Chapter 378

There was a commotion in the square. The lips of Kagang at the front moved, and he stepped forward and said with a hoarse voice: “I got this jade bottle. If you want to kill, I will do it with you, but please he Patriarch can have a large number of these women and children who have let go of the blood war mercenary group, they don’t know anything.”

Behind Kagan was a pale middle-aged man. Judging from his clothes, he seemed to have a high status in the regiment. However, at this moment, he could only smile miserably.

Although he had the strength of a Dou Ling rank, he was completely vulnerable to the He Family Patriarch in front of him, because he had been severely injured by the opponent’s direct palm.

“Second Uncle, are you okay?” Beside the middle-aged man, Ling’er supported him with red eyes, a little crying in his voice.

“It’s okay…” the middle-aged man said bitterly: “But it’s okay now. When the meeting is over, there will only be blood splashing here.”

“No…As long as Mr. Ningluo can come, we will be fine.” Ling’er shook his head hurriedly, biting his lip and said in a low voice.

“Mr. Ningluo? Is that the mysterious person who gave you the “Fire Lotus Bottle”? Hehe, the name is the same as the leader of the most powerful “Luomeng” in the Imperial Capital today, but how could such a strong one be? Can you and I meet?” The middle-aged man shook his head mockingly, but didn’t put hope on it.

Ling’er’s lips moved, but she didn’t say anything. After all, the person sitting on the stage was a fighting king who could destroy the bloody mercenary group with his hands and feet. Think about Ning again. At Luo’s age, her eyes were also slightly sad.

“Where did you get this thing?” Turning his gaze, he turned to Ka Gang, and the Patriarch of the He family said coldly.

“I got it accidentally when I hunted Magical Beasts in the mountains.” Hearing this, Ka Gang’s eyes flickered, and then he said.

Although Kagang answered quickly, the flash in his eyes still never escaped from the old and cunning Patriarch of the He family. There was a sneer, a random wave of his palm, and a burst of vigor was rushed out, and finally he slammed on Kagang. .


Suffering a heavy blow, Kagang suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body slid more than ten meters against the ground before he stopped. But as soon as his figure stopped, two Hejia guards rushed up and grabbed him, fiercely. Lost it back.

“Give you another chance, I said, I can let you go.” The Patriarch of the He family wiped his sleeves with his palm, and said lightly.

“I have already said that this is what I got in the Magical Beasts mountain range.” Kagang’s face was pale, bloodstained from the corners of his mouth constantly appeared, his body was lying on the ground, his head was raised, his eyes fixed on the Patriarch of the He family. , The hard way.

The wiped palm slowly stopped, and the master of the He family was gradually replaced by a gloomy face. He slowly walked down the steps. After a while, he came to Kagang, staring at the dying Kagang indifferently, and the corners of his mouth emerged. A smirk.

He lifted the soles of his feet high, and then stomped Kagan’s head severely. Seeing that strength, if he was stepped on, Kagan’s head might burst like a watermelon on the ground.

“Are you looking for me?” At this moment, a faint thunder sound suddenly sounded from the sky, and then a figure in white clothes slowly appeared on the training ground like a ghost, and smiled at the former.

“He is the mysterious Mr. Ningluo?” The pale middle-aged man also swept across the back of the white clothes with amazement, and whispered to Ling’er, whose pretty face glowed with surprise beside him. road.

“Yeah!” Ling’er nodded heavily.”But it seems a bit too young?” The middle-aged man just happened to be able to see Ning Luo’s profile, and he couldn’t help but whisper.

“Young people are young, but they are very strong!” Ling’er curled his lips, disagreeing that middle-aged people use age to measure the strength of each other.

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged man also gave a wry smile. This white-clothed young man is probably only about twenty when he is full of calculations. Such a cultivation time, alas…

While the thoughts in the head of the He Family Patriarch flickered, Ning Luo’s face remained unwavering, and he lowered his body and pulled Ka Gang up from the ground, looking at his pale face, frowning slightly, and then stuffing a Medicine Pill into his mouth. In, I sneered secretly in my heart, this person is really not easy to start…

Swallowing Medicine Pill, Kagan’s pale complexion appeared a little ruddy because of excitement. He held Ning Luo’s sleeves with trembling palms, as if overexcited, he couldn’t even speak a complete sentence.

Ning Luo waved his hand, smiled at Kagang, and said softly: “Uncle Kagang, don’t worry, there will be no more casualties in this bloody mercenary group today.”

“Hey, what a big tone! Who is your Excellency? Do you really intend to get involved in today’s affairs?” The Patriarch of the He family suddenly sneered.

“Are you interested in the “fire lotus bottles” I made?” Ignoring the cold Dawson gaze around, Ning Luo glanced at the deep hole not far away, but smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the He family changed slightly, and couldn’t help but wonder: “You made that thing?”

Ning Luo nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, the Patriarch of the He family suddenly showed a greedy smile, pointing to the many bloody mercenary group members on the training ground with a smile and said: “Are you trying to save them?”

Ning Luo smiled, and immediately nodded under the ardent gaze of many bloody mercenary group members.

“Yes, use that so-called “fire lotus bottle” to exchange it, one for one life.” The Patriarch of the He family raised a sullen smile on his mouth and said slowly.

“Since your Excellency is invited to leave, although the old man also knows that you are not an ordinary person, my He family is not an unknown person. If you really want to fight against my He family, I am afraid it will not do you much good.” The Patriarch of the He family sneered. road.

“Within ten minutes, leaving Qingshan Town, I can take that this has never happened.” Ignoring the sneer of the Yu He family’s head, Ning Luo said slowly.

Hearing that, not only the Patriarch of the He family sneered, but even the guard of the He family on the side also burst into laughter. Is this kid a fool? He even dared to speak such arrogant words in front of a fighting king.

“For so many years, you are the first person who dared to speak to my He family like this. It’s really terrifying!” The Patriarch of the He family slowly reduced his laughter, and said fierce light flashing in his eyes.

The palm of the hand was slowly raised, and immediately facing the He Family Patriarch with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Ning Luo’s eyes were slightly narrowed, and the robe went without wind, and the surging fighting spirit suddenly poured out of his body without reservation.

At this moment, the training ground was like a tornado. With Ningluo as the center, cracks spread out like a spider web.

In an instant, the vigorous fighting energy in the body that was already comparable to the strong of Dou Zong broke out!

As soon as this majestic fighting spirit leaked, the entire training ground, including the Patriarch of the Nahe family, had a touch of horror on his face. This momentum… has far exceeded the order of the Emperor!

“Dou… Emperor Dou?”

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