Chapter 74 One Man Fights One Team!

The fierce energy on the top of his head made Ning Luo’s face slightly changed. In his palm, the energy suddenly shot out. With the help of the reverse thrust caused by this force, Ning Luo’s figure retreated violently.

“Want to run?” Looking at Ning Luo who was retreating in a hurry, He Meng sneered, and after a step, he chased him up. The body bowed slightly, and then, like a creeping leopard, appeared in front of Ning Luo again in the blink of an eye.

“Go to hell!” With a grinning grin, He Meng’s fist hit Ning Luo’s head again.

Ning Luo smiled faintly, the fighting spirit in his body also circulated swiftly, and then his fists met fiercely.


Two arcs appeared in Ning Luo’s two punches.

The left hand is white and the right hand is purple.

Suddenly, the two fists collided!


There was a loud noise.

An extremely surprised expression appeared on Only Hemeng’s face, and the big sweat suddenly fell.

“The third child!”

Mu She hurriedly drank.

At this time, I saw He Meng’s face gradually turned blue, Ning Luo expressionless, watching him lightly said: “Sorry, there is it!”

Suddenly, He Meng’s body continued to bulge.

Bang bang bang!

After a few bursts, suddenly, I saw Hermon exploded directly!


At this moment, whether it was the second regiment leader Gan Mu or Mu She, their expressions changed drastically, and their subordinates were a little shaken.

They knew that He Meng, the leader of the three regiments, was an eight-star fighter, but now he was killed by Ning Luo directly. How could this be possible?

Who is this kid in front of him, and how could he have such a powerful force?

Mu She was shocked and looked at Ning Luo and said, “Boy, I didn’t expect you to reach the strength of a fighting master at a young age.”

“He is a fighting master, second child, let’s go together!” Mu She suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, Mu She and Gan Mu immediately attacked Ningluo.

Gan Mu’s face became more and more ferocious, and with a violent shout, each of his subordinates quickly drew out their weapons with fierce faces, and then rushed towards Ning Luo.

At the same time, on Gan Mu’s body, a pale green vindictiveness quickly swelled out of his body. A pair of iron fists gradually turned into the color of withered wood, held tightly, and then shouted angrily at Ning Luo’s calf. Smashed away.

I saw Ning Luo standing there, not nervous at all, and suddenly pointed towards Gan Mu.

A white electric arc hit Gan Mu’s body.


The explosive force blasted on Gan Mu’s chest, and the surging energy directly caused him to spray a mouthful of blood, his face was pale and swayed, and he stood up, pulled out a subway stick made of stainless steel from behind, and gritted his teeth at Ning. Luo attacked and left.

In almost two or three rounds, Ning Luo easily eliminated a few mercenaries whose strength was in the Five Star Fighter, then slowly turned around, looking at the light green grudge all over his body, holding an iron rod, and charged fiercely. Gan Mu.

Ning Luo fell silent a little, and the soles of his feet slammed on the ground again. With a loud sound, his figure shot out. In the blink of an eye, he came to Gan Mu and slammed a punch at Gan Mu, immediately mixed with fierceness. The vigor, fiercely blasted at Gan Mu!

The sharp wind breaking energy made Gan Mu’s pale face even more ugly. He hurriedly grasped the iron rod, the fighting spirit in his body surged, and then unavoidably greeted him.

“Boom!” The crisp sound of steel intersecting, resounded from the road, attracting people’s attention.



Just a punch!

Kam Mu suddenly retreated and lay on the ground!The next moment, his body also exploded directly, Mu She was shocked!

At this moment, Ning Luo looked at Mu She and smiled: “Next, it’s up to you!”

As he said, Ning Luo’s body suddenly rushed out and came to Mu She’s face. He rubbed his hands together, and suddenly a white arc and a purple arc condensed into a ball in his hand, like a spiral. The pill is in general, forming an electric ball with a mixture of purple and blue.

At this moment, Ning Luo’s body also came in front of Mu She, and withdrew the electric ball from his waist with both hands!


Suddenly, the electric ball hit Mu She’s body.

Mu She was shocked and flew out immediately, and the billowing electric arc kept rushing on his body!

Ning Luo was like rubbing a ‘spiral pill’, fusing his own Qinglei and Zidian together to form a round ball, and then immediately hit Mu She’s body.

Suddenly, Mu She felt numbness and pain in his body. He felt endless pain, as if he was struck by five thunders.


Suddenly, Mu She vomited a mouthful of blood.

Looking at Ning Luo in disbelief, “How could it be, how could you have such a powerful force?”

Mu She couldn’t believe all this.

His dignified two-star battle master was killed by Ning Luo in a single blow!

“You…” Mu She suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood again.

He was not beaten to death, he was already angry to death by Ning Luo!

“Okay, goodbye!” Ning Luo snapped his fingers.

Bang bang bang–

After several fierce explosions, Mu She’s body exploded directly, breaking into several segments.

By this time, the three chiefs of the wolf head mercenary group had all been wiped out.

There are only a few mercenaries left, their head is dead, and now it’s just a mass of scattered sand, unable to make a climate.

At this time, the mercenaries knelt on the ground.

“Please let us go!”

“We are just some small soldiers, our regiment leader was killed by you, we are no longer a threat to you, please, please let us go!”

They knelt on the ground, bowed their knees, and kept knocking their heads on the ground.

Ning Luo looked at them and said pitifully: “I know you are very poor, there are old and young, and I also know that you don’t want to follow them for evil, they are all forcing you!”

“Yes, that’s right, everything we do is persecuted, please put us as a fart!” The mercenaries hurriedly said.

Ning Luo sighed: “Hey, poor!”

“But I refuse!”

At this time, the mercenaries who were kneeling on the ground were suddenly shocked!

Ning Luo smiled and said to them: “My favorite thing Ning Luo does is to say no to those who think they can get away with it!”

At this moment, everyone looked at Ning Luo in astonishment.

There was despair in the surprise, from hope to despair, it was just a moment.

Their mood fell directly from heaven to The Underworld.

Ning Luo is not a Virgin, and he knows that in this world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong, if you can’t cut the grass, you just add trouble to yourself.

Therefore, how could Ningluo do such a thing as a legacy of disaster.

In this dangerous world, if you still hold the mentality of the Virgin, you can only say that it is too naive.

“So, you all go to die!”

Ning Luo said, the grudge in his body immediately condensed.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and lightning bolts fell from the sky.

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