Chapter 357 Go to Yunlanzong!

“It’s you?” Yun Yun was also startled when he saw Furukawa who appeared. He raised her eyebrows and sneered: “Furukawa, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person.”

Hearing Yun Yun’s sneer like this, Furukawa was also stunned, and immediately seemed to understand something, and smiled bitterly: “This matter really has nothing to do with me, it’s all Yunshan’s idea… and he made me… and ,I am real……”

Looking at the moving cheeks that were slightly cold under the lights, Furukawa took a slow breath, and suddenly said astonishingly: “It’s because of Ningluo…you just refused for him!”

As soon as the familiar name fell, Yun Yun’s cheeks changed abruptly, and she screamed: “Don’t talk nonsense! You talk nonsense, it’s not like that.”

“Yun Yun, I’m not a fool… I didn’t expect that you would like your disciple.” Furukawa’s expression was rather bitter.

Yun Yun gave a cold scolding, and the corners of her lips immediately provoke a touch of sarcasm: “I said, what I don’t want, even a teacher, can’t make me agree. If you really want to do it, then you will marry. A cold corpse.”

“Just because of that kid?” When Yun Yun heard that he was forced to death, Furukawa’s face suddenly filled with anger, and he roared in a low voice.

“You can’t compare to Xiao Luo for the rest of your life!” Yun Yun said sharply.

At this time, Furukawa suddenly said solemnly: “Ning Luo has indeed returned to the Jiama Empire.”

As soon as the name fell, it seemed to have a magical power, causing the woman who closed her eyes to open her eyes again and sweep towards Furukawa.

“Yunshan used my wedding with you to bring Ning Luo back.” Furukawa said lightly.

Thinking of this, Yun Yun couldn’t help showing anxiety on her cheeks. This guy is really a stone man. He knew that he would not be able to collide, but he still had to come.

Furukawa on the side, staring at Yun Yun, naturally brought the anxiety on his cheeks into his eyes. The nameless fire in his heart is now more intense, and she has never seen her showing such worry to herself!

“Ning Luo has been targeted by the Soul Palace, you know what kind of power the Soul Palace is, I advise you to forget it soon…” Furukawa frowned and said.

The expression on her cheek was slowly cold again, Yun Yun glanced at Furukawa, and said coldly: “Don’t bother you to care, and I believe Ning Luo, he will surely save him.”

“Two days later, I’m afraid that Ningluo will definitely come. On that day, you should pay more attention and don’t annoy Yunshan…” Furuhe pondered for a while, and suddenly said.

Her cheeks changed slightly, and Yun Yunxian clenched her hands again.

“It’s getting late today, let’s rest first…” Furukawa sighed while looking at Yun Yun who was not moving, and then went out to the door. When he was about to go out, he suddenly stopped in his footsteps and said:

“By the way, as far as I know, the “gate of life and death” in the forbidden area of ​​the clan has fluctuated a little bit abnormally recently. If my guess is true, Yanran, who has cultivated in it for three years, should be going out…”

When the words fell, he stopped staying anymore, pushed open the Great Hall gate, and his figure slowly disappeared into the night, and as Furukawa went away, the thick gate slowly closed again… ..

Bright eyes stared at the distant Furukawa in amazement. After a while, a burst of joy gradually emerged from Yun Yun eyes.

“That Nizi, Yanran, is finally going out…”………….

Ningluo sat on the flying Magical Beasts.

Medusa and Zi Yan were both sitting next to Ning Luo.

The enchanting and glamorous shadow of Queen Medusa slowly emerged, sitting next to Ning Luo.

“Do you know what I am going to do?” Ning Luo asked.

Medusa nodded and said, “I know, you are going to save your Master.”

“Moreover, I also know that the relationship between you and your Master… is very unusual. You like your Master.” Medusa, who was born first, glanced at Ningluo’s words. He glanced, his voice was neither salty nor light.

“Are you jealous?” Ning Luo suddenly turned around, looked at the glamorous and moving cheeks, and suddenly said.

This sudden question caused Medusa to have a sudden look, and immediately turned cold, and said: “I’m really jealous, but it doesn’t matter. The moment I like you, I know that by your side, There will be many women!”

Ning Luo smiled, walked closer to Medusa, looked at the glamorous cheeks that can be broken with a little brazen eyes, and smiled: “Cai Lin, although there are many women around me, every one of them is me. I really like it, so I won’t disappoint any of you!”

“Who believes in your rhetoric?!” Medusa immediately said without hesitation.

Seeing Medusa’s decisive expression, Ning Luo smiled and said softly: “You are jealous, and you still want to go with me?”

The narrow and long eyes filled with strange and beautiful beauty narrowed slightly, those cold cheeks, Monster Qi was full of moments, and Medusa glanced at Ning Luo sideways and said: “This time, the Yunlanzong is extremely dangerous, so I must follow you. !”

Ning Luo spread out his hands noncommittal, leaning against the pillar, looking lazily at Medusa, a moment later, suddenly said: “Don’t worry, whether it is Yunshan or Soul Palace, I am not afraid of them!”

Several people flew towards Yun Lanzong above the flying beast.

Today’s Yunlanzong is a festive ocean, bright red, dotted with this huge mountain like a lantern.

The wedding of Sect Leader Yun Yun is an extremely important matter for the entire Yun Lan Sect, and the person Yun Yun wants to marry is still King Dan Guhe, who has a high reputation in Yun Lan Sect. Therefore, today’s wedding will undoubtedly be the most lively day of Yun Lanzong in so many years.

And under this kind of celebration, many people unconsciously forget the ups and downs of the outside world. In some people’s eyes, based on the strength of the Yunlanzong in the Gama Empire, even if the powers of the imperial capitals are really united Up.

For this big Sect, there is still not much threat. The reason for this confidence is because they Yunlanzong, who owns the only Douzong powerhouse in the Jiama Empire, Yunshan!

The sound of jubilation has reverberated throughout Yunlan Mountain from early in the morning, and as the sky shining slowly rises, the jubilation has become more and more intense.

There is a Great Hall in Yunlanzong, and only two people sit in it, and these two people have great prestige in this Yunlanzong. The one sitting in the first place is naturally Yunshan, and it is next to it. , Is the protagonist of today’s wedding, Furukawa!

“Haha, Furukawa, after today, you will be a member of my Yunlan Sect. If my old bone is gone in the future, I am afraid that Yunlan Sect can only rely on you.” I heard the formations from outside. With a festive voice, Yunshan smiled at Furukawa.

Hearing this, Furukawa waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: “Sect Leader is now the strongest in fighting sect. It is when he is at his strongest, how can he say these unlucky words.”

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