Chapter 310: Liu Qing vs. Ning Luo!

As if to spur everyone’s appetite, Su Qian slowly took out the last lot and waved at everyone. Then he chuckled and stretched out, and then, the smile on his face converged. A look of surprise.

Seeing his look, everyone off the court felt like a cat’s claw.

“Cough…” After a while, Su Qian finally recovered, his eyes slowly cast to a spot on the high platform, and he shook his head helplessly.

“Ning Luo!”

There was silence, and immediately looked at the young man in white on the high platform with a sigh of regret.

“Ning Luo is a bit unlucky…” Yan Hao sighed and said to Lin Xiuya and the others beside him.

Han Yue frowned her eyebrows slightly. Although she regarded Ning Luo’s strength very highly, she really had to admit that there was a big gap between them compared to Liu Qing.

However, compared with Liu Qing’s plainness, Liu Fei next to him almost couldn’t help jumping up and cheering loudly. Yao Sheng was defeated by Ning Luo yesterday, but she was suffocated.

Originally cursing him to meet his cousin Liu Qing in the game, but he did not expect that in this almost the most critical match, the latter would really be so unlucky to collide with Liu Qing, this kind of suddenness. Surprise, made her proudly spit out two words in her heart: “Retribution!”

“Oh.” Wu Hao patted Ning Luo’s shoulder helplessly. He wanted to say something, but found that he had nothing to say, so he sighed slightly.

“Hey, Ning Luo, should I go help you beat Liu Qing so that you can’t play? Then you can advance directly.” Ziyan flicked his purple ponytail and raised a small fist at Ning Luo.

“Only Liu Qing?” Ning Luo rubbed Zi Yan’s head.

“The first test, Yan Hao, Qian Mo!”

As Su Qian’s soft drink sounded, the atmosphere in the field finally completely shifted from Ning Luo’s encounter, and his eyes were cast on the two people on the high platform.

In full view, Yan Hao took the lead to stand up. The man who was no thinner than Liu Qing walked to the edge of the high platform without changing his face, then jumped directly and landed heavily on the court.

Yan Hao entered the arena, the rather fat Qian Mo also stood up helplessly, and then trembled all over his body to the edge of the high platform, and his whole body shrank slightly.

A faint whirlpool condensed all over his body, and immediately that huge body was stunned, like a balloon, slowly drifting off the field.

“It turned out to be the wind attribute vindictiveness of cultivation…” Countless people couldn’t help but wiped a cold sweat, the elegant and flexible wind attribute vindictiveness, being used by this guy in this way, it feels completely unrecognizable.

After the battle lasted for nearly half an hour, Qian Mo finally gave up helplessly and put away the last two golden ring saws in his hand. He immediately raised his hand obediently to admit defeat in the stunned eyes of the surrounding…

Qian Mo’s surrender did not surprise Ning Luo and the others, and after a short wait, the second battle also ensued.

Ziyan vs. Qin Zhen, an even greater disparity in strength…

Zi Yan stepped into the arena at the first time. Yesterday, she was so angry with the Magical Beasts of the Dou Emperor rank. She now urgently needs someone to vent her, so as soon as she enters the venue, she rolls up her sleeves. , With big black eyes, scanning fiercely on the high platform.Looking at the appearance of Zi Yan, many people on the high platform shrank their necks, mourning for Qin Zhen constantly in their hearts.

However, for a long time after Zi Yan left the field, Qin Zhen never showed up, and just when everyone became impatient, a weak voice sounded: “Qin Zhen said he had a stomachache, so he didn’t participate in the game… ….”

The whole room was silent, and there was a black line right away. This… is too comical, right?

Ning Luo and others rubbed their stiff faces. What did Zi Yan do before? It makes these top players so jealous and even afraid of her…

“Ah…Since Qin Zhen admits defeat by himself, let’s start the final top ten contest.” Su Qian stood up, coughed dryly, and said slowly.

As Su Qian’s words fell, the eyes of the court instantly shifted to the high platform, and finally stayed on Ning Luo and Liu Qing.

Today’s three battles, I am afraid this one is the one that most people look forward to.

The newcomer’s dark horse and the veteran strong clash!

There was silence, and all eyes were on the two people on the high platform.

Under the gaze of everyone, Liu Qing took the lead and saw him slowly stand up, and then, with Liu Fei’s admiration on his face, strode towards the edge of the high platform, and finally jumped off.

Stomping his feet heavily in the field, Liu Qing raised his head and looked directly at the direction where Ning Luo was located, with a slight warmth in his eyes.

Feeling the attention of the audience, Wu Hao and others shook their heads helplessly, and immediately turned their heads to look at Ning Luo beside him.

In this audience’s attention, Ning Luo didn’t change his face and didn’t have the slightest fear because his opponent was Liu Qing. He stood up and walked slowly towards the edge of the high platform.

“Ningluo Big Brother, come on.” Xun’er’s soft cheering voice came from behind him.

He didn’t turn his head, just waved his hand behind him, Ning Luo’s toes touched the ground, and a faint silver light appeared on the soles of his feet, and his figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in the spacious field.

Standing lightly on the court with the soles of his feet, Ning Luo raised his head, his gaze just intertwined with Liu Qing on the opposite side, and his eyes met each other, all with some inexplicable meaning mixed in.

“I hope you won’t disappoint me.” While watching, Liu Qing suddenly spoke, his voice was slightly low, and just like his aura, with an overbearing tone.

“Oh, then, I also hope you can hold on for a few more rounds in my hands.” Ning Luo smiled, and the long sword pointed diagonally at the ground, and the oppressive wind rang out with a whirring sound.

Liu Qing glanced at the long sword in Ning Luo’s hand, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Don’t say that I despise you, the Mountain Splitting Spear is only used for qualified opponents. I hope you will have this qualification later.” The claws suddenly slashed in front of you, and the invisible storm shot down, leaving it on the ground. With a few small grooves, Liu Qing glanced at Ning Luo and said lightly.

Ning Luo smiled, but did not take the conversation.

On the high stage, Liu Fei’s beautiful eyes looked lovingly at the generous back in the court that made people feel safe. The overbearing and aggressive aura made her intoxicated and admired the most.

“Hmph, take a good look and see how cousin beat that guy.” Liu Fei suddenly snorted, turning her head to Yao Sheng, who was slightly pale on the side.

“With the strength of the boss, defeating him is naturally easy, no matter how he jumps, he is always just a bug that can hardly make a big wave.” Yao Sheng stared at Ning Luo in the field with cold eyes.

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