Chapter 83 Bone Spirit Kills the Lion King in Cold Fire!

The endless purple pillar of fire rushed towards Ningluo in the sky, Ningluo’s coldly amethyst winged lion king, the long sword in his hand was cut down immediately!

Thunder followed Ning Luo’s orders, and instantly slashed towards the fire pillar.

The pillar of fire is like a raging fire dragon, and the thunder is like three thunder dragons.

One cyan, one purple, one red.

Suddenly, the pillar of fire and the thunder were intertwined.


There was a huge explosion, and a violent light rippled out instantly, eclipsing the sky and the earth.

The billowing energy spread instantly.

Yun Yun’s beautiful eyes flowed, and she looked at Ning Luo in astonishment.

Although she was Ningluo’s Master, although she knew that Ningluo was extraordinary, he did not expect that Ningluo could actually shake the Amethyst Winged Lion King, Tier 6 Magical Beasts, which is equivalent to a strong fighting emperor.

A big fighting master can shake a fighting emperor, then, how strong this big fighting master must be!

The usual expression in Gu Jing Wubo’s eyes was a little bit more admiration, and a bit more surprised.

At this time, powerful energy fluctuations surged out.

After Xiao Yan was hit, he was stunned, and the energy fluctuations immediately rushed over.

“Zhuzi, wake up soon!” Xiao Yan woke up at this moment when he heard Yao Lao’s shout.

However, at this time, the energy has spread to their sides.

They couldn’t stop this huge energy at all, and the two of them were instantly knocked into the air by the energy.

Xiao Yan was shocked by Yu Wei, poof——

He vomited a big mouthful of blood.

This is the gap, an insurmountable gap.

The aftermath of other people’s fighting almost killed him in a second.

“Let’s go!” Yao Lao controlled Xiao Yan’s body and hurriedly left.


At this moment, a huge fire exploded in the sky.

I saw a thunder and lightning blocking the purple fire, and the other two lightning rushed towards the Amethyst Wing Lion King and slammed on the Amethyst Wing Lion King.

The lightning on the Amethyst Winged Lion King’s body continued to surge, and the intense pain pierced his heart. He was so painful that he suddenly roared.


“Human, I must kill you, skin you cramps!” The Lion King kept roaring, wishing to kill Ning Luo.

“You no longer have this chance!”

An elegant voice came out.

It was Yun Yun who was speaking. Although Ningluo’s this strike did not directly kill the Amethyst Winged Lion King, it severely injured it and bought Yun Yun a lot of time.

I saw Yun Yun’s cyan fighting wing flying into the sky, and the cyan long sword in his hand pointed at the amethyst winged lion king.

The blue wings vibrated behind her, Yun Yun’s body retreated in midair, and the strange long sword in her hand danced in a strange arc. In a moment, the long sword trembled suddenly, and the cold shout came from Yun Yun’s ruddy little mouth. It came out: “The wind is extremely, dead!”The space in front of him fluctuates slightly, and countless huge deep blue wind blades full of more than ten feet flashed out of thin air, and then entangled with each other, like cylinders full of blades, spinning out in a spiral at high speed.

The endless wind blade stabbed in an instant, and hit the Amethyst Winged Lion King fiercely.

The wind blade flew all over the sky, and then the wind force sharply pierced into the body of the Amethyst Wing Lion King.

Boom boom boom!

A loud explosion spread across the body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

Ning Luo did not stop either.

I saw that his Heavenly Drive Yu Beast opened in an instant, imprisoning the Amethyst Winged Lion King, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Then, from his body, white flames burst out instantly.

That is the cold fire of the bone spirit he got from Yao Lao!

I saw the endless flames suddenly soaring into the sky, straight into the sky.

“This is a different fire, how is it possible, boy, how can you have a different fire?” the Amethyst Winged Lion King asked loudly.

“You have no chance to know!”

Ning Luo said, and immediately, endless firelight burst out all over his body, instantly engulfing the Amethyst Wing Lion King.


The Amethyst Winged Lion King let out an endless roar, and he was extremely painful.

Wind blades fell into its flesh and blood.

The endless flames of bone scorched its body.


He kept screaming and roaring constantly.

Finally, after Ningluo’s Bone Spirit Cold Fire and Yun Yun’s Wind Extreme were used up, the Amethyst Winged Lion King also fell.

That blow almost overdrafted Ning Luo. Ning Luo quickly ate a few Qi Qi Pills and fell from the sky.

Yun Yun also came to Ning Luo’s side, standing side by side with Ning Luo.

After solving the Amethyst Winged Lion King, they came to the Immortal Cave of the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

Entering the cave, the light in it is not as dim as imagined. On the surrounding mountain walls, there are occasionally some purple crystal blocks inlaid. These crystal blocks are the natural products of the cave. In the human world, these purple crystal blocks are the natural products of the cave. Crystal blocks, but rather precious decorative items, are of great value.

The interior of the deep and spacious cave was dotted with these amethyst blocks. It was extremely beautiful. Looking at these naturally formed Immortal Caves, Ning Luo could only sigh in his heart that he has become a fine lion, and he knows how to enjoy a comfortable life.

After passing through the long cave passage, two fork roads appeared in front of him after a long while.

Frowning and looking at the two fork roads, Ning Luo pondered for a moment, and walked cautiously into the passage on the left. This passage was rather tortuous. Ning Luo turned several times, and went further and further. As he entered, he suddenly found that the surrounding temperature was getting hotter and hotter.

His heart stopped alertly, Ning Luo wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked at the faint purple light exit in the distance, rubbed his hands, and immediately exhaled, and the vindictive air slowly began to flow in the body. .

Yun Yun followed Ning Luo’s side, and a faint fragrance radiated out immediately, floating between Ning Luo’s breath.

Staring at the exit close at hand, Ning Luo lowered his footsteps as much as possible, then quietly stretched out half of his head, his eyes quickly swept across the spacious cave.

Sweeping his gaze carefully, Ning Luo unexpectedly did not find the half-head Magical Beasts. Ning Luo blinked, and after observing again for a while, he walked in with confidence.

Arriving in the cave, Ningluo looked around, and finally stayed at the center of the cave, where an amethyst more than one meter high accumulated into a square platform-like appearance, in the amethyst stone. On the stage, a purple ball-shaped object about the size of Ning Luo’s head was quietly placed in it.

Staring tightly at the purple ball, Ning Luo suddenly discovered that all the heat inside the cave was released by this thing.

With surprise in his eyes, Ning Luo didn’t expect this thing to have such a huge energy. He glanced cautiously around again, and muttered with some doubts: “Is this the purple spirit crystal? But why doesn’t the crystal heat up?”

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