Chapter 354 Two Women in One Play!

“Lao Hai, let me return this medicinal material to you!” Ning Luo said lightly.

Queen Medusa on the side moved her lips slightly when she saw this.

In desperation, she had to raise her head, a pair of narrow and mysterious eyes glowing with strange beauty, staring at the first person, looking at Own Haibodong dumbfounded, with a little dangerous light passing through her eyes.

Looking at Medusa together, Hai Bodong quickly recovered, feeling the slightly cold danger, and shaking his whole body, he quickly got up and said to Ning Luo: “No need, no need, since she If you like it, give it to her. Anyway, these things will be auctioned by the Mittel family. Just treat it as a personal sentiment.”

Seeing Hai Bodong tried so hard to push him away, Ning Luo had to smile awkwardly, then reluctantly retracted the jade box, turned around and severely slashed Medusa, who was quietly relieved, and pulled Zi Yan back to her position.

“Oh, come here, sit down!” Seeing Medusa standing alone in the hall, Hai Bodong hurriedly ordered that Ning Luo dared to hang this terrifying woman here, but he didn’t have such a thing. courage.

“Cai Lin, I know you and Hai Bodong had some grievances before, but now they are resolved!” Ning Luo said lightly.

Medusa nodded and sat down next to Ningluo.

At this time, Haibodong immediately said: “In this case, Queen Medusa, what happened back then has been wiped out!”

“I listen to Ningluo.” Medusa said lightly.

Hai Bodong looked at Ning Luo in shock.

This kid Ning Luo is really not easy.

No, isn’t it simple?

This is amazing.

He could win a woman like Medusa.

This is called simple?

Medusa sat on Ningluo’s left, and Yafei sat on Ningluo’s right.

At this time, I saw Ya Fei Dai’s eyebrows slightly raised, and two steps forward, peach blossom eyes looked at Medusa’s exquisite and perfect cheeks that were so exquisite that she was amazed, and smiled: “Cailin Miss is really beautiful. No wonder I will be by Ningluo Little Brother.”

On the side, Ningluo was stunned when she heard the words of Concubine Ya. It was as if she was coveting the beauty of others. Why is Concubine Ya today a little different from yesterday?

Ning Luo wondered if he was jealous.

Hey, sure enough, two women have a play.

Medusa felt a trace of hostility and vigilance in the words of this woman who also had a very good appearance and temperament.

The slender eyelashes blinked gently, and the lazy gaze swept across Ning Luo and Yafei, frowning the willow eyebrows: “You are also good!”

Seeing Medusa whose cheeks suddenly became cold, Ning Luo was also startled, and immediately glanced over the faces of her and Yafei, wondering for a while, why are these two women not quite right today?

“Cough…cough…cough…cough…cough…cough” Haibodong on the side was quite mature, and at a glance he could see that the relationship between Yafei and Medusa was a little unfriendly. At the moment, she had a dry cough, and quickly pulled Ya Fei behind him. In case the brutal beauty snake suddenly shot, with Ya Fei’s strength, she might not be able to sustain even a single move.”Ya Concubine, all the auction houses in the family will be opened again today. These things are also troublesome. You should hurry up and order them. Ning Luo and I will also rush to the Alchemist Guild…”

Hearing Haibodong’s instructions, although Ya Fei was a little unwilling, she could only nod her head.

Immediately, Hai Dongbo looked at Zi Yan.

“Hehe, this little girl… seems to be a little different? What’s the difference? How does it feel…”

Hai Bodong’s gaze suddenly stopped at the little girl in white who was holding Ning Luo’s hand, and said in amazement that he found that with his strength, he actually had a hard-to-see through the little girl’s feeling.

“Old man, don’t look around, or I will let Cailin Big sis knock you down! Old man, go to death!” As Haibodong’s gaze swept across, Zi Yan suddenly became a little unhappy, and said with a small mouth. .

Hai Dongbo was extremely surprised.

I haven’t seen each other for a few years, and now Ning Luo is surrounded by almost all people he can’t afford to offend.

“Let’s go, go to the pharmacist guild…” Stretched a bit, Ning Luo didn’t worry about this topic, turned his eyes to the direction where the pharmacist guild was, and smiled lightly: “Go, go and meet those old acquaintances. I don’t know if three years later, will there be some feelings of right and wrong?”

Yu Haibodong slowly walked into this huge pharmacist guild, and the noise behind him was gradually thrown away. A faint medicinal scent drifted out from it, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Today’s pharmacist guild, with the continuous participation of pharmacists in the past three years, both in terms of strength and number, it is much stronger than three years ago. At least, in the guild back then, it is natural that there are very few such guilds. A huge flow of people.

After entering the guild, Haibodong needed to make some preparations in advance, so after telling Ningluo the location, he first left alone.

Now Ningluo is already a sixth-rank alchemist.

Even with the Seventh Stage Medicine Pill, Ningluo was able to refine it.

To be precise, he should be regarded as a seventh-rank alchemist.

Ning Luo walked along with Medusa Cailin.

On the street, Ning Luo’s sweeping gaze was a sudden stop, staring at a white, snow-like figure not far away with a little astonishment.

Qianying is dressed in a white dress, and her long hair is as cold as snow silk. This faintly familiar figure reminds Ning Luo of the Falkland branch that she met in Black Rock City when she was in the Empire three years ago. The longest disciple, Xue Mei.

In the crowd at this moment, Xue Mei was standing pretty, but the exquisite cheeks, which were usually too white, were full of anger.

And not far in front of her, several men dressed in pharmacist robes smiled and looked at the red-faced Xue Mei, and burst into bursts of laughter.

“Oba, don’t be too much! Don’t think that your teacher is the guild Elder, so you can be so arrogant!” Xian pointed to the leading man on the opposite side, and Xue Mei shouted angrily.

“Hey, Xuemei, this trading area is originally for the higher price, I can pay a higher price than you, then this thing is naturally mine.” For Xuemei’s accusation, that person wears a second coin on his chest. The man with the rank alchemist badge laughed. After he finished speaking, he turned his head and shouted to the owner of the vendor: “This “Ice Fire Snake Scale Fruit”, I am offering fifty thousand gold coins, can you sell it?”

Hearing Oba’s shout, the vendor owner was startled, and he was overjoyed.

With a pretty face looking at the “Ice Fire Snake Scale Fruit” in his hand and tossing it up and down, Xue Mei bit her silver teeth with a proud face.

Taking a deep breath, looking at Obana’s increasingly disgusted and proud face, Xue Mei bit her silver teeth. In this case, she could only give up this “Ice Fire Snake Scale Fruit”.

Staring at Oba with a cold gaze, Xue Mei wanted to turn around and leave, and when she turned around, a laugh suddenly came from the crowd: “Buy this “Ice Fire Snake Scale Fruit” with 100,000 gold coins.”

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