Chapter 45 Yao Lao’s shock!

Just then.

Xiao Yan had already discovered the reason why Yao Lao had disappeared from his quarrel.

He was going to sell the Foundation Building spiritual liquid refined by Yao Lao, and then exchange some money to buy materials.

So, he came to the auction house.

Appreciation room.

One of the subordinates looked at the figure wrapped in black robe, frowning without a trace, and then a professional smile quickly appeared on his face: “Sir, are you planning to appraise treasure?”

“Yeah.” Under the black robe, a somewhat dry old voice came out lightly, which turned out to be Yao Lao’s voice.

Xiao Yan took two steps forward, took out the white jade bottle from his arms and gently placed it on the tabletop.

“This is” eyes blinked suspiciously. The middle-aged man carefully picked up the white jade bottle and sniffed lightly on the mouth of the bottle. After a while, his face changed slightly, and he looked at Xiao Yan again. A trace of awe: “Your lord is a pharmacist?”

“Yeah.” The old voice came out again.

“Excuse me, what is this bottle of Medicine Pill and what does it do?” Hearing this, the middle-aged man asked respectfully again.

“The Foundation Building Spirit Liquid can be used at the cultivation speed of the Ascension Fighting Qi, but it can only be used under the Fighter to be effective.”

“Oh, the speed of cultivation of Ascension fighting energy” heard that middle-aged people are a little moved, fighting energy can only be cultivation in a satisfactory manner, which has almost become common sense for everyone, and the cultivation at this stage is extremely fragile. Once the medicine is too strong, it will be a miserable end to the death of the pulse.

“My spirit liquid has no negative effects, and the medicinal power is extremely mild, and it won’t cause that kind of result. You can rest assured.” It seems that the old voice slowly explained what the middle-aged person was thinking.

His face changed again, and the middle-aged man carefully put the white jade bottle back on the table and said respectfully: “My lord, could you please wait a moment? I need to ask Master Gu Ni from our auction house to come and identify the essence.”

“Well, hurry up.” Xiao Yan waved his hand, and Xiao Yan was not polite, and sat down on a chair beside him, then closed his eyes and calmed down.

In the living room.

Gu Ni and Ya Fei are talking.

“Although the power of our family is far beyond that of the Chek family at that time, it is better not to offend some mysterious alchemists easily.

You know, a pharmacist is a poisonous honeycomb. As long as you poke him, he can immediately find countless friends, and there are also many strong people who are very happy to let a pharmacist owe them a favor. ”

Looking at Gu Ni who was a little panicked, Ya Fei rubbed her smooth forehead helplessly, and said with a wry smile: “Gu Ni Uncle, what are you talking about, I have no idea to beat him, you really have been Ya Fei in the past few years. Has the experience been in vain?”

“Didn’t I remind you.” Gu Ni breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Concubine Ya’s words. He was really afraid that Nizi would do something stupid.

With her small mouth curled, Ya Feiyu held her fragrant cheek in her hand and sighed softly. The pharmacist is really a group of terrifying people, but why doesn’t she have this talent?

At this time, Gu Ni smiled and said: “But I see, is Miss interesting to him?”

Concubine Ya hurriedly smiled and said: “Guny Uncle, just talking nonsense, but he is a generous person, so you can make friends.”

Gu Ni smiled and said: “You can become a second rank pharmacist at such a young age. The future is bound to be limitless, and a second rank Medicine Pill can be given away casually. Such a person must have a certain background and strength. It’s not impossible to make friends if you want.”

“If you can pull him to our side, that’s fine.” Guney sighed.

“How can we win over these characters?” Ya Fei replied.

Gu Ni hurriedly said: “Even if we can’t win over, we have to make friends with him, and we can’t offend him. By the way, we should pay more attention to Frost Hualin. This may be a good opportunity for us to make friends with him.”

“Yes, Gu Ni Uncle.” Ya Fei said.

At this moment, only one person walked in immediately.

“Master Gu Ni, another pharmacist came here, and he also brought the Foundation Building spirit?” the subordinate said immediately.

Gu Ni and Ya Fei were shocked when this remark came out.

“What?” Guney asked.

“There is an old man who is also a pharmacist, who also came to appraise, and what he brought was also the Foundation Building spiritual solution.”

“Okay, I’ll go out and have a look!” Gu Ni said.

Guney walked out.

I saw an old man in a black cloak sitting opposite.

Gu Ni hurriedly said, “Is the senior who came to appraise the medicinal materials?”

“Yes.” Yao Lao’s voice sounded in the cloak.

He proudly took out the Foundation Building spiritual liquid he refined.

Yao Lao’s level of pride naturally looks down on this small auction house. His Foundation Building spirit must be the better thing in this auction house.

“Can senior show me?”

Xiao Yan pushed the medicinal materials in front of Gu Ni.

I saw Gu Ni looking at the Foundation Building Spirit Liquid, shook his head and said: “It is indeed a very good second rank Medicine Pill, but…”

“But what?”

“This Foundation Building spirit liquid, we already have a lot of it at auction, and the quality is better than yours, so we don’t need it anymore.”

This statement came out.

Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were both shocked.

Old Yao hurriedly asked: “You said that you already have Foundation Building spiritual solution, how could it be possible? This is my unique pill recipe!”

“Can you tell me who made it?” Yao Lao asked quickly.

At this time, Gu Ni looked at Yao Lao with some contempt.

Unique pill recipe?

So, how did the previous Ningluo little brother refining it?

Besides, Ningluo’s quality is much better than that of the old man. Ningluo is young and must have a great future for development. This old guy is already so old, how can he compare with Ningluo.

Gu Ni smiled and said, “Sorry, we won’t disclose customer information.”

“Then can you show me the Foundation Building spirit?”

At this time, Gu Ni took out the Foundation Building Essence from Na Jie.

Yao always took a look.

His eyes widened suddenly, and he was extremely shocked.

“How can it be…..?”

“How can there be such a pure Foundation Building Essence in this world?”

“It seems that the person who refines this Foundation Building Spirit Liquid is definitely a good alchemist!”

At this time, Gu Ni smiled and said, “Is there anything else to auction for the two of you? If not, please go back.”

Old Yao shook his head and had to go back with Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan returned home.

“Teacher, what’s going on? How come others will refine the Foundation Building Spirit Liquid?” Xiao Yan asked in shock.

Old Yao said lightly: “I don’t know, but what is certain is that this pharmacist is definitely not easy.”

At this moment, Xiao Yan’s door suddenly rang.


Xiao Yan opened the door and saw Xiao Zhan walk in.

Xiao Yan then opened the door and looked at Xiao Zhan who was standing outside the door. He shook his head and asked with a smile, “Father, what’s the matter?”

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