Chapter 383 Return!

Hearing this, Yan Cheng was stunned and said with a wry smile: “I didn’t expect that the Closed Door Training of the Xiao Clan will last for one year. This year is not peaceful. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most turbulent moment in the history of the Jiama Empire. .”

“Has it been Closed Door Training for a year…” Ning Luo sighed softly, and then turned back to the topic again: “What happened in the empire? Those guys just now should be poison masters, right? This kind of profession is in Gama Empires should be extremely rare, how come so many appear at once?”

“Because they are not from the Jiama Empire.” Ling’er on the side quietly interrupted. After Ning Luo appeared, her eyes stayed on the latter’s face, her eyes flickering, and what was alive was that A girl with the shy appearance of Hanchun.

“They are the poison masters of the Izumo Empire.” Yan Cheng sighed and said, “Shortly after the Lord Xiao rescued me from the bloody mercenary group, there was news that the Izumo Empire was about to attack the Gama Empire.

After that, more and more border inspections took place, but it was good at first. It was just that the two armies clashed, and both sides had their own victories and little progress, but it was just after a stalemate for about a month.

A large number of poison masters suddenly appeared in the army of the Izumo Empire. With their assistance, the border fortresses of the Gama Empire suddenly fell. ”

“Poison Sect?” Ning Luo frowned with this strange name in his mouth.

“How strong is the Poison Sect Leader?” Ning Luo said slowly.

“It is said that at least it is around Douzong rank.

Ice Emperor Haibodong and the old senior named Jia Lao from the royal family, as well as a huge Magical Beasts whose strength is definitely at the Dou Emperor level, the three of them teamed up, and they all lost to the poisonous Sect Leader. . “Yan Cheng said with a bitter smile.

“With the help of Queen Medusa, Luo Meng finally got a foothold, and then, with the cooperation of the snake-human tribe, began to counterattack the “Poison Sect”.”

“Snake people also intervened?” Ning Luo was startled when he heard the words.

“Well, because the Izumo Empire was the first to fight their attention, that battle caused heavy losses to the Snake People. If it weren’t for the Medusa Queen to rush back in time, I’m afraid the whole Snake People would be wiped out.” Yan Cheng nodded and said.

“It turns out that Cailin left suddenly because of this…” His eyes flickered slightly, and Ning Luo knew why Medusa had to leave in a hurry.

“But shortly after the Snake People announced their alliance with the Gama Empire, the Izumo Empire directly involved the other two empires near the Gama Empire.

The strength of the Three Kingdoms Alliance skyrocketed, and the pressure on the Luo League and the Snake People increased. ”

“The other two empires?” Ning Luo frowned slightly, and two names flashed in his mind immediately: “Luoyan Empire and Mulan Empire?”

“Well… the power of these two empires is not weaker than the Gama Empire, or even stronger than the Gama Empire. Within these two empires, there are two behemoths that are not weaker than the Poison Sect. They are the Golden Goose. Zong, Mulan Valley!”

“The three major empires? Do you know what the price would be if you offend me Ning Luo!” Ning Luo said coldly.

After speaking, he looked at Yan Chengdao:”In this case, Ningluo won’t stay much!”

Ning Luo smiled, his gaze swept towards the distant eastern sky, and he nodded slowly without saying too much. He arched the cupped hands towards Yan Cheng, but the aquamarine fire wing slowly stretched out behind him, and his figure gradually began to grow. Hanging in the sky in awe on the city wall.

“Everyone, hold on, Ningluo is back!”

Looking at the eastern sky from a distance, Ning Luo muttered to himself in his heart, and when the fire wing fluttered, it turned into a stream of light and flashed away!

“Poison Sect…”

The oncoming wind blew Ningluo’s hair humming, revealing the pair of dark eyes that had become extremely cold. The dragon has inverse scales, and those who touch them die, while Ningluo’s inverse scales belonged to him. Relatives, whoever dares to touch, must be repaid a hundred times!

Behind Ning Luo, Zi Yan looked at his gloomy face, and secretly spit out her little tongue. She didn’t dare to be naughty anymore, she could only work hard, Ascension fast, and followed the former.

On this way to chase the stars and the moon, Ning Luo saw a lot of people fleeing. Obviously, many people were pessimistic about the situation in the Gama Empire.

After all, the three empire alliances are really too tyrannical, and it is obviously difficult to provoke the mainstay with a Luo League without a leader and Queen Medusa.

When the two streamers just appeared, there was a sudden stop, and then two figures, one large and one small, appeared in the sky.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Ning Luo who suddenly stopped, Zi Yan asked in confusion. Wasn’t this guy rushing like crazy just now?

“There are three breaths that are not weak over there, but the person in front is obviously escaping, and the two breaths that follow closely are supposed to be chasers…” Ning Luo frowned slightly.

“Are they the strongest of the snake-human tribe?” Ning Luo could see clearly that the person fleeing in front was a strong one of the snake-human tribe fighting king, and the two behind him were the two who didn’t know which one it was. The powerhouse of the empire, but obviously, it was definitely not from the Gama Empire, and what surprised Dening Luo the most was that the fleeing snake-human clan powerhouse was actually an acquaintance…

Recalling that incident back then, a strange color flashed across Ning Luo’s face, and immediately after a movement of her figure, she shot away at the north of the plain.

In any case, the Snake People are already allies of the Jiama Empire, and even if he is looking at Cailin’s Face, he should help him.

Yue Mei is quite embarrassed today. For the first time in so many years, she may have enjoyed such an unscrupulous treatment, and the giver of this embarrassing treatment is the two blue figures closely following her not far away.

“These two damn bastards, if I wait for my old lady to recover from her injuries, I will tear off all the flesh of your body and feed my little baby.” Yuemei Snake’s tail weirdly point on the ground, every time it clicks, Her figure would suddenly shoot a certain distance, and when she ran away, she didn’t forget to turn her head and viciously look at the two figures behind her, cursing.

“Oh, but Lingyan City has already been broken. This time I am afraid that many people from the Three Sects will enter the empire, which is really troublesome…”

Yue Mei was originally the guardian of Lingyan City. With the strength of her Seven Star Fighting King level, she successfully defeated the three powerhouses who tried to break through the city in the first few times, but this time, she lost it. good luck.

No one had expected that for such a not-so-large city, the Three Sect Alliance sent three powerhouses of the Douwang rank, and one of them was actually at the eight-star rank.

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