Chapter 326 Fan Tie!

“Su Qian, I think you’d better hand over the strange fire, so we don’t need to do it!” The second old Jin and Yin said.

“In that case, stop talking nonsense, let’s fight!” Su Qian shouted sharply.

Su Qian’s face was cold, but he was too lazy to talk nonsense, his palms whirled slightly, and the majestic vindictive energy spewed out from the palms, shaking the space a little.

“Su Qianda, Elder, I will ask you one last time, but Huohuo, are you having sex or not?” In such a slow process, Han Feng’s patience was gradually worn out. road.

Su Qian had no expression on his face. Facing Han Feng’s question, he just waved his sleeve robe, and a strong fighting spirit suddenly shot out of his sleeve and went straight to Han Feng!


Su Qian’s first shot made Han Feng’s face gradually cold, a cold snort, a flick of his fingers, a dark blue flame appeared in his palm, and a light wave at the end, matching that vindictiveness, and hit hard. Together.

The war is about to start.

Ning Luo looked into the sky and saw those people fighting with each other.

The whole world rioted in an instant.


Elders flew up one by one, the whole body’s grudge burst out, and a strong breath of the whole person was revealed.

The pressure of the sky was released instantly.

Han Feng’s side is not simple, I saw that one by one, strong people kept appearing next to Han Feng.

Han Feng is a strong fighting emperor, and he is also the sixth rank pharmacist, so naturally there are many people who help him.

Each of them found an own opponent and started a war.

At this time, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao started to act.

Ning Luo looked at Yao Lao and Xiao Yan with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

“Xiao Yan, it seems that you want to be fishermen too!” Ning Luo sneered, not in a hurry to make a move.

Xiao Yan and Yao Lao rushed out in an instant, and immediately flew towards the tower.

“Want to be a fisherman?”

Ning Luo smiled and flew towards Xiao Yan and the others.

At this time, someone seemed to notice Ning Luo’s figure.

It’s not someone else, it’s Fan Tui.

This once-familiar back figure made Fan Yu’s eyes instantly flush with blood. With some kind of induction, he could know that this back figure is the same as the back figure of the murderer in the mirror image that he had extracted from the blood of his dead son. It’s definitely the same person!

The murderer who could not be found in every possible way, unexpectedly, would unexpectedly meet on this occasion!


The blood in his eyes was condensed, and a roar full of anger and murderous intent rang out from his mouth. A strong red fighting spirit suddenly surged out. All of a sudden, the three powerful fighting kings around were caught off guard and shocked. Fly away.

As the three fighting kings Elder stepped back, Fan Yu’s blood-colored wings suddenly vibrated, his figure resembling a bloody light and shadow, in countless horrified gazes, he shot directly at Ning Luo in the sky, sharp. The roar of the sky shocked the sky.

“Little bastard, you make it easy for me to find, let my son be buried with him!”

Ning Luo frowned slightly when he saw Fan Tui.He knew that this Fan Tuo was a strong fighting emperor.

Fighting emperor is not so easy to deal with, but now Ningluo is also a fighting emperor, and is also an invincible fighting emperor of the same rank, so there is no fear at all.

Fan Yu’s face was full of resentment and iron blue, his eyes fixed on Ning Luo, bloody wings vibrating behind his back, his figure turned into a blood shadow, and he shot directly at the latter, with the cold blood on his palm. The vindictiveness quickly condenses.

“Give back my son’s life!” Fan Tuo smiled grimly.


Blood awns swept across the sky, suddenly, there was a faint thunderous sound, and immediately, the body of Ning Luo who stood still in the sky trembled slightly, and the whole body became a little illusory at this moment.


The blood glow rushed down and hit Ning Luo’s body sturdily. However, there was no unexpected vomiting blood and serious injury. The blood glow penetrated Ning Luo’s body without any hindrance. , That body…

It is slowly dissipating.

It turned out that this figure turned out to be an afterimage!

A few tens of meters away from the bloody glow, Ning Luo suddenly flashed out panting, and sneered at the surprised Fan Wei: “It’s not that easy to kill me, old dog!”

With a wave of his palm, he shattered the blood that swept away. Fan Yu looked at Ning Luo with gloomy eyes, and said in a dark voice: “Three thousand thunders? It seems that you are the one who killed my son!”

“Okay! Very good!” Faintly vibrating his blood-colored vindictive wings, Fan Yu suddenly laughed. The resentment in the laughter made his whole body chill: “Waiting for me to catch you will not make you die too easily, I will Raise you into a blood slave and provide the freshest blood every day and night. Otherwise, I can’t help my dead son!”

At this time, Ning Luo shook his head, looking at Fan Tui with pity and compassion.

“Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you!”

Ning Luo said, suddenly, the breath on his body burst out.

Dou Huang’s coercion spread out instantly.

Fan Tu looked at Ning Luo in shock, unable to believe his own eyes.

Ning Luo, how could he be a strong fighting emperor?

How can this be?

This kid is obviously so young, and when he meets him, he is only a strong fighting spirit. How can he become a fighting emperor in a few years?

How did he cultivate?

Fan Tu was puzzled.

But now, the arrow is on the line and I have to send it.

Fan Yu looked at Ning Luo, and the billowing fighting emperor’s coercion broke out, and he sternly shouted: “Ning Luo, even if you are the fighting emperor, you are just the newly promoted Dou emperor. You killed my son. You have to pay your life for my son!”

Three bloody fighting spirits surged out, and immediately solidified into three blood snakes with sturdy arms. With a flick of their fingers, the blood snakes suddenly shot out, with a big bloody mouth wide open, a stinky smell, and a fishy smell rushed to the face.

The blood snake burst into the air instantly, feeling the violent cold energy contained in the former body, Zi Yan’s face was also slightly solemn, her small fists slowly spread out, and her five fingers pointed at the blood snake that burst out: “Broken! ”

The dry palms danced quickly, and a surge of bloody energy suddenly poured out of Fan Tui’s body, and finally condensed into a circular energy cover like blood on his left body.



The corner of Ning Luo’s mouth smiled faintly.

Suddenly, a long sword appeared in Ning Luo’s hands.

I saw Ning Luo using the Sword Technique, vindictive spurring the Sword Technique, three thousand Sword intents, instantly gushing out, smashed into the air and formed a huge sword, and slashed towards Fan Tui.

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