Chapter 337 Ning Luo’s Exit!

The inner courtyard of Canaan College.

Soon after the bell rang in the early morning, there were successive landings marching toward the Tianfenqi Refining Tower, and when Yaori hung up in the sky, the spacious square outside the Tianfenqi Refining Tower was already there that day. It is full of people.

For example, the surrounding area of ​​the gas refining tower today has been transformed into a huge square, and the center of the square is the spire of the gas refining tower that only protrudes directly from the ground.

At the entrance of the tower, there is a statue erected. The statue is very young. A white dress and a gentle smile set off that delicate face that is very handsome.

That statue is not someone else, it is Ningluo.

At this moment, in front of the statue, a tall and slim woman, with a hint of inexplicable eyes, stared at the familiar face of the statue in dismay.

The woman’s appearance is quite pretty, and what attracts the most attention is the long and round sexy legs of the dual cultivation.

“Ning Luo, are you really dead?” Xiao Yu said as he looked at the statue.

Luomen, this force has now become a real behemoth in the inner courtyard, no force dares to challenge it, and as Xiao Yu, who is not low in status, naturally no one dares to provoke it.

Generally speaking, anyone who covets her beauty and speaks badly will end up with a swollen nose and a swollen nose the next day.

“You idiot, always love to be prestigious, in the end… does it make sense to erect a statue? Does it make you rejuvenate the Xiao family?” A bitter smile appeared on his cheek, and Xiao Yu murmured with a light sigh.

As Xiao Yu muttered, the crowd of people in the square suddenly became a commotion, and immediately a large number of people poured in like a tide. These people who came in were all wearing the same badge on their chests as Xiao Yu’s chest.

The current Luomen has truly evolved into the first sect in the inner courtyard.

At this time, I saw Zi Yan come here hopping around.

“Yu’er, you are in a daze here again.” Zi Yan said.

“Zi Yan, you said… is he still alive?” Xiao Yu asked with a smile while stroking the statue.

Hearing this, Zi Yan was taken aback and said: “Swallowed by a different fire, the chance of surviving is very low.”

“However, that Ningluo Big Brother is so fate, he must still be alive. Maybe he will pop out of the bottom of the tower in a while!” Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yu and said.

“You know, Ningluo Big Brother is the person I admire the most. Hey, Ningluo Big Brother is not there. I have not been able to eat Medicine Pill this year.”

During Ning Luo’s absence, many changes have taken place in the inner courtyard.

Hu Jia and Wu Hao are also together.

The two of them are in admiration, and they are in charge of the inner courtyard together.

“Lin Xiuya, Liu Qing, and Lin Yan stayed, promoted to King Dou, and became the Elder of the inner courtyard.

At this time, Su Qian came here with Elder.

“The time is almost here, prepare to open the Tianburn Gas Refining Tower.” Su Qiandao raised his head and glanced at the sky.

Suddenly the door was opened.

At this moment, I saw a powerful vindictive energy rise into the sky, and endless energy gushed out from the bottom of the tower.

“That’s… Isn’t Falling Heart Yan yet surrendered?”

Su Qian was shocked.

“Quick, close the door!” Su Qianda shouted.

Su Qian’s sudden and stern shout directly caused the whole audience to be silent, and countless stunned Su Qian looked at Su Qian, whose expression had changed greatly, and they were all confused.

Hearing Su Qian yelled, although the Elder didn’t know exactly what happened, he was still closing the huge gate at an extremely fast speed!


In the last loud bang, the extremely hard spire finally burst. Crimson’s magma column erupted from the tower like a volcanic eruption, and finally rushed into the sky in countless horrified eyes. Pouring down!

The magma poured down, and the square suddenly rioted. However, just when the magma was still a few meters away from the ground, it suddenly solidified, and a clear laughter, with unconcealable ecstasy, was like thunder in the sky. Like, resounded.

“Haha, I finally came out of Ningluo, haha!”Suddenly, everyone looked at the sky in surprise.

A figure in white clothes slowly fell from the sky.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes widened, and they couldn’t believe what they saw.

Because of all this, it is simply impossible to happen.

Above the sky, I saw Ning Luo, a seat of white clothes, like a young master Pian Pian, slowly descending from the sky.

“That is…….”

“That’s Ningluo!”

“Ning Luo, I didn’t expect Ning Luo to be alive!”

After being dumbfounded for a moment, he was awakened by the rapturous laughter that suddenly resounded across the sky. For a while, everyone who hadn’t recovered their senses all blinked in a dazed manner.

“Boss, that guy is still alive?”

Wu Hao became excited instantly.

Hu Jia also looked at the white figure falling in the sky, tears in her eyes.

On the side, Xiao Yubei bit her lips tightly, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes were even filled with mist because of the excitement.

“Ning Luo…”

“You are still alive, great, you are still alive…”

At this moment, Xiao Yu was very excited. Seeing Ning Luo, she was filled with endless surprises.

Because Ning Luo is her man.

A year ago, they said that Ningluo was dead.

Xiao Yu didn’t know how many times he cried.

Wash your face with tears day and night.

Now that Ning Luo came out alive, how could he not get excited.

On the high platform, not only the Elders, even the big Elder Su Qian, who has always been indifferent, looked at Ning Luo blankly, and muttered, “Ning Luo, are you still alive?”

“This guy… really can’t be inferred by common sense.”

Lin Xiuya and Liu Qing looked at each other, and both smiled and sighed slightly. Fortunately, they chose to stay, otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t see the shocking scene like today.

At this moment, all the people present were shocked.

Ning Luo slowly landed on the ground.

At this time, Xiao Yu couldn’t help it anymore.

Running from a distance, he hugged Ning Luo.

In Ning Luo’s arms, he cried.

“Ning Luo… you big bad guy, big bad guy, why didn’t you tell me so that I worried about you so much!”

Xiao Yu threw himself into Ning Luo’s arms and cried loudly.

Ning Luo looked at Xiao Yu, feeling a little guilty.

He held Xiao Yu in his arms and gently comforted her.

“It’s okay, now that I am alive, you don’t have to worry about me!” Ning Luo said softly.

At this time, Zi Yan stood by, feeling a little sour in her heart.

Tears couldn’t help but flowed from the eyes.

“Hey, why am I… how come I shed tears?” Zi Yan couldn’t believe it.

“For me, isn’t he the one who gave me pill refining medicine? I…how can my heart be so uncomfortable?” Zi Yan muttered to herself.

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