Chapter 6 Sign-in, continuous sign-in! [Seeking recommendation, seeking collection! 】

Ning Luo followed Ge Ye and Nalan Yanran to Yunlanzong.

Along the way.

I saw Nalan Yanran sticking to Ningluo, holding Ningluo’s hand, muttering, and shouting Ningluo Big Brother along the way.

At this time, Ning Luo probably understood everything.

Although he has no memory, he probably figured out his own life experience.

He is an orphan.

When he was young, he was picked up by Yun Yun to Yun Lanzong.

From then on, Ning Luo became Yun Yun’s first disciple, and later, Yun Yun accepted Nalan Yanran as his disciple. Therefore, Ning Luo and Nalan Yanran became senior brothers and sisters.

Moreover, Nalan Yanran admired Brother Own since she was a child.

Later, when Nalan Yanran learned that she had a marriage contract with Xiao Yan, she was extremely shocked.

She likes Ningluo.

He didn’t want to marry Xiao Yan.

Even if Xiao Yan is not a waste, even if Xiao Yan is a genius, only her Ningluo Big Brother is in her heart.

She doesn’t like anyone except Ningluo Big Brother.

Therefore, Nalan Yanran came to divorce.

Then, Ning Luo followed Nalan Yanran to divorce, and then, Ning Luo of modern society crossed over and entered Ning Luo’s body.

Moreover, Ning Luo also discovered that this Ning Luo not only has the same name as himself, but also looks exactly the same.

Even the hemorrhoids on the hands are the same.

Ning Luo was extremely surprised. For a moment, he didn’t know whether he was wearing a human or a soul.

But think about it carefully, I should be the soul that has crossed over.

This world originally had this Ningluo.

It was as if he had exchanged souls with Ningluo in this world.

Perhaps he came to this world.

Ningluo in this world may have gone to the modern world and inherited his own body.

However, Ning Luo didn’t think much.

Although there is no mobile phone, no wife, and no video games, there is grudge here!

One can cultivate vindictiveness and become a strong one.

More importantly, there are many, many beauties in this world.

I also opened a plug-in.

If you are like Xiao Yan, there are many confidantes to accompany you.

Playing own confidante, isn’t it more exciting than playing a mobile phone and playing games?

Thinking of this, Ning Luo couldn’t help but yearn for the future.

However, this has to be built on his strong foundation.

Only if he is strong enough can all this be possible.

Therefore, Ning Luo has made up his mind, he wants to become stronger!

Nalan Yanran held Ningluo’s hand, and the developed mountain was stuck on Ningluo’s hand, and Ningluo suddenly felt a little soft.

This feeling is really good.

Ning Luo remembered at this time, he still had three chances to sign in and it was useless.

Although he is on his way now, it does not affect his sign-in.

“Sign in!”

Ning Luo signed in directly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully, and getting the heavenly fighting skills is within reach! 】

[Cultivation is small, you can infinitely Ascension own speed, make own Movement Technique extremely fast, cultivation, you can shrink to an inch, step thousands of miles, cultivate to the extreme, you can break the barriers of time and space, and you can reach anywhere in one step! 】

As soon as this remark came out, Ning Luo’s heart was extremely shocked.

It’s too heaven-defying!

Transformation, one step a thousand miles.

With this fighting skill, I’m afraid that in the world, it will be difficult for anyone to catch up to him.

This also gave him one more means.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully, and obtaining the Heaven-level Cultivation Technique Heavenly Drive Royal Beast Jue. 】

[Heaven Drives Yu Beast Jue, after cultivation, has absolute suppression power on Magical Beasts. After releasing the breath, the host is the absolute king among Magical Beasts, and can suppress any Magical Beasts, cultivation Mahayana, and the host can control Magical Beasts. , Let Magical Beasts work for yourself. 】

Saw this plug-in.

Ning Luo was even more surprised.

You know, Magical Beasts is also a very powerful presence in the world of fighting spirit continent.

In the world of Douqi Continent, there are Magical Beasts of ranks one to nine, and Heavenly Demon beasts like the Ziyan Dragon clan. If Ningluo can call it casually, then Ningluo’s power will be even stronger.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and obtaining the Heaven-level Cultivation Technique Yuhuo Jue. Yu Huo Jue, after cultivation, can control any flame, unlimited number, and flame fusion. 】

At this time, Ning Luo was even more surprised.

Can control any flame.

In other words, he can control the different fire?

In this case, wouldn’t it be about the same as Xiao Yan’s Fen Jue?

Moreover, what is more heaven-defying is that Xiao Chen’s Royal Fire is not like Xiao Yan’s Fen Jue.

Xiao Yan’s Fen Jue needed to constantly look for different fires, and then merge the different fires to upgrade.

However, Xiao Chen’s Yuhuo Jue did not require any upgrades, it was directly a heavenly Cultivation Technique. Although it could not be said to be stronger than Fen Jue, it was more comprehensive than Fen Jue.

At this time, Nalan Yanran held Ning Luo’s hand.

“Ningluo Big Brother, why don’t you speak anymore?”

Ning Luo had been immersed in own’s inner world just now, so he hadn’t noticed the outside world.

At this time, Ning Luo immediately reacted.

Ge Ye walked ahead.

Nalan Yanran and Ning Luo walked behind.

“No…nothing!” Ning Luo explained immediately.

“Ning Luo Big Brother is so absorbed, is it thinking of something bad?” Nalan Yanran looked at Ning Luo and asked.

“How is it possible…I am a decent gentleman, what would I think…” Ning Luo said immediately.

At this time, I saw Nalan Yanran gently leaning against Ning Luo’s ear and gently said: “Ningluo Big Brother, come to my room again tonight.”

This statement came out.

Ning Luo was extremely shocked.

Could it be… Could it be that she and Nalan Yanran already…

After Nalan Yanran finished speaking, she kissed Ning Luo’s cheek gently.

[Ding, congratulations on being the goddess Nalan Yanran and getting a chance to sign in. 】

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