Chapter 306: The thunder strikes, everything is wiped out!

He stared at Yao Sheng, who was tense underneath. After an instant, Ziyun’s wings slammed, and only a slight “swish” sound was heard in the air.

Immediately, a vague black shadow appeared on Yao Sheng’s head behind his back. The long sword in his hand was mixed with fierce strength, and the fierce force smashed down. The fierce wind was like tearing the air in front of him. generally.

Yao Sheng was aware of the strong wind behind him, his feet slammed heavily on the ground, a jet of dark water violently gushed out from the soles of his feet, and finally collided with the long sword.


As soon as the two touched, the long sword smashed the pitch black water into a slightly black mist, but when it fell, it was empty. With the help of the previous water vapor to block, Yao Sheng had already used the Movement Technique to retreat a few meters away.

Ningluo’s longsword offensive had just fallen, and Yao Sheng with a sullen face rushed again like lightning. The jet-black double daggers swiftly rotated between his fingers, like two poisonous snakes that can be easily killed, glowing with a cold luster.

Seeing Yao Sheng attacking head-on, Ning Luo raised his brows, his body’s fighting spirit was like a rushing river, flowing rapidly among the Meridians, bringing the most abundant and powerful strength to all parts of the body, with his hands clasped tightly. The long sword, a low shout sounded in the throat, and immediately, the long sword slammed forward fiercely.

Due to the strong wind, the air was drawn away from the place where the sword passed directly, and the low air burst sounded continuously, piercing the eardrums of people.

The dagger in Yao Sheng’s hand was suddenly shrouded in black vindictiveness, and a trace of black aura entangled on it, a strange smelly atmosphere, suddenly flourished!

“Fantasy thorn!”

In the cold voice, the double daggers trembled strangely and rapidly, and as the double daggers trembled, the traces of black air entwined on it like a spiritual snake.

Overwhelming bursts of fire came out, and every trace of black energy had the power to penetrate the boulder at this moment.

The thunder and lightning vindicted suddenly soaring, the Sword Qi helmet covering Ning Luo’s head instantly dissipated, and the helmet disappeared, revealing Ning Luo’s face. At this moment, his mouth was bulging like a frog, and the knots in his hands were fast. End move.

“not good!”

Looking at what Ning Luo looked like, Yao Sheng, who was retreating rapidly, sank a lot in his heart.

However, as soon as the thoughts in his mind flashed, Ningluo’s handprints suddenly stopped, the bulging mouth, a fierce one, suddenly… an extremely loud tiger roar sounded deafeningly in the field. !

“Everything struck by the thunder is extinguished!”

Endless power of thunder surged from Ning Luo’s hand, and a circle of almost substantial thunder power, like a ripple, spread out like lightning, and instantly caught up with Yao Sheng.

As a result, the latter’s head was immediately dizzy, his chest became stuffy, a mouthful of blood poured into his throat, and finally overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Under this sudden sonic attack, Yao Sheng finally suffered a lot of trauma, and also suffered a fatal dizziness.

The silver light flashed across the soles of the feet, and a faint thunder sound rang. Immediately, a flower appeared in front of everyone, Ning Luo’s figure, like a ghost, instantly appeared in front of Yao Sheng.Looking at this scene, everyone’s heart was raised fiercely. They knew that the victory or defeat was decided at this moment!

The dizziness only lasted for a few breaths in Yao Sheng’s brain, but when his mind gradually recovered his consciousness, the black shadow in front of him appeared, and his heart filled with astonishment. There was a very strong wind with a deep depression. The sonic boom resounded in the square.


At this moment, everyone in the room was constantly sucking in cold air. Under such a fierce attack, Yao Sheng was afraid that he would definitely lose!

“Yao Sheng lost!” Faint words were spit out from Liu Qing and Lin Xiuya’s mouths at the same time, except that the former had a gloomy face and the latter had a marvelous smile.

Hearing the words from Liu Qing’s mouth, Liu Fei, who was still excited before, was expecting Yao Sheng to beat Ning Luo to the knees and begging for mercy. Her cheeks instantly turned pale, and her mouth kept talking. How is it possible?


The fist wrapped in vigorous fighting spirit, under the eyes of everyone, pierced through the obstacles of space, with unparalleled strong wind, heavy bombardment on Yao Sheng’s chest with a face of horror, his fist swirled, with overwhelming strength, Fell out.


There was severe pain in his chest, and Yao Sheng’s horrified face was flushed with a strange flush. After a while, he finally couldn’t bear it, a mouthful of red blood spurted out, and his body shot backwards like a heavy blow. In the end, it fell heavily outside the field, and the floor of the landing place was instantly cracked with a trace of cracks, and then completely cracked.

The sprayed blood was evaporated by Sword Qi when it was two or three feet away from Ning Luo’s body. The lightning armor on the surface of Ning Luo’s body squirmed and quickly turned into nothingness.

Suddenly, the audience was silent.

The silence lasted for a while, and finally a crisp clapping applause suddenly sounded, and immediately, like a chain reaction, the neat roar of applause, present in the field, boiled and rushed straight into the sky.

Hearing the applause that filled the audience, Ning Luo raised his head and looked at the place where Xun’er was. At this moment, this Nizi was smiling and gracefully clapping the applause. The first one rang out. The voice came from here.

“This round of competition, Ning Luo wins!”

In the referee’s bench, Su Qian also stood up with a smile and looked around the audience. After a while, he said slowly.

As the voice of Su Qian’s judgment fell, the applause resounded from the audience, and it became louder again, in the eyes of those who looked at the black-robed youth in the field.

With some undisguised awe and respect, along the way, Ning Luo’s strength has completely convinced them.

Glancing again at Yao Sheng, whose face was dusty, Ning Luo’s Ziyun Wing shook slightly behind her, and her figure rose from the ground, and then flew up to the high platform, her shoulders trembled, and Zi Yun Wing quickly retracted. Finally, in the enviable gaze around him, he disappeared.

“Ning Luo, it’s really good. Look at how that guy can provoke him now.” Wu Hao gave Ning Luo a punch with a pleasant smile on his face, and smiled. The previous battles could be described as ups and downs. He didn’t know how to secretly. Own heart mentions how many times I have put it down.

“I didn’t expect you guy to have such a rare flying skill.” Hu Jia turned to Ning Luo’s back curiously, and said with envy.

Ning Luo smiled and cast his eyes on the girl in Tsing Yi in front of him. In the latter’s beautiful eyes, there was also a slight smile and gentleness.

“Haha, Ning Luo, congratulations, defeated Yao Sheng, basically said that he was able to enter the top ten.” A hearty laughter sounded behind him, and Ning Luo looked back and found that it was Lin Xiuya and his party.

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