Chapter 352 Return!

After two months of flying on their way, Ningluo and others are getting closer to the destination. According to the map, they will soon be able to reach the border of the Gama Empire…

Time passed by in a boring flight. When the boundless distance crossed a majestic mountain again, at the end of the line of sight, a huge fortress silhouette suddenly appeared faintly.

The fortress was built on a mountain, like a tiger, guarding the empire’s main road to the outside, anyone who wants to leave the empire.

All must pass through this huge fortress, and this heavily defended fortress, over the years, I don’t know how many battlefield souls have been swallowed, and this has also made many surrounding empires fear it.

Therefore, this fortress has a rather fierce name.

Ghost town!

When Ning Luo’s gaze scanned the outline of the huge fortress that appeared at the far end, the smile on his face slowly solidified at this moment, standing up from the huge head of the tiger eagle beast, staring at the seat even though it was far away. The city fortress still exuding a Killing intent.

After a while, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and it quickly expanded.

“Gama Empire, I Ningluo…I’m back!”

“Is this the Jiama Empire?” Lin Yan asked a few people who stood up curiously, looking at the fortress that is extremely far away.

“Well, this is a border fortress of the Jiama Empire. As long as you pass here, you will be considered as entering the border of the Jiama Empire.” Ning Luo nodded and said.

“Everyone, speed up!” With a light wave of the palm, Ning Luo’s voice lingered clearly in everyone’s ears. The tone that had been light and calm was also a little more urgent at this moment.

Hearing Ning Luo’s instructions, a response sounded in the sky, and a dozen or so flying beasts vibrated their fleshy wings amidst the roar of several beasts.

Although it seems to be at least a thousand meters away, under the straight flight of the flying beast, in less than ten minutes, Ning Luo and the others are close to the huge fortress!

Although it is at least a kilometer away from the ground, at this height, if someone looks up and forgets, I’m afraid they can only vaguely see some small black spots, but with Ningluo’s eyesight, it can be extremely clear on the ground. All the movements of the people are in the eyes.

Ningluo and the others flew down instantly and entered the territory of the Jiama Empire.


The huge mountain peak stands alone and lonely in a plain, the towering cloud-like peak is like a sword blade, faintly exuding the sharp Sword Qi, straight into the sky, in the cloud, there is a loud training sound and the collision of gold and iron. The crisp sound made at the time sounded.

Yun Lanzong.

In the Great Hall, many people sat quietly in it, their eyes all looking at the old man above the first with a touch of fear, not daring to make the slightest noise.

The old man is dressed in a white robe, with cloud patterns painted on the robes, and a sword pattern is painted on both sleeves. The sleeves are stretched out, the sword pattern is like the substance, and there is a sharp Sword Qi overflowing in the faint, the old man is white. Hair, but his face has a faint and delicate luster, looking like a young man.

The old man closed his eyes slightly, and slowly opened them. In his indifferent eyes, there was a little chilly glow passing by, and anyone who inadvertently saw the fine glow in his eyes suddenly felt a cold sweat and moved quickly. Open your eyes and dare not look directly.

As everyone withdrew, the Great Hall became quiet again, and after this quiet lasted for a while, a dark corner somewhere in the Great Hall, the shadows squirmed, and then a cloud of black mist emerged strangely. …”Yunshan, we have the news that Na Ningluo is coming back!” The black mist floated to the center of the Great Hall, and the voice of overcast measurement slowly came from it.

As soon as this remark came out, Yunshan was shocked.

“What did you say?”

“When Ning Luo comes back, you will give him to us.” A cold voice sounded.

“What do you want Ningluo to do?” Yunshan asked immediately.

“You shouldn’t ask, it’s better not to ask. There are some things, knowing it will not do you any good. Our Soul Palace can let you break through to the fighting sect powerhouse, and can also beat you back to your original shape again.” The cold voice was in Great. Reverberating in the Hall, it was a bit creepy.

“As long as you do it well, the hall master will definitely reward you, but if you don’t do it well, the hall master will really get angry…” The black mist floats, and after the sneer is piled up, it is in a wave of fluctuations, weird dissipate……

Hearing the word Palace Lord, it was as powerful as a cloud mountain, and his face was slightly pale. Looking at the place where the black mist disappeared, his fists were slowly clenched, and a little gloomy light flashed in his eyes.

“Ning Luo, for the sake of Yunlanzong, I can only sacrifice you!”


The holy city of Gama, the imperial capital of the Gama Empire, is the most prosperous city in the entire empire. The daily flow of people here has reached a rather terrifying number.

With this thought, Ning Luo’s mind became urgent, and while he was eagerly waiting, the flying beast, which had been flying for nearly seven days, finally gradually reached its destination, the imperial capital of the Jiama Empire. The holy city of Gama!

Standing on the back of the flying beast, Ning Luo looked down at the magnificent city that appeared under the clouds and breathed out slowly.

As the flying beast slowly fell, Ning Luo’s gaze suddenly shifted to the north of the imperial capital. There, a huge mountain that could be called a majestic, crawling like a dragon, faintly soaring into the sky.

“Is this the Gama Empire? It looks really prosperous!” Lin Yan said.

Ning Luo nodded, and led them along the boundaries of the Jiama Empire.

“Where shall we go next?” Lin Yan asked.

“Go to the Michelle family first!”

“Ya Fei Big sis, I haven’t seen it for a long time.” Ning Luo smiled and led them towards the Michel family.

After all, Ning Luo took the lead and slowly walked towards the end of the spacious street paved with bluestone. After that, Lin Yan followed closely.

Gradually approaching the huge Mittel auction site, Ning Luo’s face was surprised, and it became more dense, his body was like a fish, smoothly passing through the crowded crowd.

Entering the auction room, soft eyes pouring down, the noise of the outside world seems to be isolated at this moment, just a few meters away, but it is as if two heavens and earth are separated.

Slowly stopping, Ning Luo’s eyes swept around, his mouth opened slightly, and his face looked at the huge hall like a crystal city in amazement.

Inside the hall, expressionless, heavily armed guards can be seen everywhere. These guards wear the Mittel family emblem on their chests. Obviously, they are the direct force of the Mittel family.

When Ning Luo entered the hall, he clearly felt that there were no less than twenty sharp eyes that swept across every part of his body. After a long while, these sharp and venomous eyes slowly converged. And back.

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