Chapter 342 Snatch the Sea Heart Flame!

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!”

“Then Ning Luo of Damn it, one day, I must kill him!” In the forest, I saw Xiao Yan with wings growing on his back, flying in the sky.

Although it was miserable by Ningluo, Xiao Yan still relied on his own power to advance the Dou Wang Realm.

Of course, the apes who saved him helped him a lot.

Xiao Yan failed to snatch Falling Heart Flame, so his Fen would never be able to evolve. He can only think of other ways to obtain other abnormal fires.

However, he heard that Ning Luo was pressing at the bottom of the tower and hadn’t come out for two years.

And now, Canaan Academy is going to fight Han Feng again, so Xiao Yan wants to go and see, it is possible to kill Han Feng and avenge Teacher Own.

There is also a chance to get Han Feng’s Sea Heart Flame.

Therefore, Xiao Yan must seize this opportunity.

Xiao Yan and Yao Lao also came to Fengcheng.

“Xiao Yan, be careful, abnormal fire is not the most important thing, but life is the most important.” Yao Lao’s voice sounded.

“I know Master.” Xiao Yan responded immediately.

The two masters and disciples hid in a place in Fengcheng, waiting for the benefit of the left-handed fisherman.


Han Feng looked at the white-clothed youth in the sky beyond Maple City with a gloomy expression, but he couldn’t help being a little overwhelmed. He really couldn’t think of it. The person who made the “Hai Xin Yan” jealous, unexpectedly It’s this guy!

“Hehe, I don’t know that Su Qianda Elder brought such a large number of people to my Fengcheng today. What does he intend to do?” Han Feng turned his eyes from Ning Luo to Su Qian on the side and said with a smile.

“Everyone is sensible, why say such stupid things?” Su Qian sneered slightly, but did not give Han Feng a face, and said: “Back then, you led someone to attack my inner courtyard, and you said that this hatred should be reported or not. ?”

“Big Elder’s words are too serious. The alien fire is born of heaven and earth, and everyone can get it. The sealing method of the inner courtyard is not desirable. I just want it to get out of the bondage. It’s just Life, it doesn’t seem to be wrong.” Han Feng smiled.

Su Qian glanced at Han Feng faintly, and said, “You don’t need to chew your tongue with me, come today, there is only one thing…”

“What’s the matter?”

“Destroy your “Black League”.”

“After destroying our Black League, does your Canaan Academy have this qualification now?”

“Try it then.” Su Qian’s expressionless face, no more nonsense, and slowly stepped forward. Suddenly, the terrifying aura of the strong Dou Zong surged out of his body like dark clouds. Cover all the powerhouses in the Noire domain.

At this moment, the powerful coercion was released.

This coercion was released, and the struggle between the two forces officially started.

“Everyone from the Black League listen to the order!”


Falling with Han Feng’s voice.

Suddenly, all the people from the Black League flew up, vindictiveness surged out, and they were killed.


Su Qian yelled, the face of the strong man in the inner courtyard flushed instantly, and he was killed.

The war is about to start.

Ning Luo chuckled and nodded, raising his head slightly, but his gaze slowly locked on Han Feng above the city, his lips moved slightly, and a voice that could only be heard by two people, passed as thin as a hairspring.

“The strange fire in your body, I’m going to fix it!”

His brows trembled slightly, Han Feng’s eyes flashed a little bit of insidiousness, his palm was slowly raised, facing Ning Luo from a distance, and then he shook it suddenly!With a grinning smile at the corner of Han Feng’s mouth, he turned his head slightly, and a faint voice echoed in the sky, which also completely broke the tense atmosphere!

“Oh, isn’t it? I should be the one who said this!” Ning Luo smiled lightly.

With that, he fell from the sky and came to Han Feng’s face.

The two immediately fought against each other.

As Han Feng’s shout fell, the tense atmosphere in the sky suddenly broke out!


The two elders of gold and silver took the lead, and the vigorous vindictiveness entangled together, and then the two figures seemed to overlap, turning into a light and shadow, shooting away at Su Qian.

Among the powerhouses in the Blackhorn domain, there are several fighting emperors, but in the inner courtyard, there are slightly fewer. Therefore, in order to deal with the remaining fighting emperors, almost every one has to be divided into three. The famous fighting king and the strong went to contain it.

Ning Luo also played against Han Feng.

I saw Ning Luo’s body, white flames condensed.

Falling Heart Flame suddenly appeared.

“Is this Falling Heart Flame?” Han Feng chuckled, his internal fighting spirit circulated violently, and immediately above his palm, a deep blue flame surged into the sky, like a curtain of water falling from the sky, and the momentum was extremely magnificent.

The sky-blue flame screen that suddenly burst out here suddenly attracted countless eyes from the city, and seeing such a large-scale flame, the sound of exclamation could not stop sounding in the city.


Xiao Yan and Yao Lao are watching the battle.

At this time, Xiao Yan looked into the sky in shock.


“That’s Ningluo, he… is he still alive?”

Xiao Yan’s heart was extremely surprised.

He originally thought that Ning Luo was suppressed at the bottom of the tower and was already dead.

But he never expected that Ningluo was still alive now, not only alive, but also subdued meteoric heartitis.

“How can this be?”

“Xiao Yan, Na Ningluo is still alive. It seems that this battle is no longer something we can participate in. Let’s go!” Yao Lao said.

Xiao Yan looked into the sky and clenched his fists.

“Do not–”

“I’m not going. Since I can’t get Falling Heart Flame, I must get Sea Heart Flame!” Xiao Yan said sharply.

Then, he looked into the sky, preparing for the benefit of the left-handed fisherman.

Both are his enemies, no matter who is defeated, he can make the last shot!


“In two years, I have also gradually touched the barrier of the Dou Zong strong. Today I am much stronger than before.” The body was suspended in the dark blue fire curtain hanging from the sky, and Han Feng looked down at Ning Luo condescendingly. , Sneered.

Looking up at the huge dark blue fire screen, Ning Luo smiled faintly: “Not to mention that you haven’t reached the Douzong Realm. Even if you have reached the Douzong Realm, what about it?”

Ning Luo is now the strength of the Five-Star Fighting Emperor.

In Douhuang Realm, there is almost invincible existence.

In Dou Zong Realm, Ning Luo can basically win.

Therefore, even if Han Feng reached the Realm of Dou Zong, Ning Luo had the power to fight with Heavenly Cultivation Technique and Heavenly Tribulation.

Han Feng stared at the Falling Heart Flame that was tossing around Xiao Yan. Although the flame did not show a monstrous power, he could still detect it vaguely with his extremely keen soul perception. How terrible is under that flame.

Xiao Yan smiled at Han Feng’s horrified look. A ray of flame was like an elf, flicking naughty up and down at his fingertips. Occasionally, when the tail of the fire passed, the space was faintly distorted.

“Hand over your Hai Xinyan!” Ning Luo said, killing him immediately.

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