Chapter 308 Xun’er!

The door of the room opened, and the girl in Tsing Yi walked in slowly. Under the reflection of the faint moonlight by the window, the elegant and beautiful cheeks made people want to be intoxicated and addicted.

The slender girl stood in front of Ning Luo, the oncoming faint fragrance made Ning Luo’s heart throb, unknowingly, the little follower who wandered behind his ass back then, but now It’s been so smart.

Turning over from the bed, Ning Luo stared at the pair of spring-shui-like eyes, his eyes warmed up quietly, and said softly: “What’s the matter?”

She seemed to feel the heat in Ning Luo’s eyes, and a light blush appeared on Xun’er’s white and delicate cheeks. This young woman’s appearance was completely different from the usual indifferent appearance, but I have to deny that at this moment, Xun’er. , The charm is extraordinary.

The heat in Ning Luo’s eyes became stronger and stronger, and the night was quiet, and the lonely man and the widow were in the same room. It seemed that it was easy for people to think of unhealthy things.

As Ning Luo’s eyes grew hotter, the blush on Xun’er’s cheeks became thicker. After a while, she suddenly took out a black scroll from Najie.

When he squeezed into Ning Luo’s hand, he wanted to turn around and flee. However, Ning Luo had quick eyes and hands, but he grabbed the latter’s white as jade wrist, and pulled it in amidst the girl’s low exclamation. In the arms.

Jiao Chu slammed into Ning Luo’s arms, feeling the warm temperature from her clothes. The blush on Xun’er’s cheeks could almost overflow. After struggling a little bit, she could only give up meaningless resistance with a voice like Small as mosquitoes: “Don’t.”

The slender willow waist that could not be gripped quietly around his arm, and the comfortable touch made Ning Luo feel relieved. He looked down at the blushing Xun’er, and said jokingly: “I said girl, I’m running around in the middle of the night. Room, tell me honestly, what are your plans?”

“The wicked complain first.” Xun’er murmured with her frowning eyebrows.

Looking at Xun’er, who pouted her mouth and showed a grievance like a young woman who was extremely difficult to show up, Ning Luo’s arms around her slender waist tightened involuntarily.

One palm raised the smooth chin, staring at Xun’er’s wide-open Shuiling eyes, looking at the delicate and rosy little mouth with a trace of coveting, and his head slowly lowered.

Under the moonlight, the tall and slender men and women hugged each other tightly, releasing the fiery emotions in their hearts.

The kisses between the two were a bit jerky and clumsy, but for men and women who first tasted the forbidden fruit, it was undoubtedly the most ecstasy moment in life.

After a while, the faces that touched each other separated with heavy breathing.

Ning Luo licked his lips and looked down at the girl in his arms. The heart that had calmed down a little, suddenly jumped wildly.

At this moment, a strand of blue silk fell in front of the girl in her arms, and the pair of eyes that were always full of elegant smiles before now had a scent of eye-catching silk.

Spring water was rippling in his eyes, and the purity was concealed with flattery. Under these temptations, Ning Luo could even feel a rush of fire gradually brewing in his lower abdomen.

The two of them were attached to almost their entire bodies, so Ning Luo only showed a slight performance. The Xun’er, who was unable to snuggle in his arms, was like a frightened deer, and quickly broke free from Ning Luo’s embrace, his face blushing: “Ningluo Big Brother, actually…I’m leaving now.”

Hearing Xun’er’s voice, Ning Luo stopped.

He knew that this day was coming, but he didn’t expect that this day would come so quickly.

Is Kaoru leaving?

To Ning Luo, Xun’er was like his white moonlight.

It is precisely because of this that Ning Luo has never started against Xun’er.

Moreover, Ning Luo also knew that Xun’er was protected by a master of Douhuang level by his side, and if he took action against Xun’er, I was afraid…

Therefore, Ning Luo never touched Xun’er.

But now, Kaoru said that he was leaving.

“I know, behind you, there is a powerful and ancient clan!” Ning Luo said while looking at Xun’er’s eyes.Kaoru nodded.

“But, I don’t care, because I know that one day, I will stand on the pinnacle of this world, so, Kaoru, I want to be with you.”

Ning Luo’s eyes looked at Xun’er seriously and said.

“Ningluo Big Brother, Xun’er also wants to be with you forever. But, in my house…”

Ning Luo looked at Xun’er’s eyes, and he understood in his heart.

Although he is only one step away from Douhuang Realm, the ancients will certainly not accept himself easily.

The ancients could only see the existence of own when they stood at the peak of the mainland.

Therefore, the current Ningluo is going to become stronger and keep getting stronger.

“Do you have to go?” Ning Luo looked at Xun’er and asked.

Xun’er nodded.

Ning Luo looked at Xun’er’s eyes and said firmly: “Okay, Xun’er, wait for me, I will definitely find you~!”


Xun’er nodded. At this time, Xun’er’s face flushed.

Seeing the appearance of Xun’er, Ning Luo smiled happily, and had to put away the desire in his heart, and licked his mouth again, feeling the softness of the previous ecstasy, and the smile of his mouth widened unbearably.

Seeing Ning Luo’s proud look, Xun’er’s cheeks became even more flush, and she rolled his eyes fiercely, but after experiencing the previous passion, the eyes were extraordinarily charming.

Ning Luo pushed Xun’er onto the bed.

Xun’er looked at Ning Luo and slowly closed his eyes, revealing a look like Ren Jun was picking.

Ning Luo looked at Xun’er and slowly kissed.

Then, Ning Luo slowly took off Xun’er’s clothes. At this time, Xun’er closed her eyes and her heart throbbed. .

Ning Luo gently leaned in Xun’er’s ear and said, “Don’t worry, I will be lighter!”

Kaoru closed her eyes and nodded.

Seeing Xun’er look like this, if Ning Luo didn’t do anything, it would really be inferior to a beast.

I saw Ning Luo looking at Xun’er, slowly leaning over…

At that moment, Kaoru’s Shougongsha… disappeared…


Xun’er turned over the black scroll of Ning Luo in his hand, and Ning Luo was again surprised to find that the shape of the scroll was a bit strange, there was no place to open and close at all, and the whole was like a bamboo tube, completely different from ordinary scrolls.

“What is this?” Ning Luo raised his head in doubt, raised the scroll in his hand towards Xun’er, and said.

At this time, the blush on Xun’er’s cheeks has faded a lot, but she still looks a bit moving and shy, she walked gently to Ning Luo’s side, and said with a smile: “A volume of fighting skills, but It takes the power of the Douwang rank to be able to open it.”

Hearing this, Ning Luo shook his hand and almost threw away the scroll in his hand. A fighting skill that needed the strength of Dou Wang to open it? This is the first time he has met…

“What level of fighting skills?” Ning Luo asked with a serious smile on his face.

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