Chapter 303 Liu Qing!

Looking at Bai Cheng, who had slammed into the wall recklessly, the whole scene was silent. The power of Ning Luo’s previous punch, even though it was a long distance away.

There are still many people who are aware of its violent level, and they dare not imagine that if that punch is slammed on themselves firmly, can this little life be left?

Raising his head, his gaze swept across the faces of everyone on the high platform, Ning Luo coughed lightly, and then turned his gaze to Su Qian on the referee’s bench.

Feeling Ning Luo’s gaze coming, Su Qian glanced at Bai Cheng, who knew nothing about life or death, and shook his head with a wry smile. After receiving such a heavy blow, even if Bai Cheng could get away with it this time, he was afraid that he would. Leave scars that are difficult to heal.

Looking at the Elders on the side, Su Qian waved his hands at some instructors who were keeping safe in the field. Suddenly two of them flashed out and lifted Bai Cheng, who was lying motionless on the ground. out.

“Well, this game, Ning Luo wins.” Su Qian looked at Ning Luo in the field, and immediately increased his voice: “But I hope that in the next competition, everyone will not need to play such a heavy hand. Some people who have excessive means, Will be disqualified from the competition.”

Nodded with a faint smile, Ning Luo tapped his toes on the ground lightly, and his figure swept up on the high platform. Then, ignoring the gazes around him, he landed directly on his own position.

“It’s a waste, I can’t beat him even this way.” Looking at Ning Luo who seemed to have returned to his position without much trauma, Liu Fei suddenly snorted and cursed Bai Cheng’s incompetence in a low voice.

“Yao Sheng, if you meet him, don’t be so embarrassed.” After a curse, Liu Fei turned her head and said to Yao Sheng, who was staring at Ning Luo.

For a slight start, Yao Sheng’s expression was a little unnatural at first, and then he smiled and nodded, and said: “Don’t worry, Mayfair, as long as you can meet him, he will definitely seek justice for you.”

“Don’t underestimate Ning Luo, otherwise, like Bai Cheng, the ship will capsize in the gutter. The cyan flame armor he displayed before is also extremely defensive.” Liu Qing frowned and said in a deep voice.

Yao Sheng smiled and nodded, but there was still a bit of coldness and disdain between his eyebrows.

“Ningluo Big Brother, are you okay?” Xun’er asked with concern while holding Ningluo’s arm.

“It’s okay.” Ning Luo smiled and shook his head.

“Thirty seven!”

The number suddenly sounded in the square, which directly caused the audience to suddenly quiet down. After a moment of daze, their eyes suddenly shifted, and finally stopped on the high platform that was as heavy as a tall man. Body.

The man sat quietly, seeming to perceive the gaze of his surroundings, and slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly, his aggressive and domineering aura suddenly woken up like a hibernating snake!

Domineering Liu Qing!

Since losing to Lin Xiuya that year, this domineering man has never lost once in the inner courtyard. In the arena, the record of dozens of consecutive victories has filled countless students with it. In awe.


When he came to the railing, Liu Qing stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and his body suddenly fell from the sky like an iron tower, and finally landed heavily on the field with great visual impact.

And where it landed, the hard floor was directly shattered into a pile of powder, with a trace of cracks, spreading rapidly…

Standing upright, Liu Qing folded his arms around his chest, and the dark heavy guns behind his back were illuminated by the sun, reflecting a cold luster. Such a style, coupled with the domineering aura, if the mind is not determined, I am afraid that he will have to fight without fighting. Lose it.

Liu Qing stood quietly in the field, ignoring the various gazes around him, slowly closing his eyes, holding his arms in front of his chest, waiting for his opponent to come out.’laugh! ’

Under the gaze of the audience, a pale blue figure suddenly flashed onto the stage, and the person who came was a young man in blue.

‘The contestants are here, the game, let’s start. ‘Looking at the opposing two in the field, Su Qianyi waved and said lightly.

As Su Qian’s voice fell, the entire field of sight suddenly became hot, and each of his eyes was full of expectation.

With the long sword in his hand, the blue-clothed youth’s momentum has also become much solidified, a wave of light blue fighting energy rushed out of his body, and finally followed his arm and wrapped the long sword in. In a moment, the sword was on his body. There was a faint sound of rolling waves.

As if feeling the aura of the other party gradually condensing, Liu Qing finally slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the other party plainly, and nodded slightly. Fortunately, the courage of the other party was not as low as he had imagined.

‘Senior Liu Qing, I’ll teach you the truth! “The blue youth longsword pointed directly at Liu Qing, and said solemnly.

‘Three Shark Spines! ’

With a low voice, came from the slanderous throat, the blue light suddenly rose, and faintly, a shark head with a terrifying appearance appeared, the mouth was wide, the fishy wind mixed with water vapor, and it rushed against Liu Qing. go!

Zhanyan’s attack is almost the strongest attack he can display in a short period of time. Although the water system is not good at offensive power, with such vigorous fighting spirit, no matter how soft the water is, it can be as horrible as a bullet. Destructive power.

‘drink! ’

The attack distance came in the blink of an eye, and with a slanderous cry, the long sword in his hand stabbed out violently. A blue sword light suddenly condensed into the form of a fierce shark, opened its hideous mouth, and bite away at Liu Qing’s head.

‘laugh! ’

Looking faintly at the fierce shark sword light coming in violently, Liu Qing’s curled claws suddenly burst into a light gold color, and his right paw suddenly protruded, like a flash of lightning, directly facing the fierce shark sword light. Bump together!

At the moment when the two collided, Liu Qing’s claws changed into a strange arc, and the two fingers were curled and curled, and immediately clamped fiercely. The fierce sword light was actually firmly clamped by him. Between two fingers.

‘break! ’

With a stern shout, the pale golden light on Liu Qing’s palm skyrocketed, and the sword light was crashed and dissipated by the impact of Lima…

“Competition is over.” Suddenly, a faint voice suddenly came from Liu Qing’s mouth.

‘Puff! ’

His face turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he lied about his body directly against the ground and slammed out of the field.

Looking at the bloody slander who slipped out of the field, there was silence all over the room, and the voices of inhaling cold breath sounded one after another. Many people had only seen the slanderous offensive completely envelop Liu Qing, but they did not expect this. In a few blinks, the fierce offensive was completely annihilated, and the false statement was completely defeated…

For such an ending, many people are at a loss.

“Haha, Senior Lin, who can defeat Liu Qing, who has two great masters, must be stronger.” Ning Luo tilted his head and smiled at Lin Xiuya.

Lin Xiuya smiled and shook his head: “It was just a fluke to beat him back then. I don’t know if I can have that luck this time. Even I have to be amazed by the resilience and talent of this guy.”

At this point, he glanced at Ning Luo and said with a smile: “If you take out all the means, I think, even if I and Liu Qing fight against you, it will not be easy to win.”

Ning Luo smiled and didn’t say much.

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