiled at Xun’er.

Nodded with a smile. Xun’er and Nalan Yanran, Xiao Ning and the three took the lead, and their palms stayed on the crystal ball for a while. After the crystal ball glowed, he returned.

Seeing the success of the three, Ning Luo also touched it casually, and achieved the same effect.

“Don’t worry, if I don’t reach the passing boundary, I won’t make my own way to bring them in.” Xiao Yu said calmly as the four people succeeded.

“Hehe. It’s not that you don’t believe you, it’s just the rules.” At Xiao Yu, he smiled apologetically. Rob collected the crystal ball, pointed his finger at the men and women sitting on the ground under the scorching sun, and smiled at Ningluo. : “Congratulations on passing the preliminary test. Now, please invite a few to stay outside for half an hour.”

“Rob, what do you mean?” Xiao Yuliu raised his eyebrows and shouted coldly with a frosty face.

“Xiao Yu. You are also a veteran student. You should know that this is the rule of admission, haha. Now the new students are getting more and more impetuous, so when they are admitted, their spirit is frustrated, which will benefit their future life in the college. “Rob laughed.

“Hmph, Rob, you said this to those ignorant freshmen. I don’t bother to care about you, but you don’t use these bad rules on the people I bring!” Xiao Yu said coldly.

“This is the rule.”

The corners of Rob’s mouth twitched, and Xiao Yu yelled at him in front of everyone so ignorantly, which made him feel a little angry and sour.

“Rob, you still don’t make trouble. In fact, you also know that these rules are unnecessary, why bother to be like this?” The girls next to them. It’s also a bit uncomfortable with this guy’s gesture of holding a chicken feather as an arrow. Can not help but frown.

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