Chapter 332: Entering the Underground!

“Ning Luo, it is too strong!”

“He and us, it turns out that he is not a Realm person!”

“Haha, I still look down on such a person. It turns out that the clown is myself!” Liu Qing said, shaking his head.

At this moment, he was convinced of Ning Luo.

Ning Luo has such a powerful strength.

How can he still refuse?

Lin Xiuya also laughed dryly.

He has always believed that Ningluo’s Cultivation Base is not as good as his own.

But now he knew that this Ning Luo turned out to be so powerful.

As for Han Yue, with a look of horror on her face, her small mouth opened slightly, as if she could lay an egg, she was extremely shocked to Ning Luo.

She couldn’t believe it either.

Can’t believe this Ningluo is so powerful.

Everyone was in shock.

At this moment, Ning Luo looked at the Falling Heart Flame in the sky. At this moment, no one should compete with him for Falling Heart Flame.

Ningluo suddenly flew up and came to the sky.

In the sky, that group of Falling Heart Flame, which has remained motionless, suddenly burst out of it with a huge suction force!

Suddenly, I saw a huge Meteorite Heart, constantly absorbing the residual energy of Ningluo and the others.

This is the best tonic for Falling Heart Yan.

“Jiejie, Sue Elder, I’ll leave this to you for now, and I hope I won’t hear the news that the inner courtyard is completely destroyed after tomorrow.”

With a cold expression on his face, he looked at the powerhouses in the Black Point Region who took the opportunity to escape, Su Qian turned his head and screamed at countless students not far away: “Leave me out of the inner courtyard and go into the mountains!”

At this time, I saw all the students fled outside.

Only Ning Luo, one person culled toward Falling Heart Yan.

Ning Luo looked at Su Qian and yelled: “Su Qian Elder, leave it to me here, you leave quickly!”

At this moment, everyone was puzzled by Ning Luo’s decision.

Could it be that this Ning Luo wants to deal with Falling Heart Flame alone.

“Ning Luo, don’t do stupid things!” Su Qian shouted loudly.

However, Ning Luo didn’t care, and rushed towards Falling Heart Yan.

The sky full of fire swallowed Ning Luo instantly.

this moment.

The sky was full of silence, and the whole world seemed to freeze in this instant.

On the tops of the many trees outside the inner courtyard, countless students looked at Ning Luo who had been swallowed by Falling Heart Flame. They were all suddenly silent, and the non-girl students even covered their mouths and exclaimed.

At the top of a tree, the hearts of Hujia, Wu Hao, Lin Yan, Zi Yan and others all sank slowly at this moment, and some members of Luomen looked dull and looked extremely helpless.

The leader who has never failed in their eyes, today, is swallowed and burned by the flame in their own eyes!

At that moment, Luomen’s greatest reliance seemed to collapse completely at this moment…


After swallowing Ningluo, Falling Xinyan just wanted to rush out of the formation, a wall of energy suddenly flashed in front of him, shaking him back.

“Ningluo Big Brother!”

Zi Yan suddenly shouted.

“Ning Luo!” Wu Hao also shouted immediately.

Han Yue, Lin Xiuya, Liu Qing and others were also shocked at Ning Luo, who was looking at the moths into the fire.Everyone in Luomen turned their heads and looked at Ning Luo and shouted: “Boss!”

Suddenly, it had no effect.

I saw a huge flame that had already swallowed Ning Luo.

“Beast, if you fight for this old fate today, you will also be sealed forever!”

Su Qian was furious at once.

Ning Luo sacrificed himself, so he must seal the flame anyway.

“All Elder, go together!”

Su Qian shouted.

The cold voice, with volcano-like anger, roared out of Su Qian’s mouth.

Suddenly, I saw the endless power all gathered together.

The energy of the sky squeezed down towards that Falling Heart Flame in an instant.

All the energy gathered into a big net, instantly suppressing the flame.


The energy of the sky bombarded the endless flame.

Su Qian’s desperate blow, the screaming sound came out of Falling Heart Flame again, and immediately he couldn’t hold on anymore. Under the black net, he was severely smashed into the bottom of the Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Tower. In the world of magma!


Speaking of the continuous appearance of energy, the Falling Heart Flame gradually became smaller.

Then, he kept retracting into the tower.

In the end, it disappeared between the heaven and the earth, and disappeared.

Su Qian looked at the sky, and Ning Luo disappeared with the flame.

“In the future, the last floor of the Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Tower will be sealed off, and no one is allowed to enter, including me.” A faint, weak and old voice hovered slowly in the sky. The messy inner courtyard also silenced everyone. .

“Also, please remember that little guy who sacrificed for the inner court…Without him, the inner court would cease to exist. You, maybe you will also be turned into fans in the Falling Heart Disease outbreak to accompany this piece. ruins.”

“He is the most outstanding student in the history of Canaan College. He is unprecedented, and maybe he can be the last…”

“Remember that name, hehe, a young and stubborn little guy…”

“Ning Luo!”

Su Qian murmured.


Ning Luo looked at the magma.

The corner of his mouth smiled.

“With so much energy, I finally came here!”

In the eyes, it was red like blood, and his eyes slowly widened. Only then did he see clearly that it turned out that the red was countless slowly flowing magma.

At this time, Ning Luo was in the midst of magma, and his position was obviously deep in the magma, because no matter it was up and down or left and right, there was crimson magma where he entered his eyes.

Looking around blankly, Ning Luo immediately discovered that a ball of invisible flame was burning fiercely at a position about ten feet around him, and he… seemed to be in this ball of invisible flame?

Falling Heart Yan, finally let me find you, then, you will be swallowed by me obediently!

Ning Luo said, sitting cross-legged to adjust her breath.

Then, prepare to devour Meteor Heartitis.

At this time, all of Ning Luo’s clothes were burned clean.

Suddenly, there were bursts of warmth and coolness on Ningluo’s arm. This warmth and coolness was as if the land that had been drought for countless years suddenly encountered heavy rain.

Ningluo’s entire soul trembled, and immediately opened his eyes suddenly, his head tilted, and immediately saw the colorful little snake that was entwined around his arm, and I don’t know how long he had been forgotten…

“Swallowing Python?” The turbid brain replied with some Qingming, Ning Luo’s spirits lifted, and he cried out in surprise. Perhaps he hadn’t noticed it himself, and his voice became much drier and hoarse than before.

“I didn’t expect to bring you down too!” Ning Luo said, touching the head of the little snake.

“Don’t worry, I will protect you!” Ning Luo said, seeing endless white flames on his body.

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